Municipal Archives

Where Do I Find . . . .

The Dallas Municipal Archives contains hundreds of aspects of the city's governmental history.  You can search for them via the Collections, Online Exhibits, Resources, and other options on the sidebar.  

The Archives does not contain information on individual citizens or residences.  The following table shows frequently asked questions and where to obtain your answers.  

Vital Statistics 
​birth or death certificates.  Located in the downtown Dallas Public Library.
Building Inspection 
​​blueprints and/or building plans.  The department contains central files for both civic and residential building plans and blueprints.
City Code
building, electrical, and plumbing codes from 1994 and after​.

For codes from 1993 and before, see 
Dallas City Code, 1889-1993.

City Secretary's Office online Council Meeting information
​Dallas City Council agendas, minutes, and digital audio recordings from 1997 and after.
Open Records
Dallas City Council minutes and audio recordings before 1997.
Open Records
​police records.
Special Collections department
documentation of a payoff or release of paving lien.
Murphy and Bolenz map collection
​​​Murphy and Bolenz block and addition books for Dallas County 1880-1920.
County Records Division of the Dallas County Clerk
​probate records for a deceased family member.  The city does not handle probate records.
Survey office of the Department of Public Works
property boundaries for a residence or building.
City of Dallas Municipal Court
warrants, bonds, or citations issued by the City of Dallas Municipal Court.

Contact the Municipal Archives if you have a question or if you are unsure of whom to contact.  If we do not have the information in our collections, we will do our best to point you in the right direction.  We are here to serve you.