Community Development

Grant Administration

Phone (214) 670-4557
Fax (214) 670-0741
Chan Williams
Assistant Director

​Office of Financial Services​

Community Development​​​


The Office of Community Development provides program oversight of the Consolidated Plan Budget. The Consolidated Plan Budget includes: Community Development Block Grant, Home Investment Partnership Program Grant, Emergency Solutions Grant and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Grant. Program oversight for these grants involve the interaction between the City of Dallas and HUD; training and monitoring City departments that administer projects; staff support to the City Council-appointed Community Development Commission; and interpretation of HUD Federal Regulations. The City of Dallas receives these grants on an annual basis from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

The funds are intended for the development of viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment, and expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low and moderate income. Generally, eligible activities include but are not limited to: home ownership assistance, housing rehabilitation, special economic development assistance, public services, and public facility improvements.

During the month of January, public hearings are held to give citizens an opportunity to have input on the use of funds in the Consolidated Budget for the next fiscal year (which begins October 1).

The City of Dallas implemented the Neighborhood Investment Program (NIP) to focus housing and other city resources in targeted Community Development Block Grant areas/neighborhoods.

The entire Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) application (Adobe PDF) submitted to HUD by the City of Dallas on December 1, 2008 (includes citizen comments) is available for review.

Some projects in the approved budget are implemented by contractors. Texas law requires contractors to be selected through competitive bidding. Nonprofit organizations that desire to be considered for City contracts should register on-line as a vendor on-line at Business Development & Procurement Services.  For additional information, you may contact the Business Development and Procurement Services at (214) 670-3325.

For more information please contact the Community Development Office by phone at (214) 670-4557 or come to our office at Dallas City Hall, 1500 Marilla Street, Room 4/F/South.

Fiscal Year 2013-2014 (Adobe PDF files)

Additional Rsources (all files below are in Adobe PDF fromat unless noted otherwise)

CD Eligible Census Tracts and Block Groups by Council Districts (Map and List)