A groundwater discharge permit is required for remediated groundwater discharges to the City sanitary sewer system. Permits are issued for groundwater remediation projects which discharge to the sanitary sewer over a period of time. A permit application for disposal of treated groundwater into the City sanitary sewer system must be completed and signed by the operator of the treatment system. In addition to the completed application, the following information must be submitted to the Pretreatment and Laboratory Services (PALS) Division, Pretreatment Section.
- A summary stating the need to discharge groundwater into the sanitary sewer system.
- A copy of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Administrative Order or Voluntary Cleanup Program.
- A detailed description of the treatment system that includes method of remediation, rates of removal, type of equipment to be utilized, plumbing plan, pretreatment process flow and a date when remediation will be completed.
- The frequency of discharge (average and maximum gallons per minute) and the estimated volume of discharge (monthly).
- The location of the contaminated area on a plan view map along with the monitoring wells and recovery wells. A groundwater analytical report must be submitted for all monitoring wells identified on the map.
- The location of the sampling site. An approved sample pad may have to be installed.
- A description of an emergency spill plan describing the method of containment that will be used. The containment should be leak proof and of sufficient height to retain 110% of the volume of the contaminated water within the treatment compound.
- Identify on the plan view map where you plan to connect to the sanitary sewer.
- Baseline analysis for
40 CFR 122 Appendix D Table II, III and V. Analysis for City of Dallas Local Limits as found in Dallas City Code Volume II, Chapter 49, Section 49-43. All concentrations must comply with concentration standards established by Chapter 49 of the City Code, "Water and Wastewater" and/or maximum allowable concentration established by the Chapter 49 of the City Code, "Water and Wastewater" and/or maximum allowable concentration established by the City. All levels of treatable organic compounds shall be at or below detection limit and no analytical results shall ever exceed local ordinance limits. All pollutants of concern identified in the initial scan must be treated to or below detection limits and in no case shall exceed local ordinance limits.
- Analysis for Molybdenum, and Tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) are also required for projects discharging to the Trinity River Authority Central Wastewater System (TRA).
- A waiver of analytical requirements of a pollutant may be authorized if the applicant demonstrates through initial sampling that the pollutant is neither present or expected to be present in the discharge. A wavier will not be granted for projects discharging to TRA.
- Documentation of the laboratory Quality Assurance Program is required.
- Certification statement of laboratory NELAP Accreditation.
- A schedule of maintenance for the pretreatment system.
PALS will review the baseline analysis of the pollutants listed, permit application and all supporting documents prior to issuing an approved permit to discharge. The approved permit will consist of discharge requirements, self-monitoring requirements, pollutants of concern and reporting requirements. DWU reserves the right to collect random samples independent of the self-monitoring to ensure that compliance is being maintained. If violations occur, the discharge must cease and corrections to the treatment must be made until compliance is met. More frequent sampling may be required at the expense of the permittee.
A normal sewer rate specified in Dallas City Code Volume II, Chapter 49, Sec 49.18.2(5) shall be assessed. The rates are based on the meter size and/or the volume discharged to the sanitary sewer. Additional rates will apply for excessive concentration of conventional pollutants. Dallas Water Utilities may require that excessive discharges into the sanitary sewer system be metered by an approved method. If a connection to the sanitary sewer system is required, please contact the Permit Center Office at (214) 948-4500. To facilitate this process, the following information will be required:
- Account name
- Service Address
- Mailing Address
- Area code & Phone number of contact person
- Name of Contact Person
- Tax ID#
One-Time Groundwater Discharges
One-time discharges of remediated groundwater into the sanitary sewer system are approved on a case by case basis. The following information must be submitted to the Pretreatment and Laboratory Services (PALS) Division,
Pretreatment Section:
- A summary stating the reason for discharge into the sanitary sewer system.
- Analytical data compiled from remediation site for
40 CFR 122 Appendix D Table II, III and V. Analysis for City of Dallas Local Limits as found in
Dallas City Code Volume II, Chapter 49, Article IV, Sec 49-43. All concentrations must comply with concentration standards established by Chapter 49 of the City Code, "Water and Wastewater" and/or maximum allowable concentration established by the City. All levels of treatable organic compounds shall be at or below detection limit and no analytical results shall ever exceed local ordinance limits. All pollutants of concern identified in the scan must be treated to or below detection limits and in no case shall exceed local ordinance limits.
- Analysis for Molybdenum, and Tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) are also required for projects discharging to the Trinity River Authority Central Regional Wastewater System (TRA).
Documentation of the laboratory Quality Assurance Program is required.
Certification statement of laboratory NELAP Accreditation.
A description of the treatment system that includes method of remediation, type of remediation equipment to be utilized, purpose of equipment and rates of removal. In addition, a diagram of the treatment system that includes a plumbing plan, pretreatment process flow diagram and location of groundwater to be remediated.
- The estimated volume of discharge (average and maximum gallons per minute).
- The hours of operation of the treatment system and the estimated period for completed discharge.
- The connection to the sanitary sewer. Identify on a map where you plan to connect to the sanitary sewer system.
- Provide billing information with Company Name, Contact, Address, and City of Dallas billing account number or Tax ID# is a billing account number is not available.
If results of analytical tests from 40 CFR 122 Appendix D Table II, III and V comply with wastewater discharge limitations established by the Dallas City Code Volume II, Chapter 49, Article IV, Sec 49-43, then approval for one-time discharge to the sanitary sewer system may be granted. Pretreatment and Laboratory Services Division reserves the right to conduct sampling at the expense of the discharger. A final invoice reflecting the cost of sampling and laboratory analysis will be sent to you from Dallas Water Utilities.