District 3

Council Member Zarin D. Gracey 
City Council District 3 

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Zarin D. Gracey met and married his college sweetheart Erin in July of 2002. In 2014, they adopted their two sons David (13) and Clinton (11) to complete their family and for the past decade they have been raising their boys in District 3.

Zarin has served on several non-profit boards throughout the City of Dallas including Brother Bill's Helping Hand in West Dallas, Harmony Community Development Corporation in Oak Cliff and Park South YMCA in South Dallas. He has served as the Board Chair for the North Central Texas Regional Certification Agency and currently a board member for the Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce, the oldest Black Chamber in the country.

For nearly 16 years Zarin has worked in City Hall in the offices of budget, finance, procurement, business diversity, and economic development.  Zarin holds a Bachelor's Degree in Accounting from the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff where he pledged Kappa Alpha Psi, a Master's Degree in Organizational Leadership from Luther Rice University and Seminary, and a certification in State and Local Government from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. Additionally, Zarin served as the District 3 City Plan Commissioner and President of the Dallas Public Facilities Corporation. Finally, he has over 12 years of banking and finance experience in the private sector.


Councilman Gracey serves on the following committees for the Dallas City Council: 


  • Transportation and Infrastructure | VICE CHAIR 
  • Housing and Homelessness Solutions 
  • Quality of Life, Arts, and Culture 
  • Ad Hoc Committee on Professional Sports Recruitment and Retention | CHAIR
  • Ad Hoc Committee on General Investigating and Ethics 
  • Ad Hoc Committee on Legislative Affairs

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