Budget & Management Services

Budget & Management Services

Budget and Management Services provides financial and management services support to the City Manager´s Office. The department consists of four divisions: Citywide Capital and Operating Budget Development and Monitoring, Grant Administration, Utility Management, and Strategy, Performance, and Innovation.

The Capital and Operating Budget division is responsible for preparing and monitoring the general fund, capital funds, internal service funds, enterprise funds, and grants and trusts budgets Citywide. This division also identifies sources of revenue necessary for the delivery of City services.​

The Grant Administration division prepares and monitors budgets Citywide for Consolidated Plan funds (including Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investment Partnership Grant, Emergency Solutions Grant and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Grant) received from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. This division is responsible for ensuring HUD and other grant funds are administered efficiently, effectively, and in compliance with applicable laws. The team also serves as the City’s liaison to various federal agencies from whom the City receives grant funding.

The Utility Management division monitors the utility and cable franchise agreements granted by the City for compliance, reviews gas and electric utility rate change requests, and monitors/forecasts right-of-way franchise fees.​

The Strategy, Performance, and Innovation division spearheads Citywide strategic planning and process improvement initiatives to achieve the City's goals and improve operational efficiency and effectiveness. This division also develops and implements performance measurements, policies, practices, and systems that build and reinforce a culture of continuous, data-driven improvement.