
 Major Maintenance Project

A bond program project that is doing a major repair to extend the life of existing infrastructure such as a roof replacement replacing a  Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning System (HVAC) system, or a street resurfacing.  ​

Alley Petitions

​Engineering and construction of new alleys converting gravel and unpaved alleys through petitions from the Property Owners Cost Participation Program (POCPP). Alley petition projects are validated by meeting the following requirements: (1) Signatures of 2/3 majority of the abutting property owners and ½ of the property frontage OR (2) Signatures of ½ of the abutting property owners and 2/3rds of the property frontage. Property owners are assessed a portion of the cost of the alley construction. Click here for more information.

Alley Reconstruction

​Engineering and construction of existing concrete or asphalt alleys that have exceeded their structural life expectancy and must be rebuilt. This includes installation of a 10 foot wide concrete surface.

Alternate Mode Transportation Trails

​All-weather trail projects that encourage walking, bicycling and other modes of transportation as an alternative to the automobile. These facilities offer sufficient width to accommodate cyclists, pedestrians and skaters, and are recommended under the North Central Texas Council of Government's (NCTCOG) Mobility 2025 Plan and the Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission's (TNRCC) Emission Reduction Plan for the region.

Barrier Free Ramps

​Ramps constructed per American with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility Guidelines at crosswalks, intersections, and other locations adjacent to a street.  The general public requests barrier-free-ramp (BFR) projects.  Priority is given to walkways serving government offices and facilities including schools, health care facilities (hospitals, clinics, retirement facilities, etc.), bus stops and transportation centers (DART), commercial districts (private businesses offering goods and services to the public), followed by walkways serving residential areas. Barrier Free Ramps are also constructed with street reconstruction and resurfacing projects.

Bike Plan

​The 2011 Dallas Bike Plan as approved by Dallas City Council. Click here for more information.

Bridge Repair and Modification

​Provide for repair and modification of bridges due to structural deficiencies identified in the bi-annual Bridge Inspection and Appraisal Program (BRINSAP) performed by Texas Department of Transportation.

Call for a Bond Election

​The date when the Dallas City Council votes to conduct an election for a bond program. This must be conducted 90 days prior to the public bond election vote date.

Complete Streets

​Streets that are safe and comfortable for everyone: young and old, motorists and bicyclists, wal​kers and wheelchair users, and bus and train riders alike.  These streets are intended to engage people to occupy public space.  Since January 27, 2016, all Dallas street projects are required to comply with the complete streets guideline.  The Complete Streets guideline is available here.

Discretionary Funds

​Funds for projects not yet identified at the time of the bond election.  The 2003, 2006 and 2012 Dallas Bond Programs had funds for discretionary use by Council Members for either street or park projects.

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