Public Safety |
1. Develop a recruitment strategy for implementation and hiring of the new Police Chief |  |
2. Assist in resolving the issues related to the police/fire pension fund (including long term issues) |  |
3. Develop and implement a recruitment and retention plan for police officers and firefighters | 
4. Implement technology enhancements, staffing strategy (recruitment/retention), and facility improvement in the 911 Call Center | 
5. Implement a communication notification process and protocols to alert City Council and citizens on public safety emergencies, security threats, and other critical matters |  |
Mobility Solutions, Infrastructure and Sustainability
1. Develop and implement a citizen engagement bond process that will result in City Council approval of a bond program for consideration in November 2017 |  |
2. Implement electronic document management system integration with permit system to support a one-stop permitting center for building and permit processing |  |
3. Develop and implement an infrastructure management program (IMP) to ensure systematic approach to infrastructure repairs, rehabilitation, and maintenance in concert with other capital programs and bond programs |  |
Economic and Neighborhood Vitality |
1. Develop an Economic Development Strategy that has an objective of business attraction and retention, and fosters and aligns with housing goals and objectives, including TIFs, Land Bank program, Consolidated Plan, etc. |  |
2. Assist the Council in Developing or clarifying its housing policy, and implement a real estate Market Value Analysis (MVA) to help the City yield increased private reinvestment into housing market types and determine core areas of affordable, workforce and market-rate housing | 
3. Develop an anchor institutions strategy to leverage public and private partnerships that will encourage growth and sustainability of neighborhoods |  |
4. Develop and implement a new business diversity strategy that will facilitate opportunity creation, build capacity of MWBEs and small business, and expand diversity compliance activities. |  |
Human and Social Needs |
1. Create an Office of Homeless Services to support the implementation of a multijurisdictional partnership between the City and Dallas County. |  |
2. Facilitate the engagement of interdisciplinary and cross-sector relationships to develop viable partnerships and leverage existing resources to address societal problems. |  |
3. Initiate the assessment of existing community centers and go-forward strategy for senior resource centers. |  |
Quality of Life |
1. Revamp Code Enforcement and Nuisance Abatement Services and continue process improvements to enhance service delivery. |  |
2. Create an Office of Welcoming Communities and Immigrant Affairs to include an assessment of existing services and programs to ensure the City is accessible, responsive and equitable to the needs of the immigrant population. |  |
3. Implement a stand-alone Animal Services Department and continue process improvement activities to address public safety and live release issues. |  |
Government Performance and Financial Management |
1. Implement Dallas 365: Performance Management System to drive performance improvement within the organization. |  |
2. Propose a responsible and transparent budget, and develop and recommend a 2-year budgeting process for proposed implementation with the FY 2017-18 Budget. |  |
3. Revamp Open Records Request System to increase transparency, accountability, and compliance across the organization. | 
4. In collaboration with the Mayor's Office, work to revamp the Council Committee structure in alignment with the new six key strategic priorities. |  |
5. Begin Phase One of Contract Management System to improve process and alignment of resources within departments for increased compliance accountability and oversight. | 
6. Successful implementation of new organizational structure to better reflect and address current operating needs of the City. |  |
7. Complete vendor selection and Phase One of implementation of a new Customer Response Management System (311) to improve customer "line of sight." | 
8. Create an Innovation center and implementation plan to lead SmartCities initiatives across the City. |  |