Budget & Management Services

Office of Budget

Performance Criteria

The City of Dallas conducts departmental business planning around the Baldrige framework. This framework will help the City of Dallas advance our strategic goals while improving results for our residents through the ​alignment of our plans, processes, decisions, people, actions, and results. 

The Baldrige framework was created by Congress in 1987 and is managed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, an agency of the US Department of Commerce.  The framework exists to help:

1. Organizations:

  • assess their improvement efforts​​
  • diagnose their overall performance management system
  • identify their strengths and opportunities for improvement 

2.  St​rengthen U.S. competitiveness by:​

  • improving organizational performance practices, capabilities, and results​​
  • facilitating communication and sharing of information on best practices among U.S. organizations of all types
  • serving as a tool for understanding and managing performance and for guiding planning and opportunities for learning​

The Baldrige framework provides organizations with an integrated approach using a systems perspective to performance management that results in:

  • delivery of ever-improving value to customers and stakeholders, contributing to organizational sustainability
  • improved organizational effectiveness and capabilities
  • organizational and personal learning
  • The framework uses criteria that drive continuous improvement in areas such as: 

    • ​Leader​​ship
    • Strategy
    • Customer 
    • Measure, Analysis, & Knowledge Management (MAKM)
    • Workforce
    • Operations
    • Results ​