Content Editor

City Council Attendance

Select Mayor or a Council Member for attendance details


Council Attendance Year:

0% - 89%90% - 94%95% - 100%


{{getTarget(member)}} Remaining Meetings

{{forecast}}% Attendance Forecast

If all remaining meetings are held and attended

How it works

An official must attend at least 50% of a meeting to be considered present for that meeting.
To remain in good standing, the official must be present for at least a total of 90% of all assigned meetings.
[Chapter III, Section 4 - Dallas City Charter]

TOTAL MEETINGS are based on each individual official's assignments and are subject to change.



StatusDateMeeting TypeTime Attended

{{attnd.meetingdateStr}}{{attnd.meetingType}} {{attnd.saveStatus == 'SPECIAL' ? "*": ""}}{{printPercentage(attnd)}}



{{attnd.meetingType}} {{attnd.saveStatus == 'SPECIAL' ? "*": ""}}


Meeting Length: {{attnd.totalMeetingTime}} Mins

Attended: {{attnd.attendanceTime}} Mins

Missed: {{attnd.totalTimeMissed}} Mins

Excused: {{attnd.excusedMissedTotal}} Mins

CC/ROP: {{attnd.councilExcusedTime}} Mins

Terms & Definitions
