Historic Preservation

Office of Historic Preservation


2025 Calendar Deadlines                                             

Landmark Review Process​ 


Frequently Asked Questions​​ and 10 Tips for Navigating the CA Process

​​Certificate of Appropriateness Application (C​A)Certificate for Demolition
Application  (CD)

Click here to DOWNLOAD Certificate of Appropriateness Application and Checklist (PDF)

Click here to DOWNLOAD Certificate for Demolition or Removal Application and Checklist (PDF)
​​Certificates of Appropriateness (CAs) are required before exterior work (including landscaping) can begin on City of Dallas Landmarks or on structures in Landmark districts.

Minor changes generally require only staff approval (Routine Maintenance), but substantial alterations require approval of the Landmark Commission.  See Landmark Review Process page for more information regarding Routine Maintenance vs. Full Review.

Both Routine requests and Landmark review requests require a CA before work can occur. 

Applications for new construction and major remodels must be reviewed with the preservation planner for that district prior to the submittal deadline date
Certificate for Demolition or Removal (CDs) are required when a demolition of any structure within an historic district must occur. There are five criteria to choose from when applying for a CD to be reviewed by Landmark Commission:
  1. Replace with a more appropriate/compatible structure
  2. No economically viable use
  3. Imminent threat to public health/safety
  4. Non-contributing structure because newer than period of significance
  5. Intent to apply for CD pursuant to 51A-4.501(i) (uncommon)
Check with Staff to determine which standard is more appropriate for your request.

Guarantee Agreement Form​
Required if using  Standard "Replace structure with a [new] structure."

Additional Forms:

New Construction Form 090220.pdf

Courtesy Review Form-Rev 011624.pdf

Window-survey-form (003).pdf

Window Survey Instructions.pdf

Click here for information on how to designate a structure or district as a Dallas Landmark

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