The Dallas Equity Indicators project was developed through a collaboration among the City University of New York’s Institute for State and Local Governance (CUNY ISLG), the City of Dallas, and the Center for Public Policy Priorities (CPPP) as a comprehensive tool to help Dallas understand and measure progress toward equity in our community. We are also grateful to The Rockefeller Foundation and the Communities Foundation of Texas (CFT) for their support of this project. 

The Equity Indicators report was developed in conjunction with the Resilient Dallas Strategy (RDS), as part of Dallas’ participation in 100 Resilient Cities—Pioneered by The Rockefeller Foundation. The RDS is structured around seven essential goals, the first of which is advancing equity in Dallas.1 The Equity Indicators have been integrated into the goals, initiatives, and actions of the RDS and serve as a measurement and accountability tool as the City pursues the necessary work of furthering equity for all Dallas residents. 

The Equity Indicators are designed to measure disparities in outcomes across 60 indicators grouped into five thematic areas:

  • Economic Opportunity
  • Education
  • Neighborhoods and Infrastructure
  • Justice and Government
  • Public Health

The framework was developed through a collaborative, iterative process with data experts from local universities and nonprofit service providers under the guidance of CUNY ISLG and was refined in the data analysis phase of the project. The findings from the Equity Indicators can be used by residents, businesses, nonprofit leaders, City administrators, and elected o­fficials to focus public policy efforts on creating opportunities and improving outcomes for all residents. 

We are sharing these findings publicly so communities can hold the City accountable for its efforts to improve outcomes for all our residents. The City of Dallas is committed to increasing transparency through regular analysis and publication of these findings, providing a clear view into disparities in our community and how they change over time. 

Several outcomes assessed for this initiative are not entirely under the City’s control but fall within the purview of other governmental agencies such as school districts, the state legislature or state agencies, quasigovernmental agencies, nonprofit service providers, or private businesses. However, all groups and individuals experiencing the disparities reported in this study are residents of Dallas (or Dallas County when we could not access data at the city level). It is our responsibility to work together to combat these disparities and advance equity.

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