Air Division Manager | Paul White II, Senior Program Manager | 214-671-8979 |
Ambient Air Monitoring
| A.C. Flye, Manager | 214-671-5230
Air Quality Compliance | Joseph Vu, Manager | 214-670-4059
Air Quality inspects and monitors the regulated industry to ensure compliance with, and to enforce, the federal and state regulations governing air quality in order to promote and protect the health, safety and well-being of the citizens of Dallas. We also respond to citizen complaints, addressing concerns about the air quality in the City of Dallas.
Air Quality can be reached at 214-948-4435.
Regulatory Air Monitor Network
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) has a network of regulatory air monitors in Dallas. The monitors are maintained by TCEQ, AECOM, and the City of Dallas. The City of Dallas maintains 7 monitors which will include the new Pilgrim Drive site.
- Dallas LBJ Freeway (481131067)
- Dallas North #2 (481130075)
- Dallas Elm Fork (481131505)
- Dallas Hinton (481130069)
- Earhart (481130061)
- Convention Center (481130050)
- Dallas Redbird Airport (481130087)
- Lancaster Cedardale (481131500)
- Pilgrim Drive (Installation Pending - Summer 2021)
Regulatory Monitors Map

For further information regarding the monitoring sites such as installation date, sampler type, and monitoring data please visit:
TCEQ Website
Breathe Easy Dallas
The City of Dallas and The Nature Conservancy in Texas, together with Texas A&M Transportation Institute have installed neighborhood air quality monitors in nine different Dallas neighborhoods as part of the Breathe Easy Dallas project. Breathe Easy Dallas identified the neighborhood locations through review of current Safe-Route-to-School program areas, along with available public health data relative to prevalence of childhood asthma, and racial and economic demographics.

For more details on the Breathe Easy Dallas project please visit:
Breathe Easy Dallas