Building Services

​Building Services Department

​Frequently Asked Questions


How do I request non-emergency City services?

A citizen may contact the City to request non-emergency services by dialing 3-1-1. 3-1-1 provides access to City services 7 days a week from 6 a.m. – 8 p.m. for routine calls and 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for urgent requests such as street leaks, burst pipes, sewer issues, sick, confined or injured animals, animal bites, traffic signal outages, downed signal light poles, street spillages, and downed trees.  If you are outside City limits the phone number is (214)-670-5111.

What City-owned buildings does BSD maintain and operate?

BSD maintains all City facilities except those owned and operated by Aviation, the Convention Center, Dallas Water Utilities and some Fair Park Buildings​.

How do I access the City Hall parking garage?

Scheduled visitors are allowed to park in the City’s underground parking garage and may access City Hall through the L1 green entrance with a quick security screening. Visitors should contact the City department they are visiting to be added to the scheduled visitor parking list. Metered parking and surface pay lots are available options for parking near City Hall.

How do I schedule a special event at City Hall?

City Hall based events may be scheduled by calling City Hall Conference Room Booking at (214) 670-4818. For events please contact the Special Events Office at (214) 939-2703​.

How do I report a maintenance concern in a City building?

To report a maintenance concern, please contact Facility Management at (214) 671-8071​.