City Plan Commission Announcements
As of November 10, 2023, this page will serve as archive/repository of the City Plan Commission meetings and information.
The current City Plan Commission website is here: City Plan and Zoning Commission
As established by the City Charter, the City Plan Commission (CPC) is responsible for making recommendations to the City Council regarding planning and zoning matters, and for administering Chapter 212 of the Texas Local Government Code regarding the platting and recording of subdivisions and additions. It is through this planning for and regulation of land development that the City Plan Commission achieves its land use planning objectives.
The City Plan Commission meetings will be held in person and by video conference. Individuals who wish to speak in person can attend the hearing as posted. Individuals who wish to speak, remotely via WebEx, in accordance with the City Plan Commission Rules of Procedure, should contact the Current Planning division at 214-670-4209 by the close of business Tuesday prior to the scheduled CPC Meeting date. The links below will direct you to the online remote registration form and the respective CPC meeting information to listen to the meeting. Public Affairs and Outreach will also stream the public hearing on Spectrum Cable Channel 16 and or
- Upcoming Regular City Plan Commission Meeting -
The next City Plan Commission Hearing will be held on:
Thursday, November 16th 2023.
In-person meetings are at 1500 Marilla Street, Dallas, Texas, 75201
Council Chamber - 6th Floor - Dallas City Hall
Briefing begins at 9:00 am in Rm 5ES, followed by the Public Hearing at 12:30pm
- WebEx Virtual Attendance and Participation Options -
Individuals may pre-register here to speak remotely during the public hearing.
Register to Speak Online (Registration Opens by 5pm on the Friday Before Each Hearing Date) - Remote speaker registration deadline: Wednesday, November 15th, 2023, at 3 PM (No online submissions will be accepted after deadline) - In-person speakers do not need to complete online pre-registration.
Individuals may attend remotely by using the Webinar information below.
(Remote Meeting will Open by 9am on the Date of Each Hearing)
Webinar Address:
Password: dallas
Join by webinar number:
Webinar number: 2499 694 2432
Webinar password: dallas (325527 from phones) |
To Listen by Phone:
+1-469-210-7159 United States Toll (Dallas)
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
Access code 2499 694 2432
Password (if required) 325527
To Request an Interpreter / Para Solicitar un Intérprete:
To request an interpreter, please email at least 3 days in advance of a meeting. Late requests will be honored if possible.
Para solicitar un intérprete, mande un correo electrónico a al menos 3 dias antes de una reunión. Solicitudes con retraso serán respetadas, si es possible. |
Public Comment (in support or in opposition) on existing zoning cases under review and scheduled for City Plan Commission can be submitted here. |
If you have any questions, please feel free to call (214) 670-4209.
2023 City Plan Commission Calendar
2024 Zoning Case Schedule (NEW)
CPC Rules of Procedures
2021 - 2022 Annual Report
Current City Plan Commission Members
The Commission will receive faxes at 214-670-4210.
2023 City Plan Commission Meetings
Please Note: all files are Adobe .pdf format unless noted otherwise. Case files are linked from the agenda .pdf file.
November 16, 2023
Plans and Plats Registered Speakers
| Minutes Recording - Briefing Recording - Hearing
November 2, 2023
Plans and Plats Registered Speakers
| Minutes Recording - Briefing Recording - Hearing
October 19, 2023
Plans and Plats Registered Speakers
| Minutes Recording - Briefing Recording - Hearing
October 5, 2023
Plans and Plats Registered Speakers
| Minutes Recording - Briefing Recording - Hearing
September 21, 2023
Plans and Plats Registered Speakers
| Minutes Recording - Briefing Recording - Hearing
Plans and Plats Registered Speakers
| Minutes Recording - Briefing Recording - Hearing
August 17, 2023 Plans and Plats Registered Speakers
| Minutes Recording - Briefing Recording - Hearing
August 3, 2023 Plans and Plats Registered Speakers
Landmark Appeal 1012 Betterton Circle CD223-008(RD) The Record Addendum to the Record Transcript
| Minutes Recording - Briefing Recording - Hearing
July 20, 2023 Plans and Plats Registered Speakers
| Minutes Recording - Briefing Recording - Hearing
July 6, 2023 Plans and Plats Registered Speakers
Minutes Recording - Briefing Recording - Hearing
June 15, 2023 Plans and Plats Registered Speakers
Landmark Appeal 2431 Park Row Avenue CA223-240(CM) The Record Transcript City Brief Appellant Brief
| Minutes Recording - Briefing Recording - Hearing
June 1, 2023 Plans and Plats Registered Speakers
Landmark Appeal 208 Landis Street CA223-182(RD) Notification Letter The Record (Amended) Transcript City Brief
Minutes Recording - Briefing Recording - Hearing
May 18, 2023 Plans and Plats Registered Speakers
Minutes Recording - Briefing Recording - Hearing
May 4, 2023 Plans and Plats Registered Speakers
Minutes Recording - Briefing Recording - Hearing
April 20, 223 Plans and Plats Registered Speakers
Minutes Recording - Briefing Recording - Hearing
March 23, 2023 Plans and Plats Registered Speakers
Landmark Appeal 338 S Fleming Ave (CD223-003(RD) Record Transcript City Brief Appellant Brief
Minutes Recording - Briefing Recording - Hearing
March 2, 2023 Plans and Plats Registered Speakers
Landmark Appeal 4512-4518 Sycamore St (CA212-574 RD) Record Transcript City Brief Appellant Brief
Appeal of Apportionment of Exaction - Shady Hollow Estates Paving, Drainage, & ROW Apportionment; S178-288 Plat. Application Appellant Engineer Report Appellant Brief & Attachments City Position Statement with Exhibits The Record
Minutes Recording - Briefing Recording - Hearing
February 16, 2023 Plans and Plats Registered Speakers
Appeal of Apportionment of Exaction - Shady Hollow Estates Paving, Drainage, & ROW Apportionment; S178-288 Plat. Application Appellant Engineer Report Appellant Brief & Attachments City Position Statement with Exhibits The Record |
Minutes Recording - Briefing Recording - Hearing
February 2, 2023 (Canceled) Plans and Plats Registered Speakers (Rescheduled) (Zoning Case speakers moved to 2/16)
Landmark Appeal 4512-4518 Sycamore St (CA212-574 RD) Record Transcript City Brief Appellant Brief
(Canceled) Zoning cases rescheduled for 2/16/2023 All other cases to be determined
January 19, 2023 Plans and Plats Registered Speakers
Minutes Recording - Briefing Recording - Hearing
January 5, 2023 Plans and Plats Registered Speakers
Landmark Appeal 4512-4518 Sycamore St (CA212-574 RD) Record Transcript City Brief Appellant Brief
Minutes Recording - Briefing Recording - Hearing
Previous City Plan Commission Meeting Archives
City Plan Commission Committees
Current Committee Appointments (04/2023)
Comprehensive Land Use Plan Committee (CLUP)
The Comprehensive Land Use Plan Committee (CLUP) is a standing committee of the City Plan Commission (CPC) that provides oversight during the ForwardDallas update process. The Committee monitors implementation of the comprehensive plan through review and recommendations for land use-specific initiatives at various scales of community planning.
For more information about CLUP or to be added to the email distribution list, contact Lawrence Agu, III via email at, or by calling (214) 670-3620.
For Agendas, minutes and committee member composition, navigate to the CLUP
The Zoning Ordinance Advisory Committee (ZOAC) is an advisory body appointed by the City Plan Commission and is comprised of 3 Plan Commissioners and 5 citizens. ZOAC is responsible for reviewing potential amendments to the City's Development Code and making a recommendation to the City Plan Commission. The City Plan Commission then considers the proposed amendment and makes a recommendation which is forwarded to City Council. ZOAC's meetings are open to the Public.
ZOAC Members:
Joanna Hampton, Chair (CPC)
Lorie Blair, Vice Chair (CPC)
Amanda Popken
Ryan Behring
Larry Hall
Mark Rieves
Ann Bagley
Enrique MacGregor
For more information about ZOAC or to be added to the email distribution list, contact Arturo Del Castillo via email at, or by calling (214) 670-3718.