Real Estate

​Real Estate

​Frequently Asked Questions

How do I have a street or alley abandoned?

Land owners whose property abuts a street or alley or other public right-of-way may apply for an abandonment.

More information about abandonments fees

Where do I get information to use public right-of-way?

Write or visit the Real Estate Division of the Sustainable Development and Construction Department, 
320 E. Jefferson
, Room 203, Dallas, Texas 75203 or telephone 214-948-4100.

More information about Right-of-way Licenses

How do I purchase land owned by the City?

All property is sold by the competitive sealed bid process.  Excess right-of-way only can be sold to the abutting owner.

More information about Surplus Property

How do I get permission to place a monitoring well in the public right-of-way?

More information on monitoring well license procedures