Fair Housing

Fair Housing Office

Human Rights Compliance


Unlawful Housing Practices
Illegal housing practices based on sexual orientation are the same as described in Fair Housing 101.  The complaint process, including intake, investigation, and conciliation are the same as described in Fair Housing 101.

Alleged housing violations under Chapter 46 must have occurred within the Dallas city limits, within 180 days of filing a complaint.

Unlawful Employment Practices


  • Fail or refuse to hire
  • Discharge/Terminate
  • Discriminate against any person with respect to compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment
  • Limit, segregate, or classify employees or applicants in any way that would deprive or tend to   deprive a person employment or employment opportunities, or that would otherwise adversely affect a person’s status as an employee

Employment Agencies

  • Fail or refuse to refer to employment, or otherwise discriminate
  • Classify or refer for employment

Labor Organizations

  • Exclude or expel from membership
  • Fail or refuse to refer for employment
  • Limit, segregate, or classify members or applicants for membership in any way that would deprive or
  • tend to deprive a person employment or employment opportunities, or that would otherwise adversely affect a person’s status as an employee or as an applicant for employment
  • To cause or attempt to cause an employer to discriminate

Training Programs

  • Failure to admit or failure to hire in any program established to provide apprenticeship or other training

Notices and advertisements

  • Print or publish, or cause to be printed or published, any notice or advertisement relating to:
    1. Employment by the employer;
    2. membership in or any classification or referral for employment by the employment agency;
    3. admission to, or employment in, any program established to provide apprenticeship or other training by the joint labor-management committee that indicates any preference, limitation, specification, or discrimination based on sexual  orientation

Unlawful Public Accommodation Practices

  • Directly or indirectly exclude, segregate, limit, refuse, or deny the accommodations, advantages, facilities, benefits, privileges, services, or goods offered to the general public at that place
  • Circulate, issue, display, post, mail, or otherwise publish a statement, advertisement, or sign indicating that:
    • A person will be denied accommodations, advantages, facilities, benefits, privileges, services, or good at the place;
    • The patronage or presence or a person at that place is objectionable, unwelcome, unacceptable, undesirable, or unsolicited.

Unlawful Intimidation, Retaliation, and Coercion
Harass, threaten, harm, damage, or otherwise penalize a person for opposing an unlawful practice, filing a complaint, testifying, assisting, or participating in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing under the City of Dallas Ordinance Chapter 46.

Offenses and Penalties
An offense committed under this chapter is punishable by a fine of not less than $200 or more than $500.