Pretreatment Program

Silver Best Management Practices (BMPs)

Requirements for Facilities Opting for Off-Site Management

Facilities that do not conduct on-site silver recovery--opting for off-site management--must maintain records verifying 1) the amount of solution transported off-site; 2) the date(s) the solution was transported off-site; 3) the name of the entity or company that transported the solutions off-site; and 4) the name of the facility where the transported solutions were taken.

  • Facilities opting for off-site management must submit an annual CERTIFICATION Of NO DISCHARGE. This is accomplished by checking the appropriate box on the Silver BMP Letter of Participation  form and submitting it to the Pretreatment Program by January 31st of each year.
  • Facilities opting for off-site management must maintain hauling receipts/invoices or manifests (as required by regulation) in a designated logbook. These records should be kept at your facility for a minimum of three (3) years.
  • Facilities opting for off-site management of their silver waste are not required to conduct silver strip tests or analytical tests.

As a generator of hazardous waste, each facility is responsible for ensuring that their waste is handled according to federal and state hazardous waste laws. Facilities should only contract with a reputable state licensed waste-hauler. A list of hazardous waste transportation companies can be found in the YELLOW PAGES or consult with your silver recovery equipment or photochemical supply vendor.