Texas State Statute Chapter 393 requires all credit access businesses, payday lenders and auto title lenders to obtain a state issued license before conducting business in the state.
The City of Dallas payday lending ordinance provides for the oversight of payday lending and auto title lending transactions in the City of Dallas. For more information on the City of Dallas Chapter 50 payday lending ordinance
Regiatration requirements:
Please provide all required documents by one of the methods below:
Mail or In Person:
3112 Canton Street, Suite 100
Dallas, Texas 75226
Fax: (214) 670-3652
Email: revenue-collections@dallascityhall.com
Your certificate of Credit Access Business registration will be mailed to you within 5 to 7 business days of receipt of all required documents. Please contact our office at (214) 671-9391 if you have any questions or need help registering your Credit Access Business.