Initiatives & Actions

Goal 1: Advance equity in City government

On October 16, 2017, the Human and Social Needs Committee received an update on the Resilient Dallas Phase II scope of work that included an introduction to the Equity Indicators project. On December 4, 2017, the Equity Indicators project team sought direction from the Human and Social Needs Committee on proposed domains and indicators.

Initiative 1.1: Build an equitable City administration and workplace culture.

Action 1.1.1: Conduct an internal audit of City policies to develop a common understanding of equity within the organization as an employer and as a service provider to our residents.

Lead: City Manager’s Office

Partners: Equity consultant

Launch Timeframe: Fall 2018

Action 1.1.2: Examine administrative policies and programs through a shared learning process that includes trainings, data collection, and monitoring.

Lead: City Manager’s Office

Partners: City of Dallas departments

Launch Timeframe: Spring 2019

Initiative 1.2: Support and partner with anchor institutions and community-based efforts to advance equity initiatives across Dallas by recognizing and reconciling a history of inequity and fostering communication of social differences between diverse communities and individuals.

Action 1.2.1: Engage in external community conversation with Dallas Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation through intentional listening, examination of institutional racism in policies, and commitment to timely change.

Lead: City Manager’s Office

Partners: Equity consultant

Launch Timeframe: Fall 2018

Action 1.2.2: Support the efforts of Dallas ISD’s Racial Equity Office by acknowledging race and place matter in educational achievement and collaborating on strategies and actions to drive timely change in neighborhoods where disparate conditions impact a child’s ability to learn.

Lead: Dallas ISD Racial Equity Office

Partners: City of Dallas

Launch Timeframe: Summer 2017 (City collaboration to begin Summer 2018)

Initiative 1.3: Incorporate an Equity Lens into the citywide visioning process for Goals for Dallas 2030, creation of the City’s Strategic Plan, and development of the biennial budget.

Action 1.3.1: Review City policies and programs to assess opportunities for progress in achieving equity in service delivery.

Lead: City Manager’s Office

Partners: City of Dallas departments, philanthropic organizations

Launch Timeframe: Fall 2018

Action 1.3.2: Integrate Equity Indicators into Dallas 365 to demonstrate effectiveness in achieving equity in service delivery over time.

Lead: Office of Resilience, Office of Budget

Partners: City of Dallas departments

Launch Timeframe: Summer 2017

Initiative 1.4: Commit to identifying and measuring inequity to drive collaborative action across sectors.

Action 1.4.1: Work with the City University of New York’s (CUNY) Institute for State and Local Governance and the University of Texas at Dallas’ (UTD) Institute for Urban Policy Research to design and publish Equity Indicators that measure and assess progress toward achieving greater equity in Dallas over time.

Lead: Office of Resilience

Partners: CUNY Institute for State and Local Governance, UTD Institute for Urban Policy Research

Launch Timeframe: Spring 2018

Action 1.4.2: Work with the Community Council of Greater Dallas, universities, philanthropic foundations, nonprofits, and service providers to develop and maintain an openaccess platform for curated, community-wide data to foster collaboration, align resources, drive actions, and measure outcomes in pursuit of shared community goals.

Lead: Department of Communication and Information Services, Community Council of Greater Dallas

Partners: University and nonprofit data curators

Launch Timeframe: Fall 2018