The Office of Community Care (OCC) provides direction and oversight of the City’s social, human, and supportive services to help create equity for seniors, children, and other city of Dallas residents to improve their quality and standard of living. OCC manages a range of social services, which provides emergency assistance to individuals and families who have experienced a temporary financial crisis. Through senior services, including the Senior Affairs Commission, we provide information/referrals, educational programming, dental health services, and other resources that support and promote financial and social well-being of Dallas Seniors. Our Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) Program currently serves more than 75,000 people each month in a total of 16 clinics located throughout Dallas County. Additionally, OCC oversees Vital Statistics, which maintains records of births, deaths, and fetal deaths that occur within the incorporated city limits of Dallas. The Fresh START housing assistance program offers case management and rental assistance to aid the homeless and those at-risk of homelessness, including individuals impacted by the criminal justice system, to increase skills and income, on the road to self-sufficiency. Our Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) program provides housing/ rental assistance and support services for persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families. We provide direct services to clients to assist them with employment, education, life skills, mentoring, substance abuse treatment and community services. Perhaps our most visible initiative, the Office of Community Care, operates two community centers that serve as dynamic focal points for Southern and Western Dallas and its activities across the life course, the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center on MLK Boulevard and the West Dallas Multipurpose Center on Fish Trap Road. Our centers enhance the quality of life of residents in the surrounding neighborhoods by providing an assortment of services ranging from rental assistance, energy assistance, fresh produce and supplemental meal distribution, health promotion and medical services, childcare and family counseling, educational and technological training, and community events and activities.