Current Planning

​Current Planning

​Zoning Districts - Retail - RR - Regional Retail

​The attached documents list the general guidelines to the Yard, Lot and Space Regulations. There may be exceptions to this information. See 51A-4.100 of the Dallas Development Code for specific details.

Front Yard

Minimum front yard is: 15 feet

Urban Form Setback

20 feet - additional required for portion of a structure over 45 feet in height

Side Yard

Minimum side yard is: 20 feet - adjacent to or across alley from R(A),D(A), TH(A), CH, MF(A)

0 feet in all other cases

Rear Yard

Minimum rear yard is: 20 feet - adjacent to or across alley from R(A),D(A), TH(A), CH, MF(A)

0 feet in all other cases

Setbacks may be greater or lesser due to exceptions in the Dallas Development Code, exceptions include, but not limited to, platted building lines and more restrictive zoning district setbacks in the same block.


Maximum structure height is: 70 feet

Note: Any portion of structure over 26 feet may not be located above a Residential Proximity Slope (RPS)

Dwelling Unit Density

No maximum dwelling unit density

Floor Area Ratio

0.5 for office uses

1.5 for all uses combined

Lot Coverage

80% maximum lot coverage

1. Aboveground parking structures are included 
2. Surface parking lots and underground parking structures are not

Lot Size

No minimum lot size


5 stories above grade

Parking garages are exempt but must comply with height regulations

Off-Street Parking

See Use Regulations for Off-Street Parking Requirements

Off-Street Loading

See Use Regulations for Off-Street Loading Requirements

Landscape Regulations

See Article X

Additional Provisions

Development Impact Review (DIR) required if estimated trip greater than 6000 trips per day and 500 trips per acre per day

Visual Intrusion

No balcony or opening facing a R(A),D(A), TH(A), CH, MF-1(A)(SAH), MF- 2(A)(SAH) district may be above the RPS

Primary Use

Regional-Serving Retail

Personal Service and Office Uses

For additional information about the Yard, Lot and Space Regulations, please call Building Inspection, 214-948-4480 and ask for Zoning.