Please note, other city department fees may apply to your activity based on the services provided. All fees apply to each permit extension/renewal.
Base Application Fee: Phase I Permit (construction approved)
Standard Production Application - each location must have a separate application.
Public Improvement District Annual Permit – excluded from all application processing fees. Banners must be related to PID identification.
The fee must be paid at the time of commercial promoter registration or renewal. The fee covers a two-year registration period.
Fees Related to City Services as Required of Office of Special Event Permitted Activities
In addition to the application processing fees, the applicant is responsible for direct costs incurred by the City in providing required services to a permitted activity; including but not limited to, the costs of set-up, clean-up, public safety, oversight of city facilities and equipment, electrical services, construction, placement and retrieval of city equipment, and other related services beyond what the city would provide to the public in the ordinary course of its daily operations. Some of these costs include the following fee schedule below.
Dallas Police Department
Off duty officer
$70 Per hour (4hr min)
Pay officers directly on event day.
Off duty S.C.
Off duty Sgt.
$80 Per hour (4hr min)
Off duty Lt.
$90 Per hour (4hr min)
Off duty Major
$100 Per hour (4hr min)
Off duty Dep. Chief
$110 Per hour (4hr min)
Off duty Asst. Chief
$120 Per hour (4hr min)
Marked squad car
$15.69 Per hour
Invoiced post event by DPD. Payment is due within 15 days of receipt of invoice.
DPD Special Events Planning Unit Cost Recovery
Invoiced at the officer's individual overtime rate plus applicable benefits.
Dallas Fire-Rescue
Off duty medic
$60 Per hour (4hr min)
Pay individuals directly on event day.
Off duty supervisor
$65 Per hour (4hr min)
Off duty Captain
Off duty Chief
$75 Per hour (4hr min)
Ambulance w/ equipment
$25 Per hour
Invoiced post event. Payment is due within 15 days of receipt of invoice
City Hall Security
Security officer
$50.79 Per hour
Office of Emergency Management
Activation of OEM Command Center
$1,500 Per 24 hour period
Parking Meter Hooding Fees
One time flat $55 labor fee. Plus $1 labor fee for each meter hooded; and, 70% of potential revenue from each requested meter. Formula: number of meters requested (X) meter rate per hour (X) number of days (X) number of effective hours.
Mailing Address:650 S. Griffin St.Dallas, TX 75202