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​Council Committee Briefings​

​2005-2006 ​Current Committee Meetings

Economic Development & Housing Agendas and Briefings

Finance, Audit & Accounta bility Agendas and Briefings

Public Safety Agendas and Briefings

Quality of Life Agendas and Briefings

Trinity River Corridor Agendas and Briefings

Economic Development & Housing Agendas and Briefings


December 18, 2006 Agenda
     Major League Basbaseball - A Play for Downtown Development (37 KB)
     Allen Group Land Swap (740 KB)
     Urban Market Funding Update (not available)

December 5, 2006 - canceled

November 20, 2006 Agenda
     Public Private Partnership Amendment- Residential Development (1 MB pdf)
     Newsrack (2 MB pdf)
     State Thomas Mini Park Acquisition (not available)

November 6, 2006 Agenda
     1217 Main Street (Dallas Rooftop Gardens) (108 KB pdf)
     Proposed Amendments to Kaufman County Municipal Utility Districts (123 KB pdf)
     Proposed Amendments to Subdivision Regulations (94 KB pdf)
     Downtown Living For All - Program Update (793 KB pdf)

October 16, 2006 Agenda
     Downtown Living for All - Program Details (778 KB pdf)
     Potential Policy for Assisting the Central Business District in its Path toward
          Critical Mass (38 KB pdf)
     Dallas Neighborhood Alliance for Habitat Scattered-Site Contract (84 KB pdf)
     Recycled Water Business Plan (290 KB pdf)
     Proposed Amendments to Subdivision Regulations (74 KB pdf)

October 3, 2006 Agenda
     Creating Affordable Housing Opportunities in Downtown Dallas (76 KB pdf)
     Frazier Neighborhood: Current Initiatives & Single Family Housing
          Development (206 KB pdf)
     Potential Policy for Assisting the Central Business District in its Path toward
          Critical Mass (38 KB pdf)
     Forward Dallas! Implementation (168 KB pdf)

September 19, 2006 Agenda
     Urban Market Restructures (406 KB pdf)
     Carroll @ Central Multifamily Project (618 KB pdf)
     City Council Travel (19 KB pdf)
     Reunion Arena Update (233 KB pdf)
     GFE Performance Report & Dallas Center for the Performing Arts GFE Performance Report (94 KB pdf)

September 5, 2006 Agenda
     Gas Exploration in the City of Dallas (pdf - 1.8 MB)
     Tower Petroleum Building and 1900 Pacific (pdf - 492 KB)
     Neighborhood Investment Program - Bexar Street Redevelopment Corridor (pdf- 3.13 MB)
     Dallas Convention & Visitors Bureau Convention Promotion, Advertising and Tourism Development Services Contract Extension (pdf - 104 KB)
     Reunion Arena Status (pdf - 232 KB)

August 22, 2006 AgendaSpecial Called Meeting
     Dallas International Inland Port: A Global Gateway - The Vision,
          Current Status and Next Steps (393 KB)

August 21, 2006 Agenda
     Gas Exploration in the City of Dallas (1.8 MB)

August 7, 2006 Agenda
     Operation Relief Community Development Corporation Pleasant
          Oaks Estates Project Plan (73 KB pdf)
     Supplemental Agreement #1 with Forest City for the Mercantile
          Project (285 KB pdf)

June 26, 2006 Agenda
     Mercantile Ground Lease Parcel Acquisition (800 KB pdf)
     City Center TIF District Funding Reimbursements and the Interurban
          Building (not available)

June 19, 2006 Agenda
     Goodhaven Apartments Multifamily Projects (pdf - 481 KB )
     Valencia Capital Management Central Meadow Redevelopment
          Project (pdf -1.1 MB)
     City Center TIF District Funding Reimbursements and the Interurban
          Building (pdf - 319 KB)
     Proposed approach for Transit Oriented Development at DART Light
          Rail Stations (pdf - 388 KB)
June 13, 2006 Agenda
     Trans Texas Corridor-35 and Regional Transportation Committee
          Recommendations   (10.6 MB pdf)
     Cityplace Area TIF District History and Overview (1.44 MB pdf)
June 5, 2006 Agenda
     No Briefings

May 15, 2006 Agenda
     International Business Plan and Its Impact on Southern Dallas (pdf)

May 9, 2006 Agenda
     Thinking Big About Small Business - Small Business Initiatives for Dallas
          (Southern Dallas Focus) (pdf - 178 KB)
     South Dallas/Fair Park Trust Fund (pdf - 590 KB)

May 1, 2006 Agenda
     Main Street District Retail Improvement Initiative (pdf - 63 KB)
     Surplus Property Sales Procedures (pdf - 1.05 MB)

April 17, 2006 Agenda
     The Farmers Market Study (pdf - 4.5 MB)
     Air Rights and Mineral Rights on City-owned Land and Public Rights-of-Way
          (pdf - 175 KB)
     Surplus Property Sales Procedures (pdf - 64 KB)
     Sidewalk Cafes and Head-in Parking on Greenville Avenue (pdf - 175 KB)
     Proposed FY 2006-07 Consolidated Plan Budget (pdf - 768 KB)

April 11, 2006 Agenda
     Southern Sector Retail Strategy (pdf - 173 KB)
     Small Business Initiatives for Dallas (pdf - 160 KB)
     South Dallas Fair Park Trust Fund (pdf - 131 KB)

April 3, 2006 Agenda
     Dallas Industry Strategy (pdf)
     Public/Private Partnership Program Guidelines and Criteria (Follow-up) (pdf)
     2006 Bond Program / Economic Devlopment & Housing Priorities (pdf)

March 6, 2006 Agenda
     Public/Private Partnership Program (pdf - 1.47 MB)
     Dallas Industry Stratgey (pdf - 785 KB)
     City Walk at Akard SRO (pdf - 1.2 MB)
     CDBG Reprogramming Budget (pdf - 27 KB)

February 21, 2006 Agenda
     Home Occupation Amendments (Not Available)
     Shared Access Development Ammendments
          (pdf - 1 MB)
     Community Redevelopment Block Grant
          Reprogramming (pdf - 28 KB)

February 14, 2006 Agenda
     Recent Improvements in Technology (pdf - 40 KB)
     Historic Development Program Update (pdf - 3.0 MB)

February 6, 2006 Agenda
     Single-Family Housing Infrastructure Development Bond
          Status and Housing Department Program
          Revisions   (pdf - 42 KB)
     Home Occupation Amendments (pdf - 29 KB)
     Community Development Block Grant Extensions and
          Reprogramming (pdf - 1.08 MB)
     Surety Support Program (pdf - 47 KB)

January 17, 2006 Agenda
     Dallas NAFTA Trade Corridor (pdf - 4.0 MB)
     Fy05-06 Extension and Reprogramming (pdf - 72 KB)
     Historic Development Program Update (pdf - 2.0 MB)
     Surety Support Program Codes (pdf - 54 KB)

January 10, 2006 Agenda
     Interurban Building  (pdf - 615 KB)
     Information Briefing – China Trip  (pdf - 439 KB)

November 21, 2005 Agenda

November 7, 2005 Agenda
     Proposed Policy for Public Improvment Districts  (pdf - 103 KB)
     Payment Termination for Kirby Building Deed Restrictions (pdf - 37 KB)
     Historic Preservation Policy - U.S. Post Office Building (pdf - 2.8 MB)

October 17, 2005 Agenda
     Dallas NAFTA Project Update and River of Trade Corridor
          Coalition Update (Information Only) (PDF - 515 KB)
     Proposed Policy for Public Improvement Districts   (PDF - 92 KB)

October 3, 2005 Agenda 
     Surety Support Program (PDF - 35K)
     Proposed Policy for Public Improvement Districts (PDF - 57K)
     Proposed New Tax Increment Financing Districts  (PDF - 1.82MB)

September 20, 2005 Agenda
     Surety Support Program   (PDF - 50 KB)
     Mortgage Assistance Program Contract Renewal for FY 2005-06  (PDF - 61 KB)
     Forward Dallas Plan Update   (PDF - 8 MB)
     Proposed New Public Improvement Districts   (PDF - 126 KB)

September 6, 2005 Agenda
     Dallas NAFTA Trade Corridor Project (PDF - 1.8 MB)
     Neighborhood Investment Program II   (PDF - 3.9 MB)
     Proposed New Public Improvement Districts   (PDF - 123 KB)
     Mortgage Assistance Program Contract Renewal for FY 2005-06 (PDF - 58 KB)

August 16, 2005 Agenda
     Proposed New Public Improvement Districts (not available)
     Neighborhood Investment Program II  (not available)
     Consolidated Plan Reprogramming Budget  (not available)
     Kiosk Program Contract  (PDF - 264 KB)
     Possible Development of Elgin B. Robertson Park  (not available)

August 1, 2005 Agenda (pdf)
     Victory Development Presentation (Memo, PDF 13 KB)
     Proposed New Public Improvement Districts (PDF 549 KB)

Finance, Audit & Accountability Agendas and Briefings

December 11, 2006
     External Auditing Services (30 KB)
     ICMA Benchmarking Project - FY 2005 Overview
          Purchasing (not available)
          Information Technology (259 KB)
          Human Resources and Risk Management (178 KB)
          Fleet Management (184 KB)

November 20, 2006 -  Meeting was canceled

October 23, 2006
     Professional Services Contract for Temporary Information Technology (130 KB pdf)
     City Auditor's Office FY 2006 results and Operational Issues for FY 2007 and
          Personnel Matters (94 KB pdf)

October 9, 2006
     Pay1 - Project Overview and Recommendations (612 KB pdf)
     Annual Review of the City's Investment Policy (51 KB pdf)

September 25, 2006
     City Auditor's Office Position Titles and Salary Schedule (18 KB pdf)
     FY 2004-2005 Year End Report (1.05 MB pdf)
     October 2006 Debt Issuance (290 KB pdf)
     DWU Security Services Contract (15 KB pdf)

September 11, 2006 - Cancelled

August 28, 2006
     Use of Consultants in City Auditor's Office (30 KB pdf)
     Franchise Fee for City of Dallas Waste Haulers (36 KB pdf)
     Commercial Property Insurance (38 KB pdf)
     HRIS and Applicant Tracking/Workforce Management System Transition
          Project (30 KB pdf)
     Performance Management Information System (165 KB pdf)

August 15, 2006
     Automated Meter Reading Program (780 KB pdf)
     Security Guard Contract Recommendation (153 KB pdf)
     Use of Consultants in City Auditor's Office (30 KB pdf)
     DFW International Airport's FY 2006-07 Annual Budget (165 KB pdf)

June 26, 2006 - Canceled

June 12, 2006
     Employees Retirement Fund - Update (58 KB pdf)
     Dallas Performing Arts Cultural Facilities - Corporate Bond Issuance (43 KB pdf)
     External Auditor Selection Process (190 KB pdf)

May 22 2006
     City Auditors Office Strategic Plan (pdf)
     Citywide Recycling Program – Update (pdf)
     Homeless Assistance Facilities – Land Purchase (pdf)

May 8, 2006
     City Auditors Office Strategic Plan (pdf)
     Governmental Accounting Standards Board (pdf)

April 24, 2006
     Business Improvement Model - ISO Update (pdf)
     Energy Management Update (pdf)
     Dallas Central Appraisal District's Proposed FY2006-2007 Budget and Operation  
     Amending D/FW Airport Construction & Fire Prevention Standards Ordinance (pdf)
     City Auditor's Office Strategic Plan (pdf)

April 10, 2006
      Energy Procurement (pdf - 49 KB)
      Business Process Improvement Model - Update on ISO (pdf - 70 KB)

March 27, 2006
      Evaluation of the City's Electric Procurement Process (pdf)
      City Auditor's Office Strategic Plan (pdf)
      Homeless Assitance Center - General Obligation Bond Sale (pdf)
      Accounts Payable and Financial Implementation Status (pdf)

February 27, 2006
     Northwest Senior Housing Corp. Project (Edgemere
          Facility) – Consent for Bond Issuance (pdf - 15 KB)
     DWU Revenue Refunding and Improvement Bonds,
          Series 2006 (pdf - 49 KB)

February 13, 2006

January 23, 2006 Agenda
     Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport Joint Revenue
          Refunding Bonds, Series 2006A (pdf - 201 KB)
     Downtown TIF Revenue Bonds - Authorization to Proceed
          (pdf - 210 KB)
     Financial Advisor Contract (pdf - 27 KB)
     Dallas Performing Arts Cultural Facilities
          Corporation (pdf - 110 KB)
     Proposed Revisions to License Procedures
          Update (pdf - 600 KB)

January 9, 2006 Agenda
     Independence Issues between Grant Compliance Group
          and the City Auditor's Office  (pdf - 27 KB)
     City Auditor's Office Salary Schedule (pdf - 41 KB)

December 12, 2005 Agenda
     Proposed Revisions to License Procedures - 2nd Update (PDF - 48 KB)
     401(k), 457, and 457 PST Plan Documents and Trust Agreements  (PDF - 36 KB)
     Contract for Desktop Support Services - Rescheduled
     Review the Commission on Productivity and Innovation
          FY 05-06 Workplan (PDF - 20 KB)

November 28, 2005 Agenda
     ISO 9001:Quality Management System Implementation
          Status Report (PDF - 1.54 MB)
     401(k), 457, and 457 PST Plan Documents and Trust Agreements (PDF - 36 KB)

November 14, 2005 Agenda
     Proposed Revisions to License Procedures (PDF - 4 7 KB)
     Payroll Time Reporting for Appointed Officials   (PDF - 20 KB)
     Business Personal Property Tax Issue   (PDF - 21 KB)
     Quarterly Investment Report (PDF - 53 KB)

October 24, 2005 Agenda
     Review of Draft Audit Plan for FY 2006 (pdf - 119 KB)
     Customer Information, Accounting and Billing System (CIABS)
          Update (pdf - 112 KB)
     Centralized Collections Update (pdf - 29 KB)

October 10, 2005 Agenda
     Fleet Maintenance Privatization Follow-Up (PDF - 100KB)
     Proposed Revisions to License Procedures   (PDF - 80KB)
     City Auditor Nominating Commission Update (PDF - 38 KB)

September 26, 2005 Agenda
     Fleet Maintenance Privatization   (PDF - 62 KB)
     FY 2005-06 Property Insurance   (PDF - 29 KB)
     General Obligation, Equipment Notes and Certificate of
          Obligation Sales (PDF - 92KB)

September 12, 2005 Agenda
     Development of the City Auditor's FY 2005-06 Audit Plan  (PDF - 29 KB)
     Establishing the Salary for the Assistant City Auditor   (PDF - 18 KB)

August 22, 2005 Agenda
     Workers' Compensation Third Party Administration    (PDF - 300 KB)
     Additions to the City Auditor's Audit Plan (not available)
     Performance Contracting for Electricity Management   (PDF - 326 KB)

August 8, 2005 Agenda
     Life Insurance Renewal (HTML only)
     The Hockaday School - Refund Bonds (HTML only)
     Quarterly Investments Report (PDF - 51 KB)

Public Safety Agendas and Briefings

​No Agendas and Briefings​​​

Quality of Life Agendas and Briefings

December 11, 2006

     Drought Management Update (584 KB)

     City of Dallas Wastewater Collection System: TCEQ Sanitary Sewer

     Outreach Agreement (369 KB)

     Customer Feedback Tactical Team (1.03 MB)

     Dallas Arts Strategic Assessment Outline/Process (251 KB)

     Library Limited Edition (248 KB) ​

November 6, 2006

     ​ Cotton Bowl Improvements (8 MB pdf)

October 23, 2006
     The Mystery Shopper Volunteer Program (40 KB pdf)
     Status on Homeless Feeding Program (52 KB pdf)
     Operating Policies for Black Box Theaters in Libraries (1.3 MB pdf)

October 9, 2006
     Graffiti Abatement Program (272 KB pdf)
     P.U.R.L. Program (2.2 MB pdf)
     Small Area Plan Process (168 KB pdf)
     Pay1 - Project Overview and Recommendations (612 KB pdf)

September 25, 2006
     Senior Transportation Service (Pilot Program) (74 KB pdf)
     Utility Pay Station Privatization (411 KB pdf)
     Department of Code Compliance Graffiti Abatement Program (266 KB pdf)
     Forward Dallas Implementation (159 KB pdf)
     Alcohol Free School Zone Ordinance (42 KB pdf)

September 11, 2006
     Senior Transportation Program (82 KB pdf)
     Drought and Conservation (703 KB pdf)
     Area Plan and Conservation District Process (166 KB pdf)

August 28, 2006
     Homeless Initiative Update (64 KB pdf)
     Utility Pay Stations (400 KB pdf)
     Senior Transportation Program (74 KB pdf)
     Recommendations for WRR (683 KB pdf)

August 15, 2006
     Code Compliance Action Plan (277 KB pdf)
     Automated Meter Reading Program (780 KB pdf)
     Public Art Contract for South Central Police Station (298 KB pdf)

June 26, 2006
     Treated Water System Quality Study (33 KB pdf)
      White Rock & Bachman Dam and Spillway Engineering Design Improvements
          (315 KB pdf)
      Water "Water Works" Use Agreement (2.3 MB pdf)
     "Too Good to Throw Away" Status (141 KB pdf)
     Department of Code Compliance Action Plan (227 KB pdf)

June 12, 2006
     Therapeutic Strategy to Address Homeless Encampments (380 KB pdf)
     Customer Service Initiative Update (74 KB pdf)
     Urban Forest Advisory Committee Report (136 KB pdf)
     Athletic Event and Sports Venues (2.36 MB pdf)

May 22, 2006
     SLAs to Actual Report (pdf)
     Update on West Nile Virus Program/Mosquito Control Program (pdf)
     Citywide Recycling Program (pdf)
     Update on Homeless Feeder Ordinance Implementation (pdf)

May 8, 2006
     SRO Housing Strategy/ 2006 Plans to Reduce Homeless Population (pdf)
     Neighborhood Mow/Clean Program (pdf)
     MLK and West Dallas Multi-Purpose Center Needs Environmental and
          Health Services (pdf)

April 24, 2006
     Update on Business Improvement Initiative (pdf)
     City of Dallas planning for a Pandemic (Influenza) (not available)
     Discussion of the Activities at the Martin Luther King Jr. Center (pdf)
     East Side Water Treatment Plant Expansion to 540 MGD Part A
          Supplemental Agreement #2 (pdf)
     Lake Fork Project Update (pdf)

April 10, 2006
     Update on Business Improvement Initiative (pdf - 70 KB)
     2006 Economic Impact Study of the Arts and Cultural Organizations in
            North Texas (pdf - 2.23 MB)
     Arbor Day (pdf - 1.96 MB)
     2006 Capital Bond Program Development: Park and Recreation Facilities
          Needs - (pdf - 1.3 MB)

March 27, 2006
     Major Maintenance Criteria and Lists (pdf)
     Good Neighbor Policy: Homeless Assistance Center (pdf)
     2005 Water Conservation Annual Report (pdf)
     Code District Realignment (pdf)
     Code Compliance Summit: A Journey to Successs (pdf)
     2006 Capital Bond Program Development: City Service and Maintenance Facilities

February 27, 2006 Agenda
     Ex Offender Programs (pdf - 233 KB)
     Code District Realignment (pdf - 45 KB)
     Drought Management Action Plan (pdf - 522 KB)
     Major Maintenance Criteria and Lists (pdf -145 KB)
     2006 Capital Bond Program Development: Library
          Facilities Needs   (pdf - 144 KB)
     2006 Capital Bond Program Development: Cultural
          Facilities Needs   (pdf - 131 KB)

February 13, 2006 Agenda

January 23, 2006 Agenda
     Dallas Performing Arts Cultural Facilitates
          Corporation (pdf - 110 KB) (this is the same
          briefing as for Finance, Audit & Accountability Committee)
     Update: Proposed Changes to License Procedures
          and Fees  (pdf - 1.8 MB)
     Housing for the Homeless (not available)
     Overview of TXDOT's Responsibilities for
          Roadside Maintenance  (HTML) (pdf - 577 KB)
     After School Programs  (HTML)   (pdf - 1.2 MB)

January 9, 2006 Agenda
     Policy for Naming Cultural Arts Centers
          (HTML)    (pdf - 143 KB)
     Public Art for Dallas Water Utilities (HTML)  (pdf - 107 KB)
     Contingency Waste Disposal for the City of University
          Park (HTML)  (pdf - 118 KB)
     2003 Bond Project: Landfill Levee Construction
          (HTML)  (pdf - 1.30 MB)

December 12, 2005 Agenda
     Dallas Black Dance Theatre  (pdf - 1.54 MB)
     Neighborhood Stabilization Overlay Process    (pdf - 224 KB)
     City-wide Customer Service Plan   (pdf - 181 KB)
     City of Dallas Buildings' Code of Conduct    (pdf - 54 KB)
     Skyline Community Redevelopment   (pdf - 1.41 MB)

November 28, 2005 Agenda
     ISO 9001 - Street Services  (pdf - 1.54 MB)
     Update of the Needs and Maintenance of Public Buildings   (pdf - 224 KB)
     Update on Homeless Cold Weather Operation   (pdf - 47 KB)

November 14, 2005 Agenda
     Above Ground Utility Structures (pdf - 760 KB)
     Overview for Customer Services Planning
          Part II/Policy Questions    (pdf - 120 KB)
     Influenza   (pdf - 119 KB)
     Feasibility Study for Pinnacle Park  (pdf - 1.94 MB)

November 3, 2005 Agenda
     Overview of Customer Service Planning (pdf - 114 KB)
     Graffiti Abatement (pdf - 3.1 MB)
     Above Ground Utility Structures (pdf - 2.0 MB)

October 24, 2005 Agenda
     Graffiti Abatement (pdf - 3.1 MB)
     Central Wastewater Treatment Plant Influent Pumb Station Project (pdf - 1.0 MB)
     Above Ground Utility Structures (pdf - 2.0 MB)
     Overview of Customer Service Planning (pdf - 109 KB)

October 10, 2005 Agenda
     Destination: Graduation  (PDF - 141 KB)
     Sulpher River Basin Feasibility Study Update   (PDF - 2.3MB)
     Comprehensive Plan Update  (PDF - 5.4 MB)

September 26, 2005 Agenda
     Comprehensive Plan Update  (PDF - 9 MB)
     Terms for Development and Use Agreements for the Dallas Center Office of
           Cultural Affairs For Performing Arts  (PDF - 553 KB)
     Destination: Graduation Program  (PDF - 138 KB)

September 12, 2005 Agenda
     Library Master Plan Update (HT ML)  (PDF - 100 KB)
     Environmental Educational Initiative Request for Proposal & Update on the
          Dallas Water Utilities & Partnership with DISD & Implementation of
          the Too Good To Throw Away Sanitation Services Recycling
          Education Curriculum   (PDF - 70 KB)
     Water Conservation Toilet Replacement Program  (PDF - 84 KB)
     New Animal Shelter, Schedule & Budget Update   (PDF - 407 KB)

August 22, 2005 Agenda
     COGNOS Reports on 3-1-1 Services  (PDF - 470 KB)
     Library Master Plan Recommendations Current Status Library (not available)
     City-Wide Trail Network Update  (PDF - 3.8 MB)

August 8, 2005 Agenda
     Tulisoma Festival Update (HTML only)
     311 Update (HTML only)
     Ex-Offenders Initiative (HTML only)

​ ​

Trinity River Corridor Agendas and Briefings

No Agendas and Briefings​​​

Committee Meeting Archive:
