Water Utilities

Request Emergency Services​​

Emergency services are available 24 hours a day

Call 3-1-1 to report or request any of the following:

  • water main break
  • meter leak
  • fire hydrant leak
  • clogged or overflowing wastewater main
  • emergency water turn off 

If you are calling from within the Dallas city limits, call 3-1-1 or, when dialing from outside the city limits, call 214​-670-3111.

How to turn off your home's water

A private cut-off valve should turn off the water flow to the house. Most homes have a private cut-off valve that is typically located:

  • Near an outside faucet and close to the house.
  • If there is an in-ground irrigation system, the private cut-off valve may be near the irrigation system valve, typically close to the property line.
  • Older homes may have the private cut-off valve buried in the ground. A quarter-inch piece of iron with a 90-degree angle protrudes from the buried valve and serves as a handle. The iron piece looks like an upside down "L" and turning the handle will stop the water flow to the home.

Be prepared!

Locate your private cut-off valve on the property before an emergency situation arises. If there is not a private cut-off valve on the property, consider installing one. For emergency assistance in turning your water off at the meter, you can reach Dallas Water Utilities 24 hours a day by calling 3-1-1.