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Civil Service

Civil Service - Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations


Section 1. 
A. In addition to the general requirements of Rule VI, applicants for Trainee Police Officer must meet the following requirements:

(1) Have at least forty-five (45) semester hours of college credit with a C average or better from an accredited college or university. OR A minimum of 36 months active service in the Armed Forces of the United States with an Honorable Discharge (Allowance for no more than 10 calendar days less than 36 months; more than 10 days requires approval from the Assistant Chief of Police over  Personnel and Support Division)OR currently holds an active, valid TCOLE license OR thirty-six (36) months of fulltime certified law enforcement experience (from date of receipt of license) with a city, county or state law enforcement agency and be currently employed or separated from the agency for no more than 4 months prior to the date of application. (Adopted by City Council on February 13, 2019 CR #19-0282.)

(2) Be at least nineteen and one-half (19 1/2) years of age and not have reached forty-five (45) years of age on the date the Civil Service written examination is given. (Adopted by City Council on January 9, 2008 CR #080140.)

(3) Have sufficient height with proportionate weight, physical strength, and endurance required to perform ordinary duties inherent in law enforcement work.

(4) Be physically and emotionally sound and free from any defect which might adversely affect the performance of police duty.

(5) Have 20/100 vision or better in both eyes correctable to at least 20/20 in both eyes.

(6) Have normal hearing and normal color vision.

(7) Have honorable discharge from military service if applicable.

(8) Have demonstrated safe driving habits and be qualified to drive a motor vehicle in Texas.

(9) Have good credit rating.

(10) Have a satisfactory prior employment record if applicable.

B. The Civil Service Board shall have the right to make changes as provided in Rule XXI in the requirements for height, weight, education, or any other relevant factor prior to the announcement of any examination for this classification.


Section 1. 
A. In addition to the general requirements of Rule VI, applicants for Trainee Fire and Rescue Officer must meet the following requirements:

(1) Have at least forty-five (45) semester hours college credit with a C average or better from an accredited college or university or must have completed at least four (4) years active duty service in the Armed Forces of the United States of America, with an honorable discharge as indicated on separation documents provided by the military. (Adopted by City Council on April 27, 2005 CR #051333.)

(2) Be at least eighteen (18) years of age and not have reached thirty-six (36) years of age on the date the Civil Service examination is given. (Adopted by City Council on September 27, 2006 CR #062598.)

(3) Height must be proportion to weight, and weight must not exceed twenty-five percent above or below ideal weight limit.

(4) Be physically and emotionally sound and free from any defect which might adversely affect the performance of fire fighting duty.

(5) Must pass physical ability test approved by the Civil Service Board.

(6) Have at least 20/40 vision in one eye and 20/100 vision in the other eye without correction. Have at least 20/20 in one eye and 20/40 in the other eye with correction.

(7) Have normal hearing and normal color vision.

(8) Have honorable discharge from military service if applicable.

(9) Have a good driving record.

(10) Have a good credit rating. (Adopted by City Council on January 9, 2008 CR #080155.)

(11) Have a satisfactory previous employment record if applicable.

B. In addition to the general requirements of Rule VI, applicants for Trainee Fire Prevention Officer must meet the following requirements:

(1) Have at least sixty (60) semester hours college credit with a C average or better from an accredited college or university or must have completed at least five (5) years active duty service in the Armed Forces of the United States of America, with an honorable discharge as indicated on separation documents provided by the military. This requirement does not apply to uniformed Fire Department employees hired prior to January 5, 1966 transferring to Fire Prevention. (Adopted by City Council on April 27, 2005 CR #051333.)

(2) Be at least twenty-one (21) years of age on the date the Civil Service examination is given. (Adopted by City Council on January 9, 2008 CR #080155.)

(3) Be physically and emotionally sound and free from any defect which might adversely affect the performance of fire prevention work.

(4) Have vision in both eyes correctable to 20/20.

(5) Have hearing correctable to normal and normal color vision.

(6) Have honorable discharge from military service if applicable.

(7) Have a good driving record.

(8) Have a good credit rating.

(9) Have a good previous employment record if applicable.

C. The Civil Service Board shall have the right to make changes as provided in Rule XXI in the requirements for height, weight, education, or any other relevant factor prior to the announcement of any examination for this class.


Section 1. 
A. An employee of either the police, fire, or police and fire signal departments who has become disabled through injury in line of duty or disease shall be entitled to three months absence with full pay, provided the Director of Public Health of the City of Dallas shall hold such employee physically or mentally unfit for duty during such period, but any extension of absence with full pay in excess of three months is expressly within the discretion of the City Manager. The above is part of the personnel regulations as promulgated by the City Manager, and is incorporated as a part of this rule.

B. If, at any time during the period that the disabled employee is on the department's payroll, he feels that he is capable of assuming his duties, he shall make application to the Civil Service Board for reinstatement to his former position. Upon receipt of his application, the Civil Service Board shall refer the employee to the health department for a physical examination and, if the health department certifies to the Civil Service Board that the employee is physically able to perform his duties, the Civil Service Board may certify his name to the chief of the department for the position he held prior to his being disabled.

C. If, upon certification of his name to the chief or after he has resumed his duties, it is claimed by the chief that the employee is unable to perform the duties of his position in a satisfactory manner, the chief shall file his claim with the Civil Service Board, stating the reasons why he thinks the employee is not capable of performing the duties of his position. Then the Civil Service Board shall have the right to make such investigation as they might deem necessary and if, after their investigation, it is found that the employee is not able to satisfactorily discharge the duties of the position he held at the time of his disability, the Board shall have the right to certify him for a position lower than that which he held at the time of his disability, but, if there is not sufficient cause to order his reinstatement to a lower class, the Board may authorize his reinstatment to his former position, and the action of the Civil Service Board shall be final. The chief of the department shall not have the right to refer the case back to the Board after its final decision.

D. The position held by the disabled employee shall be held open for such period as the City Manager might think is advisable to do so, consideration being given to the efficient operation of the department. If, however, it should be found necessary to fill the vacancy caused by the absence of the employee during the period that his position is being held open, said vacancy shall be filled by making temporary appointment from the ranks of those eligible.

E. After the disabled employee is removed from the department's payroll and placed on the pension payroll, when he desires to be removed from the pension payroll, he shall make his request to the Pension Board, and the Pension Board shall refer the request to the Civil Service Board. Upon receipt of this request, the Civil Service Board shall proceed in the same manner as in the case where the employee is still on the department's payroll.

F. When the disability period extends beyond the expiration of the period that the position is held open for the disabled employee, and the employee wishes to return to the department, he shall make his request to the Pension Board, and the Pension Board shall certify his request to the Civil Service Board. Then the Civil Service Board shall have the authority to order such physical examination and tests and make such investigation as they might deem necessary, taking into consideration the length of disability, the physical and mental condition, as well as all other factors that might have a bearing upon the advisability of reappointing the employee.

G. In case the employee is approved for duty, the Civil Service Board has the authority to certify his name for any position that might be open but, in no case, shall it be for a higher position than that which was held at the time of the disability. In case no vacancy exists, his name shall be placed at the head of the re-employment register. If, however, there is more than one name on the re-employment register, placed there in accordance with the rule, it shall be at the discretion of the Civil Service Board as to which name shall be selected to fill the first vacancy, consideration being given to length of disability, physical condition, and seniority.

H. Those disabled employees coming under this rule who are not members of the pension fund and thereby are not permitted to be placed on the pension payroll shall be handled in the same manner as stated above, with the exception that when they believe they are physically able to return to their duties they shall make application to the Civil Service Board.

Section 2. 
A. Any police officer or fire officer who voluntarily resigns from a position and who is not eligible for disability pension or service pension and whose record of performance was satisfactory at the time of resignation, and who is physically and emotionally fit for active police or fire service, shall be eligible to have his or her name placed on the reinstatement register without further examination.

B. Any person certified as eligible for reappointment under this rule shall, if selected for reappointment, be reappointed to a position at the Civil Service rank or class no higher than the rank or class held by the person at the time of resignation or may be reappointed to a lower position for which that person may be qualified.

C. Reappointment of a former police or fire officer under this rule shall not be deemed complete until a probationary period of six months shall have elapsed.

Rules & Regulations