Passing a Multi-Tenant Inspection
Administrative Failure:
An administrative failure is a graded inspection in which the property scores lower than 85 only because of failure to produce or display the below required documentation:
- Permits for any work in progress at time of inspection
- Certificate of Occupancy
- Swimming Pool Permit
- Master Meter Notice
- Crime Free Addendum
- Valid Multi-Tenant Registration Certificate
Exterior Inspection:
The exterior of a property comprises 60% of its score. A score of 60 points will be earned if there are no violations. The below violations will result in reductions:
- Sign Violations
- Dead Tree/Branches
- High Weeds
- Litter
- Graffiti
- Parking Lot
- Junk Motor Vehicles
- Fencing
- Crime Watch Attendance
- Foundation/Cross Vents
- Roof/Chimney
- Windows/Doors
- Decayed/Exposed Wood
- Stairs/Balconies
- Unsound Walkways/Landings
- Unsound Rails
- Holes/Cracks in Walls
- Insufficient Security Lighting
- No Building/Unit Numbers
- Open Storage
*Any Life Hazard (sewage discharge, pool safety, exposed wiring, open and vacant units, etc.) found on the property at the time of inspection will result in a score of zero for the property.
Interior Inspection:
The interior of a property comprises an average of 40% of its score. A score of 40 points will be earned if there are no violations. The following violations will result in reductions:
- Holes/Cracks in Walls
- Insect/Rodent Infestation
- Weather/Water Tight
- No Hot Water (minimum 120˚ F)
- Security Devices on Door
- Exposed Electrical (automatic failure)
- T&P Valve
- Inoperable A/C
- Sub-flooring
- Plumbing Fixtures
- Leaks/Pipes/Faucets
- No Heat
- Smoke Alarm (automatic failure)
- Overcrowding