Planning & Urban Design

​​CityDesign Studio

Jefferson Blvd

The Dallas CityDesign Studio is coordinating an effort to help program bond dollars for planned improvements to Jefferson Blvd. The 2012 Bond Program includes $1.47M for capital improvements to the corridor, and through work with the Mayor’s Office and the Grow South initiative and Councilmember Jasso’s office, the City is developing a concept to create a ‘Las Ramblas’ style market along a two block portion of Jefferson Blvd.

Las Ramblas is a famous pedestrian boulevard located in Barcelona, Spain. This corridor developed by maintaining vehicular traffic along its edges while devoting the larger space between as a pedestrian boulevard, becoming one of the most famous pedestrian boulevards in the world. The concept under development investigates how to build upon the existing vibrancy of Jefferson as a main street, and develop a new destination for the corridor. This effort is being coordinated with other capital projects in the vicinity, as well as an effort to evaluate and propose potential zoning changes to the Jefferson Area Special Purpose District in support of this vision.
View the February 6 community meeting presentation​ for more information.​