Planning & Development

​Neighborhood Plus Target Area

​Arcadia Park, District 6
Project Leader - Kevin Acosta

The Arcadia Park Target Area is one of twelve Neighborhood Plus Target areas. The Arcadia Park Target area is located in District 6.  The boundaries are Arcadia park to the North, Arcadia Park Recreation Center/Darwin Street to the South, Counts Boulevard/Gail Street/Dwight Avenue to the East and Loop 12 to the West. Neighborhood Plus is a comprehensive neighborhood revitalization strategy for the City of Dallas.

More information about the area. To see the PowerPoint presentations from the meeting click on the meeting date below.  

Meetings & Workshop

​Community Meeting #1
​January 28, 2017
​Community Meeting #2
​February 25, 2017
​Community Meeting #3
March 25, 2017
​Community Meeting #4
​April 22, 2017
​Community Meeting & Expo
June 24, 2017
​Community Meeting #6
​August 26, 2017
​Community Meeting #7
October 5, 2017
