Historic Preservation

Office of Historic Preservation

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is a "Demolition Delay" District?
A demolition delay is a historic preservation tool used to identify buildings that have historic significance before they are demolished. The delay becomes effective when a demolition permit for a building within the Demolition Delay Overlay District is requested. Buildings that meet the criteria within a Demolition Delay Overlay District are subject to a 45-day delay before a demolition permit can be granted.

What are the district boundaries?
Dallas currently has four Demolition Delay Overlay Districts. Buildings located in these districts must be reviewed by the Historic Preservation Officer prior to the issuance of a demolition permit to determine if the structure qualifies for the demolition delay.

Downtown Dallas Demolition Delay O​verlay District (DDO-2)
Oak Cliff Demolition Delay Overla​y District ​​​(DDO-1)

What criteria qualifies a building for demolition delay?
A building located in the Demolition Delay Overlay District qualifies for the demolition delay if one of the following criteria is met:
(1) located in a National Register District;*
(2) designation as a Recorded Texas Historic Landmark​;
(3) designation as a State Archeological Landmark;
(4) designation as a National Historic Landmark;
(5) listed as a significant building in the 2003 Downtown Dallas Architecturally Significant Properties Survey; ​
(6) listed as a contributing structure in the 1994 Hardy-Heck-Moore Survey​.

* Note: If a property is listed in a National Register District that is also listed as a Landmark District, it does not qualify for Demolition Delay and must go through the Certificate of Demolition process.​

Detailed information on National Register Districts and Properties, Recorded Texas Historic Landmarks, National Historic Landmarks, and State Antiquities (Archaeological) Landmarks is available at the Texas Historical Commission Atlas Website.​

Are there any restrictions on properties within the Demolition Delay Overlay District?
The demolition delay by itself does not prevent an owner from modifying, selling, transferring, or deeding a property; however, depending on the zoning, other restrictions may apply.

What is the review process for applying for a demolition permit within the Demolition Delay Overlay District?
Review of demolition requests for properties within the Demolition Delay Overlay happens in three phases, and begins when a completed demolition application is filed with Building Inspection. For a description of the review process, please see the flowchart below. 

The Demolition Delay Overlay went into effect in 2016. The spreadsheet below is a list of properties that have gone through the review process.

Additional Information