District 5

District 5

City Council District 5

Council Member Jaime Resendez


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Jaime Resendez was elected to the Dallas City Council in May 2019. He was born and raised in the Pleasant Grove area of Southeast Dallas. Like many others, he grew up in an economically disadvantaged household. His parents worked hard to make a living, but still struggled to make ends meet.

Every school that Jaime attended is in Southeast Dallas: R.C. Buckner, Julius Dorsey, E.B. Comstock and Skyline High School. With no money for college, he enlisted in the U.S. Army before graduating from high school and served for eight years as an engineer, including a year-long tour of duty in Baghdad, Iraq. The realities of war made him really appreciate our country and the opportunities it affords. Read more.

Information and Updates

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How to Register to Speak at a City Council Meeting

A person wishing to address the city council must first register with the city secretary and provide the following information: Name, residence address, daytime telephone number, the subject matter to be presented, and whether the subject is on the current city council meeting agenda. A person may register in person, by electronic mail (CitySecretary@dallascityhall.com), or by telephone (214-670-3738). The earliest a person may register for an upcoming city council meeting is 8:15 a.m. of the next regular business day following the previous city council meeting. The deadline for registering to address the council at a city council meeting is 5:00 p.m. of the last regular business day preceding the meeting. No person may register to speak during an open microphone period more than once within any 30-day period.  This is anticipated to be the process, however, rules may be suspended to accommodate neighborhood speakers.

How to View Upcoming Agendas

Upcoming Agendas with Agenda Item Details, once posted, may be found at this website: dallascityhall.com/government/Pages/Council-Agenda.aspx


New 3-1-1 Mobile App: Dallas 311

Visit the new 3-1-1 web site or install the app on your phone to try it.

Dallas Public Library Highlights for District 5

Southeast Dallas Resource Guide