HUD Reports

Five-Year Consolidated Plan

To receive grant funds, the City must submit a Consolidated Plan to HUD every five years. The Consolidated Plan is a comprehensive strategic plan that identifies and prioritizes community needs and details how they will be addressed through the four HUD grants and other initiatives.

Annual Action Plans

The City must submit an Action Plan to HUD each year that includes the annual budget and programs supported by grant funds. The annual Action Plan lays out the City’s proposed steps for the year to address needs and implement strategies consistent with the Five-Year Consolidated Plan.


The City submits the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) to HUD at the end of December every year. It details the use of the City’s Consolidated Plan grant funds, associated expenditures, and accomplishments.

Substantial Amendments

If the basic purpose, location, scope, or beneficiaries of an activity change substantially, the City must follow specific amendment procedures, including conducting a public hearing to amend the Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan. This document outlines all substantial amendments to the Five-Year Consolidated Plan for Fiscal Year 2019-20 through Fiscal Year 2023-24.