​Public Participation

Community Development Commission

The Community Development Commission (CDC) is a 15-member advisory board appointed by City Council. The CDC meets monthly to foster resident participation and provide advice and recommendations to the City Manager and City Council on the use of these HUD grants. You can visit their website here.

Citizen Participation Plan

The Citizen Participation Plan required by HUD informs residents of the ways they can participate in determining how specific HUD grant funds will be used and how the community will engage in fair housing planning. The City encourages all residents to participate, especially those who live in areas eligible for grant funds. We also work hard to make the process accessible to everyone, including disabled residents or residents who speak languages other than English. Read the full plan here.

Public Meetings and Notices

The primary way residents can participate is through annual public meetings hosted by the City. All resident input about community needs is incorporated into the development of the Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plans, the substantial amendments process, and annual performance reports to HUD. Residents who want to speak during the meeting must register with the City Secretary's Office in advance by emailing CitySecretary@dallascityhall.com or calling (214) 670-3738.


For more information about upcoming events, please check Community Development and Budget Engagement.

You can also follow us on Twitter or Facebook @dallascommdev to connect further.