Permitting & Inspections

​Landscape and Tree Manual

Article X:  Landscape and Tree Preservation Regulations

Landscape and Tree Manual (under construction)

Section 1
      Table of Contents
      1.0 - 1.6:  Introduction

Section 2
      2.0:  Landscaping and Soil Requirements
      2.2:  Landscape Plan Submission and Compliance
      2.3:  Mandatory Landscape Requirements
      2.4:  Landscape Design Options

Section 3
      3.0 - 3.3:  Urban Forest Conservation
      3.4:  Tree Replacement
      3.6:  Alternative Methods of Compliance

Section 4
      4.0 - 4.5:  Tree Specification, Planting and Care

Section 5
      5.0 - 5.9:  Urban Soils

Section 6
      6.0 - 6.4:  Tree Protection and Construction

Section 7
      7.0 - 7.5:  Bedding Plants, Shrubs and Sod Specifications

Section 8
      8.0 - 8.4:  Prairie Restoration

Section 9
      9.0 - 9.5:  Conservation Easements

Section 10
      10.0 - 10.4:  Neighborhood Forest Overlay (new)

      Appendix A:  Approved Tree List
      Appendix B Recommended Plant Materials (pending)
      Appendix C:   Interactive Article X Standard Landscape Checklist
                                    Article X Standard Requirements with Soil Analysis
                                    Article X Landscape Checklist

                                         Article X Tree Mitigation Options
                                        Historic Tree Nomination Instructions
                                        Historic Tree Nomination Document
                                        PD 193 Checklist
                                    Article XIII Landscape Checklist
      Appendix D:  Tree Mitigation Standards
      Appendix E Tree Removal Process
      Appendix FSustainable Development Incentives (SDI)
      Appendix G:  Forest Stand Delineation (FSD)
      Appendix H:  Definitions
      Appendix I:    EAB Code Amendments