Talent & Performance Management

​Talent Review Process (TRP)

​Our Talent Review Process (TRP)

The Talent Review Process (TRP) is a designed to assist City of Dallas management in evaluating employee performance and planning for the organization's growth and success. During the TRP, management will develop a strategy, establish and evaluate goals, measure the employees' execution of the goals, and assess the potential of their employees. The TRP also allows management to identify areas of development and deploy strategies for improving employee performance.The City of Dallas Talent Review Process (TRP) includes, but is not limited to, the following activities:Strategic Planning Performance Management Talent Assessment & Calibration
  • Succession Planning
  • Development & Improvement
  • The TRP creates a system that tracks employee performance throughout the year instead of solely focusing on mid-year and year-end evaluations. Having a continuous feedback loop allows management to assess more than an employees' performance; the feedback loop provides insights about employees' resilience, ambition, and other critical factors by analyzing performance through various challenges and changes within the organization. The TRP allows for better analysis of trends in employee performance and can predict coaching needs as the organizational challenges arise.

    The TRP creates a leadership competency model using a 9-box assessment and a succession chart. The 9-box grid serves as a simple visual to cross-reference an employee's performance and potential. The grid will help facilitate discussions about employee potential, the City's talent pool, and developmental opportunities for the workforce. Using the TRP to create 9-box assessments can help the City maintain a pool of viable internal candidates for leadership positions.

    The TRP reinforces management accountability by establishing clear requirements and schedules for feedback, coaching, and performance evaluations. The process facilitates fact-based discussions focused on relevant key performance indicators, competencies, and investment in employee performance improvement. Talent review discussions are designed to thoroughly analyze employee strengths, weaknesses, and development needs and to exclude unmeasurable, subjective criteria. The TRP calibrates management to the overall goals of the City of Dallas by cascading goals from the Executive leadership. The cascading goals used in the TRP ensures our workforce is properly aligned to the measures of success established by Executive leadership.

    Finally, the TRP continuous feedback loop establishes clear expectations on follow-up for management and employees. It ensures both management and employees follow-through on the actions discussed during the performance review through the feedback timeline. Each discussion is documented, and the follow-up is scheduled at the end of the meeting. The measurable, reportable data on employee performance and potential will be available to all stakeholders within the City of Dallas. 


    ​The general philosophy of our Talent Review Process is to optimize talent from two dimensions:
    • needs of the City to deliver exceptional products and services
    • needs of our employees to use their talent to grow their career
    We want to focus on identifying, optimizing, developing and retaining talent across pools of employees at every level of the organization.

    The end game in our philosophy:

    Ensuring a high-performance culture through enhancing employees' experience throughout the organization. It has also raised performance standards and improved the firm's approach to identifying and promoting high-potential talent—by, for example, assessing leaders on their efforts in this regard.

    Prioritizing leadership behaviors that matter ensuring that leaders are assessed not only on their tactical and technical performance but also on how well they live by and teach our guiding principles.

    Developing employees as a cornerstone of our talent philosophy driven through a partnership of organization and employee owned targeted development. To get there, our leaders must be more effective coaches, change agents, delegators, and drivers of high performance.

    Talent reviews and succession planning process becomes central to our extensive process to identify current and future leaders at all levels and within core job families.