Water Utilities

Billing Information​

DWU has divided Dallas into 21 geographical areas -- one for each working day of the month. Where you live determines the date your meter is read, the date your bill is mailed and the date your payment is due.

Your meter is read monthly by a trained meter reader who uses a handheld computer. The computer will reject any unusual reading that is out of your normal usage pattern. This feature ensures that meters are read accurately, resulting in DWU's 99.89 percent meter reading accuracy rate. After the information is entered into the server, the meter reading is checked against the narrower standards of your historical use, referred to as a pre-bill audit. If the reading appears too high or too low, another meter reading will be taken before your bill is prepared. If you ever have a question about your meter reading or your water bill, please call us at (214) 651-1441. 

Understanding your City of Dallas utility bill:

Water Charges

Customers' water meters are read monthly to determine how much water a home or business consumes. DWU rates consist of a customer charge and a volume usage charge. Funds from this charge support the delivery of a high-quality supply of safe drinking water. Use the DWU Calculator to estimate your monthly water charges.

Sewer (Wastewater) Charges

Wastewater volume is based on actual water usage or the winter average, whichever is less. Funds from this charge support wastewater collection and treatment services.

Sanitation Charges

The Department of Sanitation Services assesses a monthly sanitation fee to maintain the cost of administering solid waste services.

Storm Water Charges

A monthly storm water fee is assessed to residential and non-residential customers to maintain and improve citywide storm water drainage and flood management infrastructure. The fee is based on the total impervious area of the property. Use the Storm Water Fee Finder to find your property and calculate your monthly costs.

Environmental Cleanup Fee

A new monthly environmental cleanup fee of $3.00 will be included on all City of Dallas utility accounts for the launch of Clean Sweep!, an initiative that supports clean neighborhoods, streets, public rights-of-way and waterways. The fee will fund litter removal, mowing and nuisance abatement on public rights-of-way, homeless encampment cleanup, additional collection of debris after severe storms, zero waste (source reduction and waste diversion), disposal of household hazardous waste and dead animal removal.

For questions regarding service rates and fees, please call DWU Customer Service at 214-651-1441 between 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Click HERE to view an example of  how to understand the fees on your utility bill.

Click HERE to view the current monthly payment rates.

Occasionally Water Use is Estimated:

Sometimes we have to estimate a meter reading. This happens when a meter is covered by a car, brush or limbs, ice, etc. When these types of situations exist, your water use estimate is based on your past water use. Any overestimate or underestimate will be corrected automatically on your next bill. You can help us serve you better by keeping your meter uncovered and easy to reach.

Wastewater Use is Estimated:

Because it is not cost effective to meter wastewater use, DWU estimates it. To estimate wastewater use, DWU uses your winter months average (the average of your water billed in December, January, February and March). However, if a customer's current month's actual water use is less than the winter months average, the customer's sewer (wastewater) bill is based on the actual water use. How Your Residential Winter Months Wastewater Average is Calculated: Your water use for bills issued during the months of December, January, February and March is averaged. The wastewater usage charge is based on an average of the amount of water you used during the previous winter months or your current month's water use, whichever is less.

How Your Residential Winter Months Wastewater Average is Calculated:

Your water use for bills issued during the months of December, January, February and March is averaged. Monthly Bills: The monthly rate for water service includes a customer charge and a usage charge. The water usage charge is for the amount of water you use during the month. The wastewater usage charge is based on an average of the amount of water you used during the previous winter months or your current month's water use, whichever is less.

Leak Adjustments:

The City of Dallas Leak Adjustment Program may provide for a leak adjustment in cases where a water leak has caused a substantial increase in water consumption. For qualifying adjustments, the adjustment is limited to one adjustment per twelve-month period for a maximum of three months. Customers are responsible for all water consumption, even in the event of a leak. The program reduces the cost per unit of water above the average by recalculating the cost of the excess water usage associated with the leak at the lowest rate possible. Water usage is reviewed once the last affected billing cycle has been recorded. It may take 45-60 days for this process to be completed, depending on the repair date. This program is not intended to reimburse customers for plumbing repair costs. The adjustment does not cover or apply to wastewater or sewer leaks.
Required information

  • Date repairs were completed
  • Detailed description of the repairs
  • Address where repairs were made
  • Account number associated with the leak
  • For multi-metered accounts, please be sure to include the meter number associated with the leak.

Please note: The submission of a request does not guarantee an adjustment. A temporary hold with be placed on the account to allow time for the review process and ensure there are no late payment charges assessed during this time. During the review period, please continue to make monthly payments equal to or higher than your typical bill amount. This will help ensure that are no disruptions in your service.
If an adjustment can be made, the consumption will be adjusted accordingly and an updated invoice with an adjustment letter will be mailed to you. If the request does not qualify for an adjustment, a denial letter with an explanation will be mailed.
Requests using the form below may be submitted online, mailed, faxed, emailed or dropped off as follows:

Drop off:Dallas City Hall, second floor – 2DS lobby
Mail:1500 Marilla St 3AN
Attn: Leak Adjustments
Dallas TX 75201
Online:Click Here

Leak Adjustment Request Forms:
Leak Repair Affidavit (English)
Leak Repair Affidavit (Spanish)