Adopt-A-Station is a program designed to support the City of Dallas (City) in its efforts to maintain, refurbish, and renovate fire stations. The program also supports the fire fighter/EMS professionals' quality of life at fire stations through donations of goods and property that may be found at typical neighborhood fire stations. Citizens and businesses are encouraged to involve themselves within the community by contributing time, funds, goods or services to benefit the Dallas Fire-Rescue Department (DFR). DFR's Assistant Chief of Communications and Recruiting Bureau (Program Coordinator) will have oversight of the Adopt-A-Station program. Distribution of funds from the Adopt-A-Station account greater than $50,000 will require dual authorization from the Program Coordinator and the Assistant City Manager (ACM) over the Police and Fire Departments.
Station Needs & Forms
View fire station needs located under each fire station's information page
Download the Donor Form Application for Adopt-A-Station Program
Download the Volunteer Waiver and Release Form
Note: This form must be signed by or on behalf of all volunteers who will participate in or otherwise be involved with providing volunteer service for the Adopt-A-Station Program.
Contact Information
Adopt-A-Station Program
Dallas Fire-Rescue
5000 Dolphin Rd. Bldg A. STE 103
Dallas, Texas 75223
How Donors Can Contribute
If a donor wishes to make contributions to the benefit of the DFR for specific improvements to DFR assets, but does not wish to donate directly to the City, they may do so by making the contributions directly to a third party non-profit identified by the City. Currently, that third party non-profit organization is the Dallas Foundation. Make a credit card donation immediately.
Donate Now
Whether donating directly or through a third party non-profit, the donor may designate a specific station to benefit from the contribution and may designate improvements or needs to which they desire the contribution be applied. These donor-directed improvements will be coordinated through City staff, but will closely follow the direction of the donor where appropriate.
If the donor does not specify a specific station, or Departmental need, then the donation may be used to address any item on the "Needs List" maintained by DFR.
General Guidelines
- Donors will be provided a
Donor Form on the Adopt-A-Station webpage located on the website, or by calling DFR at 214-670-5085. Donations can be made by credit card at anytime by clicking on the Dallas Foundation logo.
- Donated Goods, including equipment, should be new and without advertisements with the exception of the manufacturer's logo/decal. Proof of ownership or purchase must be provided when donating property.
- An acknowledgement of monetary donations will be provided by Dallas Foundation.
- All donations of goods will be accepted pursuant to Administrative Directive 2-13 and become property of the City, once accepted. The City will provide donors with an acknowledgement letter . Valuation of donations for tax purposes will be the responsibility of the donating party.
- Volunteers donating their labor, such as those participating in clean-up events, must sign and submit a liability waiver and release form before participating. The Department will make the form available via the Adopt-A-Station web link.
- Volunteers under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
- DFR's Program Coordinator will establish and maintain a priority or "needs list" for fire stations and other fire department facilities in greatest need of assistance through the program. The needs list will be published on the website under a link on the Adopt-A-Station web page. Fire stations scheduled for replacement in the near future (1-3) years are not eligible for participation.
Donations for Capital Improvements
Donations of funds or construction services that involve proposed modification of DFR facilities will require that the Program Coordinator, in conjunction with the ACM over the Police and Fire Departments, determine if the project work is feasible and acceptable. If approved, the project work will have input from the following City Departments:
- Risk Management
- City Attorney's Office
- Public Works
- Equipment and Building Services
- Building Inspections
- Dallas Fire-Rescue (Administration)
- City Management
- Finance Department
These departments will be involved to ensure the proposed scope of work is in the best interest of DFR and the City and to establish required insurance and other requirements of those who will be working on or in City facilities. Additionally, donations will adhere to the City Administrative Directive governing gifts and donations (AD 2-13). Monetary donations or donations of construction services targeted for a capital improvement such as alteration of fire department facilities will require a signed contract between the City and the company doing the work, along with a signature line for the donor, if the donor desires, which acknowledges agreement with the proposed work. Facilities project work will be coordinated with DFR staff who have management responsibility of the affected DFR facility.
Donation of Services
Donation of services, other than services that result in capital improvements, will require at a minimum, review and approval by the Program Coordinator. This review will focus on the proposed services and be designed to exclude workmanship that is not of a quality that is acceptable and appropriate for DFR facilities. Waivers of liability, as well as insurance and bonding may be required of those providing services, where appropriate, based on the scope of the services donated. Where there is little likelihood of impairment to the facilities if the services where abandoned mid-project or otherwise not completed, such as with painting, a contract with the City will not ordinarily be required.
Annual Program Review
A review of all expenditures under the program shall be conducted annually by the Dallas Fire-Rescue Department's financial officer to ensure compliance with these guidelines and other applicable rules and requirements.
Thank you for your support!
- Highland Springs Interfaith Council
- United Healthcare
- Pecan Deluxe Candy Co.
- ESPN Events
- Tempur-Pedic Flagship
- Meadows Foundation
- Shoreline City Church
- Dallas Korean Trade Association
- Titan Chair, LLC
- Hunt Industries
- Uptown Rotary Club
- Presbyterian Village North Foundation
- Tom Thumb
- Marybeth Boutique and Friends