Planning & Development






​​Pl​anning & Urban Design Department

The Planning & Urban Design department ensures that the City of Dallas leads the cutting edge of planning and urban design in the 21st Century market, focuses on su​pporting vibrant neighborhoods, and creating a more livable Dallas.

Planning & Urban Design aligns a number of design and planning activities within one organization. The organization brings together the following department divisions: CityDesign Studio, Housing Planning, Service Area Coordination, Strategic Planning and Mobility Planning.​


The Neighborhood Plus Plan is a citywide neighborhood revitalization plan for the City of Dallas. At the center of the Plan, are six strategic goals, collective impact, alleviating poverty, fighting blight, attracting and retaining the middle class, increasing homeownership and enhancing rental options.



The Urban Design Program for Dallas reflects the desire to take the city and its neighborhoods to the "next level of livability" with a particular regard for physical structure and character.  

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