Where Does It Go

​Lawn and landscape maintenance: herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers

​Nationally, one fourth of the pollutants found in rivers and streams originate from residential use of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. These materials can enter into the storm drain system through illegal dumping, run-off from excessive lawn irrigation, and from heavy rains and from there they can be discharged directly into our waterways.

Herbicides are defined as a chemical substance designed to kill plants, especially weeds, or to inhibit their growth..

​A pesticide is any substance or mixture of substances intended for:

  • preventing,
  • destroying,
  • repelling, or
  • mitigating any pest

Fertilizer is defined as "any substance containing one or more recognized plant nutrient(s) which is used for its plant nutrient content and which is designed, used or claimed to have value in promoting plant growth."​

Something bugging you?

Using pesticides improperly can be a major cause of stormwater pollution. This handy guide not only tells you how to apply pesticides correctly, but also has information on ways to dispose of them so that they don't harm the environment.

​Guide: English
                En Español