
Dallas used CUNY ISLG’s methodology to develop and implement a local Equity Indicators tool. City staff began developing Dallas’ Equity Indicators tool in fall 2017 in collaboration with CUNY ISLG. After consulting with the City Manager’s leadership team, the research team identified the key themes based on City Council priorities, community engagement, and existing planning efforts, such as the RDS.

Resulting Equity Indicators

The Dallas Equity Indicators framework is composed of five broad themes: Economic Opportunity, Education, Neighborhoods and Infrastructure, Justice and Government, and Public Health. Each of the five themes is broken down into four topics. Each topic is then subdivided into three indicators.

20 Topics

  • Business Development
  • Employment
  • Income
  • Poverty
  • Early Education
  • Elementary & Middle School Education
  • High School Education
  • Education in General Population
  • Access to Housing
  • Housing Affordability & Service
  • Neighborhoods
  • Transportation
  • Civic Life
  • Incarceration
  • Law Enforcement
  • Victimization
  • Access to Health Care
  • Population Health
  • Maternal and Child Health
  • Health Risk Factors

60 Indicators

With guidance from CUNY ISLG, the City and CPPP then carefully selected the topics and indicators within each theme based on their current and historical relevance to the city and the availability of reliable, accurate, regularly collected, and publicly available data.