The Equity Indicators are designed to measure equity, or the fairness and justice in outcomes for and treatment of groups of people, across five thematic areas.
Overall Equity Score
The Overall Score is Comprised of {{NumThemes}} Themes of Equity Indicators
The 2018 City Score for Dallas was 38.75 out of a possible 100. The 2019 City Score was 39.77, an increase of 1.02. The Second year revealed improvements in almost all themes. Disparities were still most pronounced in the Justice and Government theme (32.25), which saw an improvement of only 0.08. Neighborhoods and Infrastructure (47.42) remained the least disparate theme but was the only theme with a negative change score (decreasing by 3.08). From these stats clearly we understand that much work still needs to be done.
The Equity Indicators is intended to be used as a framework for residents, businesses and nonprofit leaders, City administrators, and elected officials to understand where to focus public policy and institutional power to improve outcomes for all residents. The City of Dallas is making these findings publicly available so communities can hold the City accountable for its efforts. The City of Dallas is committed to increasing transparency through the annual analysis and publication of these findings, providing a clear view into the disparities in our community today and how they may change over time.