Illegal Dumping Hotline
The department’s
illegal dumping hotline gives residents the opportunity to speak to a Code
employee directly to voice any questions or concerns about possible illegal
dumping in their neighborhood.
Illegal Dumping Hotline Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is Code Compliance’s illegal dumping hotline?
The department’s illegal dumping hotline gives residents the opportunity to speak to a Code employee directly to voice any questions or concerns about possible illegal dumping in their neighborhood. The hotline will also improve relationships with our Dallas communities by getting illegal dumping issues addressed quicker.
2. Does this hotline mean I should stop calling 311 or 911?
No. Code advises residents to still call 311 to report any illegal dumping in their area or call or 911 if they see illegal dumping currently in progress. After a resident gets an SR (Service Request) number from 311 then you are asked to call the illegal dumping hotline (214-671-CODE) to get updates on the case.
3. Is the hotline available for me to call 24/7?
No. Code staff answer calls from residents Monday thru Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. If residents call after hours an employee will contact the caller, the very next business day.
4. If I call the hotline can I remain anonymous?”
5. Illegal dumping doesn’t happen where I live, why should I care?
Illegal dumping is a citywide issue and over the last handful of years, Code has received thousands of complaints about it. The hotline not only provides residents with access to a Code employee, it also helps educate our different communities on resources Code offers, such as learning about our Community Clean events and other programs which help reduce blight in our city.
Illegal Dumping Code Concerns by City Council District
(please click below to view Illegal Dumping Code Concerns by fisical year)
Illegal Dumping Code Concerns By City Council District FY'24
Illegal Dumping Service Request Heat Map
(please click map below to view the Illegal Dumping Service Request Heat Map)