City of Dallas Forestry

Urban Wildland Interface

Dallas Fire Rescue


​As more development occurs adjacent to or within our natural areas and forest, an urban wildland interface is created.   This area of  interface creates the potential for wildfires to directly impact homeowners and  businesses.  Per the Texas A&M Forest Service (TFS) over 14,500 communities are at risk of wildfire in Texas. 

In 2017, the Dallas City Council adopted a Community Wildfire Protection Plan.  The plan was developed by  TFS, Dallas Fire and Rescue (DFR) and the City Forester.    Dallas firefighter's  began training in 2010, with inital training including 64 hours, physical testing and fire shelter deployment.  A 4 hour refresher is required every year, plus the physical testing and fire shelter deployment.

As of 2021, DFR has 26 trained deployable Wildland Firefighters, who deploy to assist other communities and states.

Community Wildfire Protection Plan

Dallas Fire Rescue Education Video's

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