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Sign permits are obtained through our online plan submission portal: ProjectDox
Sign permits typically take around two business days to be approved if all required items are submitted. See here for a complete list of items needed for sign permit review.
A permit
IS REQUIRED for all signs (new or re-face) if any sign:
has an effective area greater than 20-square-feet.
is located in excess of eight-feet in height.
is illuminated or has any electrical components, including motion.
is located in or over a public roadway.
is located in a
Special Provision Sign District (SPSD).
A sign permit
the changing of words on a sign that is designed with interchangeable words.
normal maintenance to replace worn parts and/or repainting without word change. This does not include retro-fitting a sign to LED.
memorial signs or tablets, names of buildings and dates of erection when cut into any masonry surface, or when constructed of bronze or other non-combustible materials.
government signs such as flags, insignia, legal notices or information, directional or traffic signs that are legally required or necessary to the essential functions of government agencies.
A contractor must be registered before any sign permit can be issued. The installation of electrical signs requires a registered electrical or sign electrical contractor. Registration forms can be found
here for general contractors and here for electrical/sign electrical contractors. First time registration must be done in person at 320 E. Jefferson Blvd., Room LL04 Dallas, TX 75203.
An approved Certificate of Occupancy (CO) will be required for the occupant advertising on any sign before a sign permit can be approved. Our brochure for obtaining COs can be found
Sign permit fees for all Premise Attached Signs and Sign Refaces are $296. For all new Premise Detached Signs, the permit fee is $577.
Most sign provisions are located in
Chapter 51A, Article VII. Specific provisions for each sign are determined by the site's zoning district. Most signs will be regulated by the general business or non-business zoning district provisions (summary charts & links below). However, some sites may have overlay districts such as
Special Provision Sign Districts (SPSD),
Historic Districts (H),
Conservation Districts (CD), &
Planned Development Districts (PD). These overlays are additional provisions beyond the general business or non-business zoning provisions for the site. Some of these overlays may require special or additional review processes. Please contact your inspector with any questions regarding these overlays or processes.
Please use our online zoning map to determine your zoning district:
Video Tutorial on how to use the interactive map:
In general, an
attached sign means a sign attached to, applied on, or supported by any part of a building (such as a wall, roof, window, canopy, awning, arcade, or marquee that encloses or covers usable space). All attached signs combined (new and existing) are
limited to eight words over four-inches tall per facade, per occupant.
In general, a detached sign means any sign connected to the ground that is not an attached, portable, or vehicular sign. This includes signs mounted on retaining walls and/or fences.
In general, we do not allow temporary signs, so we are unable to issue permits for them. We can issue permits for signs provided for by the zoning requirements for that area.
Any sign/s meeting this definition are prohibited in the general zoning districts:
SPECIAL PURPOSE SIGN means a sign temporarily supplementing the permanent signs on a premise.
Special Purpose Signs in the general zoning (business & non-business) districts were prohibited by intentionally removing all the requirements for these types of signs. Otherwise, signs follow the regulations outlined for that district provided in the charts and links below.
Some Special Provision Sign Districts (SPSD)s have provisions for Special Purpose Signs. Our Zoning Map is available to determine the zoning for a specific site. Each SPSD will have a tabbed portion for sites located in the SPSD when the property is selected.
Business Zoning Districts: SC, GR, LC, HC, I-1, I-2, I-3, CA-1, CA-2, CR, RR, CS, LI, IR, IM, CA-1(A), CA-2(A), MU-1, MU-2, MU-3, MC-1, MC-2, MC-3, MC-4.
Planned Development Districts (PD) & Parking District (P-(A)) can be designated business zoning or non-business zoning districts.
Primary Facade - 25% of the facade area for all signs.
Secondary Facade - 15% of facade area for all signs.
Vertical Projection - Minimum 10 ft. clearance over accessible areas if sign projects more than two-inches over an accessible area. Signs can project up to four-feet above the surface to which they are attached.
Horizontal Projection - Maximum 18-inches from the surface to which the sign is attached.
Eight word limit per facade for words exceeding four-inches in height. Words four-inches or less in height can be used without limit.
No roof signs.
| -
One allowed per premise or non-residential occupancy.
20-square-foot maximum effective area.
Vertical Projection - Minimum 10 ft. clearance over accessible areas if sign projects more than two-inches over an accessible area. Signs can project up to four-feet above the surface to which they are attached.
Horizontal Projection - Maximum four-feet from the surface to which the sign is attached, but not over public right-of-way.
Not allowed on any premise which maintains a detached sign/s.
| - Maximum effective area is 15% of the area of the window or glass door.
Signs must be located in the bottom 1/3rd of the window.
Words exceeding four-inches in height are included in the word count for a facade.
Single Tenant Multi-Tenant Monument Unity Agreement Monument | -
Area and height allowances are based on setback (see chart). Maximum allowance for any monument sign is 200-square-feet and 35-feet over all height.
The minimum setback for a single tenant monument sign is zero-feet, for all other monument signs the minimum setback is five-feet. All setbacks are measured from the property/ROW lines (not curb).
Limit of one detached sign, of any type, per street frontage, not including expressways.
Must maintain a minimum of 200-radial-feet between all detached signs on the same premise.
Monument signs have no separation between the sign and the ground & must have a ground level support, instead of a pole support. Effective area for a monument sign includes everything above grade.
Single Tenant
Multi-Tenant Non-Monument
Unity Agreement Non-Monument
| -
Area and height allowances are based on setback (see chart). Maximum allowance for any non-monument sign is 200-square-feet and 35-feet over all height.
Limit of one detached sign, of any type, per street frontage, not including expressways.
Minimum setback of 15-feet from property/ROW lines (not curb).
Must maintain a minimum of 200-radial-feet between all detached signs on the same premise.
| -
Area and height allowances are based on setback (see chart). Maximum allowance for any expressway sign is 400-square-feet and 50-feet over all height.
Sign must be located wholly within 100-feet of an expressway ROW.
One expressway sign is allowed per 450-lineal feet of expressway frontage.
Minimum setback of five-feet from property/ROW (not curb).
Must maintain a minimum of 200-radial-feet between all detached signs on the same premise.
* All attached signs within 100-feet of private property in a non-business zoning district or a public park that is more than one-acre, must follow the provisions for non-business zoning districts.
** All detached signs within 250-feet of private property in a non-business zoning district or a public park that is more than one-acre, must be monument signs.
Non-Business Zoning Districts: All other districts not listed as a business zoning district. Planned Development Districts (PD) & Parking District (P-(A)) can be designated business zoning or non-business zoning districts.
One sign per facade per occupant.
Maximum effective area not to exceed 40-square-feet.
Vertical Projection - Minimum 10 ft. clearance over accessible areas if sign projects more than two-inches over an accessible area.
Horizontal Projection - Maximum 18-inches from the surface to which the sign is attached.
Eight word limit per facade for words exceeding four-inches in height. Words four-inches or less in height can be used without limit.
No roof signs.
ATTACHED (Located in LO(A), MO(A), GO(A), & O-2 Districts)
| -
Attached provisions apply for all tenants, but signs may exceed 40-square-feet, provided that:
Only one sign is allowed above the second story on any facade, if election is made.
An additional 40-square-feet in effective area is allowed for each additional story of the facade over the first two.
No more than two signs per building can exceed 40-square-feet.
Signs exceeding 40-square-feet can't be located on the same facade.
| -
One allowed per non-residential premise.
20-square-foot maximum effective area.
Vertical Projection - Minimum 10 ft. clearance over accessible areas if sign projects more than two-inches over an accessible area. Signs can project up to four-feet above the surface to which they are attached.
Horizontal Projection - Maximum four-feet from the surface to which the sign is attached, but not over public right-of-way.
Not allowed on any premise which maintains a detached sign/s.
| -
Area and height allowances are based on setback (see chart). Maximum allowance is 50-square-feet and 25-foot overall-height.
One sign is allowed per 600-feet of street frontage.
Five-foot minimum setback from property/ROW lines (not curb).
For questions please call 214-948-4480 or contact our staff directly:
Sign Team Supervisor:
Scott Roper - 214-948-4675 Field: 972-269-6024
| Sr. Sign Inspector:
Michael Martin - 214-671-0384
Field: 945-542-2321
Senior Plans Examiner:
Trevor Lumsden - 214-948-4343
Field: 214-918-8002
North Area Sign Inspector:
Mike Erwin - 945-542-2325
Field: 945-542-2325
Central Area Sign Inspector:
VACANT - 214-948-4343
South Area Sign Inspector:
Miguel Salas - 214-671-1768
Field: 945-275-3170
See Map Below for Inspection Areas
NEW: 8:00am inspection times now available. Check with your inspector to reserve.
Every sign permit requires one or more inspections, depending on the permit type. The available inspection options for a permitted sign can be found at the bottom of the Contractor Authorization page of each permit.
Sign inspections are scheduled through our IVR system by calling:
(Validation Numbers (permit number) & inspection codes can be found on the permit)
For Same Day, After Hours, and Weekend Inspections.
Please contact Mike Martin, Scott Roper, or Trevor Lumsden to set up.
(Inspection Fee may be Required)
Inspections scheduled through the IVR System will be automatically scheduled for the following business day. Same day inspections are scheduled if called in prior to 7am on the day of the inspection or by making arrangements with your inspector. There may be a fee, if a same day inspection is requested after 7am on the day of the inspection.
- For Electrical, Pier, & Sign Location Inspections -
Some inspections require your crew to be onsite during the inspection prior to a sign's installation. To arrange a time to meet your inspector on the day of the inspection, please:
(prior to 8:15 am on the day of the inspection).
Please indicate the
permit number, what time your crew will be ready for the inspection, and provide contact information for your installation crew. If you do not receive a response by 9am, your inspector will meet your crew within 30 minutes of your proposed time. Otherwise, the inspector will indicate a new time based on the route and volume of inspections for that day.
Use the map below to determine your inspection district. There is also general information on inspections and contacts for the sign department.

(Download Map)