Current Planning

Dallas Zoning Districts

Multiple Commercial Districts - General Provisions

​The attached documents list the general guidelines to the Yard, Lot and Space Regulations. There may be exceptions to this information. See 51A-4.100 of the Dallas Development Code for specific details.

In general, single or multiple uses may be developed on one site in a multiple commercial district as in any other district; however, in order to encourage a mixture of uses, density bonuses are awarded to developments that qualify as "multiple commercial projects" as defined in Subsection (b). If a development does not qualify as an MCP, it is limited to a "base" floor area ratio. When a development qualifies as an MCP, it earns a higher maximum floor area ratio. For more information regarding the exact increments of increase, consult the yard, lot, and space regulations in this section governing the particular district of interest

Qualifying as a multiple commercial project. To qualify as a MULTIPLE COMMERCIAL PROJECT (MCP) for purposes of this section, a development must contain uses in two or more of the following categories, and the combined floor areas of the uses in each category must equal or exceed the following percentages of the total floor area of the project:

MC-1 and MC-2 Districts

Use Category

% of Total Floor Area





Retail and Personal Services


MC-3 and MC-4 Districts

Use Category

% of Total Floor Area





Retail and Personal Service


Multiple commercial project (MCP) regulations

If an MCP is proposed, a project plan must be submitted to and approved by the building official.

  • If an MCP is constructed in phases:

    • the first phase must independently qualify as an MCP under Subsection (b); and
    • each subsequent phase combined with all previous phases already completed or under construction must also qualify as an MCP under Subsection (b).
  • An MCP may consist of two or more building sites if they are developed under a unified development plan. The plan must be:

    • signed by or on behalf of all of the owners of the property involved;
    • approved by the building official; and
    • filed in the deed records of the county where the property is located
  • When an MCP consists of multiple building sites, its development standards and off-street parking regulations are calculated by combining the sites and treating them as a single building site

For additional information about the Yard, Lot and Space Regulations, please call Building Inspection, 214-948-4480 and ask for Zoning.