Municipal Archives

Dallas Police Department Records Related to the Assassination of John F. Kennedy, 1963-1992

​Collection 1991-001


Office of the City Secretary
Dallas Municipal Archives
1500 Marilla Street, 5D South
Dallas, Texas 75201
CreatorDallas Police Department
TitleDallas Police Department Records Related to the Assassination of John F. Kennedy
Quantity21 boxes
AbstractProcedural documents, witness affidavits, forms, evidence inventories, reports, photographs, and negatives.
LanguageRecords are in English

Scope and Content

The collection contains procedural documents, witness affidavits, forms, evidence inventories, reports by individual officers, photographs, and negatives.

In 1989, the Dallas Police Department transferred the documents related to the Kennedy Assassination to the Dallas Municipal Archives and Records Center.  To make the availability of these records known, on January 27, 1992, the Dallas City Council passed resolution 92-0438 stating that "all files, documents, papers, films, audio, or any other evidence held by the Dallas Police Department or any City department or agency regarding the John F. Kennedy assassination, the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald, and Jack Ruby to the public and media immediately.  That the Dallas Police Department and other city departments transfer all John F. Kennedy assassination documents and related materials to the Dallas Municipal Archives and Records Center for preservation and release to the public."

In response to the resolution, the Dallas Police Department transferred additional records on January 27, 1992, March 10, 1992, and March 30, 1992.

The collection contains 11,406 documents and photographic images documenting the following four police cases: 

• Murder of Presdident John F. Kennedy
• Murder of Dallas Police Department Officer J. D. Tippit 
• Murder of Lee Harvey Oswald
• Assault on Texas Governor John Connally

These materials also exist in an online exhibit provided by the Municipal Archives and also on the Portal to Texas History.


The collection contains the following series

Records division
Identification division
Intelligence division
Materials received from DPD outreach efforts to transfer all Kennedy assassination records
Other records
Inventory list

Records within each series may be originals, carbon copies, or photocopies.  Many of the documents are duplicated in other series.  The collection also contains oversized material.


The collection has the following restrictions and requirements related to accessing it

The collection in general is fragile, and access to it is considered on a case-by-case basis.  As noted above, the  collection is available for viewing via online exhibit on both this website via the link in the Scope and Content section and on the Portal to Texas History.  Speak to an archivist about viewing the originals. 
The City of Dallas does not have copyright for 13 negatives taken by newspaper photographers Robert Jackson and Jack Beers of Jack Ruby shooting Lee Harvey Oswald.  These images may not be microfilmed or scanned.  The City does not provide reproductions from these images.
The collection contains a color slide of Lee Harvey Oswald.  Color and black and white copy negatives were created from this slide.  Because of possible light damage from microfilming and scanning, these slides/negatives may not be reproduced.
The collection contains several reels of news film of the shooting of Oswald made by WFAA-TV and other local television stations.  Copyright to the WFAA-TV news film was transferred to the Sixth Floor Museum, Dallas, Texas, and all requests for reproduction will be forwarded to the Museum.  Requests for materials copyrighted by other television stations will be forwarded to their administrative offices.

Except for the items specified, permission to publish, reproduce, distribute, or use by any and all other current or future developed methods or procedures must be obtained in writing from the Dallas Municipal Archives.  All rights are reserved and retained regardless of current or future development or laws that may apply to fair use standards.


Dallas Police Department Records Related to the Assassination of John F. Kennedy, 1963-1992 (Box <x>, Folder <y>), Dallas Municipal Archives

Related Materials

Collection 2015-005—City of Dallas JFK Commemoration
Collection 1991-019—Dallas Police Department Historical Reports, Records, and Newsletters, 1930-Current
Collection 2013-006—Aviation Director Files on President John F. Kennedy Visit, 1963-1942, 2011-2013
Collection 2014-002—William Oren Trogdon John F. Kennedy Assassination Research Collection, 1952-1964

Index Term​s

Dallas -- Texas -- History
Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963 -- Assassination

Container ​List

Box Folder Title, Date
   Records division
11Inventory of DPD records, undated
12DPD documents
13DPD records
14Murder file on Officer J.D. Tippit
15Kennedy/Oswald documents
16Kennedy/Oswald documents
17Kennedy/Oswald documents
18Kennedy/Oswald documents
19Kennedy/Oswald documents
110Officer reports on Oswald shooting
111Duplication of information in 3-hole binder
112Letters from Rev. Johnnie Mae Hackworth
113Murder file on Lee Harvey Oswald, 1963-64, 1967
114Letters from citizens
115Letters and photographs
21Typed affidavits
22Affidavits - Typed statements
23Typed affidavits
24General affidavit - District attorney - Oswald + Ruby
25Oswald/Ruby incident documents
26Oswald/Ruby incident documents
27Officer statements to Chief related to Oswald's death
28Re-enacted pictures of Oswald in front of Neely St. residence
29Officer reports on Oswald
210DPD Reports
211Telegraphs sent to Marina Oswald
212Telegraphs sent to Jack Ruby
213Loran Eugene Hall arrest records
31Reports from Adamcik, Rose, and Stovall
32DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Report on Officer's duties - K.L. Anderton #1506, 1963
33DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Report on Officer's duties - E.R. Beck #45, 1963
34DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Report on Officer's duties -E.L. Boyd #840 & R.M. Sims #629, 1963
35DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Report on Officer's duties - C.N. Dhority #476, 1963
36DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Report on Officer's duties - C.W. Brown #759, 1963
37DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Report on Officer's duties - M.G. Hall #540, 1963
38DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Report on Officer's duties - J.R. Leavelle #736, 1963
39DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Report on Officer's duties - V.D. Monaghen #801, 1963
310DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Report on Officer's duties - Leslie D. Montgomery #1047, 1963
311DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Report on Officer's duties - H.M. Moore #679, 1963
312DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Statement of Detective B.L. Senkel, 1963
313DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Report on Officer's duties - F.M. Turner #809, 1963
314DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Report to Chief Curry from Captain J.W. Fritz on evidence, Dec. 23, 1963
315DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Copy of the traffic detail mailed to "House Assassination Committee", 1963
316DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Captain Gannaway, 1963
317DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Joe R. Molina, 1963
318DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Affidavits, 1963
319DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Statements of witnesses, 1963
320DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Arrest sheets on persons arrested, 11/22/63
321DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Typed information on Oswald's family, 12/6/63
322DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Autopsy - Protocol - John F. Kennedy, 1963
323DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Photocopies autopsy report - Oswald, 1963
324DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Autopsy report - J.D. Tippitt - Nov. 26, 1963
325DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Case report - Lee Harvey Oswald, 1963
326DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Complaints on Oswald and copy of Jack Ruby, 1963
327DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Laboratory - Texas Department of Public Safety receipt - ballistics tests, 1963
328DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Homicide and Robbery - Gun Ads, 1963
329DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Copies- Letters - People offering information, 1963
330DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Photographs - Lee Harvey Oswald personal effects, 1963
331DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Search warrant - the Vegas Club, 1963
332DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Photographs - Cameras, 1963
333DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - 2 photographs, 1 5x7 negative - Letter from Travis Kirk and Nadine Fordyce, 1963
334DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - "Mug shot" Willie Morales Guerra
335DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Photographs of letters to Oswald - Communist party and Fair Play for Cuba
336DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Telegrams to Oswald, 1963
337DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Envelope - items in previous 6 folders were originally contained in - and a photocopy, 1963
338DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Photocopies of telegrams sent to Oswald and family after Nov. 22, 1963
339DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Photocopy - "Oswald and the FBI" - The Nation, Jan. 27, 1964
340DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - American Capsule News - Nov. 30, 1963
41DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - DPD records - notebook, 1963
42DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - DPD records - notebook
43DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - DPD records - notebook, 1963
44DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - DPD records - Letters and cards sent to Jack Ruby while in County Jail - Book 1, 1963
45DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - DPD records - Letters and cards sent to Jack Ruby - Photocopies - 1 of 2, 1963
46DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - DPD records - Letters and cards sent to Jack Ruby - Photocopies - 2 of 2, 1963
51Correspondence Re:  Roger Craig
52Affidavits - City and County
53Oswald documentation
54Ruby documentation
55Officer reports and property clerk invoices
57Reports to Chief Curry Re:  Shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald
58Investigation of the operational security involving the transfer of Lee Harvey Oswald - Nov. 24, 1963 (1 of 3)
59Investigation of the operational security involving the transfer of Lee Harvey Oswald - Nov. 24, 1963 (2 of 3)
510Investigation of the operational security involving the transfer of Lee Harvey Oswald - Nov. 24, 1963 (3 of 3)
61Black notebook - property
62Blue notebook - property
63Property - loose pages front of blue notebook
64Items removed - (original envelope) for copywork
65Editorials - U.S.A.
66Index Cards - Property
   Identification Division
71Identification Division - Inventories - 1976 and 1979
72DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Homicide Report - Oswald - Kennedy, 1963
73DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - List of personal property - Oswald and Ruby, 1963
74DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Letters from Rev. Johnnie Mae Hackworth, 1966
75DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Miscellaneous information on the Kennedy/Oswald incident, 1963
76DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - 214 W. Neeley Street photocopies, 1963
77DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Miscellaneous papers concerning Kennedy, Oswald, and Ruby, 1963
78DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Miscellaneous information on the Oswald/Ruby incident, 1963
79DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Map - Box locations - 6th floor school book, 1963
710DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Property lists and other papers, 1963
81DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Crime scene search - Finger print request, 1963
82DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - File on Oswald sent to U.S. Attorney General, 1963
83DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Robert Glenn Klause - and "Wanted for Treason" circular, 1963
84DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division, 1963
85DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Personnel File - Officer J.D. Tippit (duplicate), 1963
86DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division, 1963
87DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Chief Curry - Correspondence Re:  Kennedy Assassination, 1963
88DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Chief Curry - Correspondence Re:  Kennedy Assassination, 1963
89DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Administration correspondence 1967-1973 Re:  Kennedy Assassination, 1963
810DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Lee Harvey Oswald - Shooting Homicide reports, 1963
811DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Supplementary offense report and evidence files - Oswald, 1963
812DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Property cards and crime scene inventory sheet, 1963
813DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Letter from J.C. Day to Belin dated 4/23/1964
814DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Property clerk's receipts, 1963
815DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Property clerk's receipts, 1963
91DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Property division - copies of receipts, 1963
92DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Original scale drawings - 6th Floor School Book Depository, 1963
93DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photocopies of property found at the two residences of Lee Harvey Oswald, 1963
94DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photocopies of property found at the two residences of Lee Harvey Oswald, 1963
95DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photocopies of property found at the two residences of Lee Harvey Oswald, 1963
96DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photocopies of property found at the two residences of Lee Harvey Oswald, 1963
97DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photocopies of property found at the two residences of Lee Harvey Oswald, 1963
98DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy  - Police identification division
99DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photocopies of property found at the two residences of Lee Harvey Oswald, 1963
101DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Kinescope recordings, 1963
[The Municipal Archives does not have the equipment to view these films.]
111DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Letter  - Requesting clothing of Lee Harvey Oswald be sent to the National Archives, Jan. 20, 1967
112DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Mugshot #54018 - Lee Harvey Oswald, 1963
113DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Mugshot #54018 - Lee Harvey Oswald - negatives, 1963
114DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Fingerprints #54018 - 11/23/63 Lee Harvey Oswald, 1963
115DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph - Oswald standing with Officers, 1963
116DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph - Oswald standing with Officers - negatives, 1963
117DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photo - report FBI 3/25/64 - phone report - Henry Smele and map, 1963
118DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - negative - FBI report 3/25/1964
119DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Original folder #54018 - Lee Harvey Oswald, 1963
1110DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Mug shot #36398 - Jack Ruby, 1963
1111DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Case file #36398 - Jack Ruby - includes fingerprints, 1963
1112DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Negative #36398 - Jack Ruby standing, 1963
1113DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Original file #36398 - Items removed - see folders 10-12, 1963
1114DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photographs #1 - Sixth Floor - 411 Elm St. - Southeast corner - 11/22/1963
1115DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #2 - Schoolbook depository - Taken 85 ft north of window where shots were fired - 11/22/1963
1116DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #3 - 6th Floor 411 Elm - Taken 40 ft from window - 11/22/63
1117DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #4 - 6th floor 411 Elm - Taken 40 feet north of front of 411 Elm - Towards window in 2nd aisle, 1963
1118DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #5 - 6th floor - 411 Elm - Taken 45 feet from windows on Elm St. - 3rd aisle from Houston, 1963
1119DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #6 - JFK - 6th floor School Book Depository - no other caption notes, 1963
1120DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #7 - 6th floor 411 Elm St. - Looking west - Dr. Pepper bottle in front of south window on 3rd aisle from Houston street side of building, 1963
1121DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #8 - 6th floor 411 Elm St. - Taken 45 feet from front of building in the 4th aisle from Houston street - 11/22/1963
1122DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #9 - 6th floor 411 Elm St. - Taken from the 5th aisle from Houston street towards front of building - 50 feet north of windows, 1963
1123DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #10 - 6th floor 411 Elm St. - no caption information, 1963
1124DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #11 - 6th floor 411 Elm St. - from stairway to 5th floor looking towards service elevator - 11/22/1963
1125DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #12 - 6th floor 411 Elm St. - no caption, 1963
1126DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #13 - 6th floor 411 Elm St. - Taken from 5th aisle from Houston towards stairway leading to the 5th floor - Gun found behind boxes in center of picture looking west - 11/22/1963
1127DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #14 - 6th floor 411 Elm St. - Gun found behind boxes that are taped - taken looking south in the 7th aisle near stairway leading to 5th floor - 11/22/63
1128DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph # 15 - 6th floor 411 Elm St. - looking down stairway to 5th floor - 11/22/1963
1129DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #16 - 6th floor 411 Elm St. - looking down stairs to 5th floor - gun found to right of photo on floor between boxes - 11/22/1963
1130DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination- Police identification division - Photograph #17 - view of Dealey Plaza - no caption, 1963
1131DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #18 - View of triple underpass - no caption, 1963
1132DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #19 - 6th floor 411 Elm St. - at window where spent hulls found
1133DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #20 & 21 - no caption - 6th floor
1134DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #22 - 6th floor - no caption
1135DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #23 - 6th floor - gun behind boxes - no caption
1136DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #24 - 6th floor - no caption, 1963
1137DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #25 - Reconstruction 11/25/1963 - 6th floor - position of boxes in front of windows where gun fired
1138DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #26 - Reconstruction 11/25/1963 - 6th floor 411 Elm St. - Palm print on box - gun paper wrapper found to right of box
1139DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #27 - Reconstruction 11/25/1963 - 6th floor 411 Elm St. - Caption on back: paper that gun was wrapped in found in corner - caption on front: another view of windows and boxes where gun was fired
1140DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #28 - Reconstruction 11/25/1963 - 411 Elm St. - 2nd floor - from door of lunch room to stairs leading to 3rd floor - door closed, 1963
1141DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #29 - Reconstruction 11/25/1963 - position of boxes - 6th floor 411 Elm St.
1142DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #30 - 2nd floor - 411 Elm St. from inside service elevator towards stairs leading to 3rd floor
1143DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #31 - School Book Depository - Between Elm and Main on Houston looking towards 411 Elm - 11/22/1963
1144DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #32 - 411 Elm - 2nd floor lunch room - from doorway looking in - 11/22/1963
1145DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #33 - Reconstruction 11/25/63 - 411 Elm St. - 2nd floor - Inside lunch room looking towards door leading to stairway
1146DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #34 - Taken at stairway showing door to hall and lunchroom - 2nd floor 411 Elm St - 11/22/1963
1147DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #35 - 2nd floor - from elevator to door where stairs leading to 3rd floor - 411 Elm, 1963
1148DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #36 - Front of building - 411 Elm - from Elm and Houston - 11/22/1963
1149DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #37 - 411 Elm St. - from Main and Houston - 11/22/1963
1150DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #38 - Elm St. - Underpass looking towards 411 Elm
1151DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #40 - Photos of Engineer's drawing made for U.S. Secret Service of Elm and Houston area
1152DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph #41 - Reconstruction by U.S. Secret Service - showing location of President's car at time of first shot - also shows items left at the sites
1153DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photographs #42 - Reconstruction 11/27/1963 - by U.S. Secret Service - Markers show position of President's car at time of 2nd and 3rd shots
1154DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Typed list of photographs
121DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photographs #44-44A - Front of former residence of Oswald at 214 W. Neely
122DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photographs #45-45D - Backyard 214 Neely, 1963
123DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Evidence #46 - Oswald standing holding rifle in background 214 W Neely, 1963
124DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Evidence #47 - Det. B.G. Brown with rifle in backyard 214 W Neely, 1963
125DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Evidence #48 - Photo of gun at C.S.S. Office with strap behind it - gun found on 6th floor of 411 Elm St., 1963
126DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Evidence #49 - Photo of gun at C.S.S. Office with strap on gun
127DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Evidence #50 - Photo of part of evidence sent to FBI - Taken at CSS Office, 1963
128DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Evidence #51 - Photograph - Bus transfer and key found in Oswald's possession, 1963
129DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Evidence #52 - Photograph -Bracelet inscribed "Lee" and USMC Ring, 1963
1210DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Evidence #53 - Copy of ad in Guns and Ammo magazine – Klein's for guns, 1963
1211DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Evidence #54 - Card with picture of Oswald and signatures - Photo of Marina Oswald, 1963
1212DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Evidence #55 - Photograph - Address of "The Worker" New York, NY, 1963
1213DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Evidence #56 - Address Embassy USSR, Washington DC - Back of USMC, El Toro, Santa Ana, California Pass, 1963
1214DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Evidence #57 - Photograph - Selective Service certificate to Alek James Hidell - Certification of Service USMC Alek James Hidell - Front only, 1963
1215DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Evidence #58 - USMC Certification of Service to Lee Harvey Oswald - Dallas Public Library card to Oswald, 1963
1216DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Evidence #59 - Selective Service registration to Oswald - A card from a Tokyo hotel (Ga-Jo-Enkanko Hotel), 1963
1217DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Evidence #60 - Back of Dallas Library card - Back of Marine Corps certificate to Oswald - signature of Oswald, 1963
1218DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Evidence #61 - Photograph - Back of Tokyo hotel card - Back of Selective Service card, 1963
1219DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Evidence #62 - Card "Fair Play for Cuba Committee" Lee Harvey Oswald - 5/28/1963
1220DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Evidence #63 - US Forces, Japan I.D. Oswald - Selective Service Ft. Worth Address, 1963
1221DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Evidence #64 - Back of US Forces Japan I.D. - Selective Service notice of classification to Lee Harvey Oswald
1222DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Evidence #65 - Photograph - Fair Play for Cuba card - Social security card Oswald -Baby picture - Oswald in uniform, June 15, 1963
1223DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Evidence #66 - Photograph - 2 snapshots of Oswald holding a rifle - Photo of 2 women and a baby - Photo of man and woman at table, 1963
1224DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Evidence #67 - Photograph - Photo of 2 men standing - photo of man standing and 2 women - photo of woman (Marina Oswald) - Photo of a group picture, 1963
1225DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination, 1963 - Police identification division -Evidence #68 - Photograph - Photo of man standing on steps - Photo of man and woman sitting on rocks - Photo of man standing with overcoat - photo of man and woman waving, 1963
1226DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination, 1963 - Police identification division - Evidence #69 - Photo of Oswald standing with woman - Furnished by Secret Service, 1963
1227DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Evidence #70 - Typed "inventory of photos in the Lee Harvey Oswald shooting basement of City Hall", 1963
1228DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photographs - Oswald shooting #1 - Jail office showing elevator door (neg), 1963
1229DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Oswald shooting #2 - photograph - Jail office showing southeast door (neg), 1963
1230DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Oswald shooting #3 - photograph - Jail office looking east from front of jail elevator (has neg), 1963
1231DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Oswald shooting #4 - photograph - City hall basement showing southeast door to jail office (neg), 1963
1232DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Oswald shooting #5 - photograph - City hall basement showing southeast door to jail office and part of main street ramp (neg), 1963
1233DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Oswald shooting #6 - photograph - Basement city hall taken from parking area showing southeast door to jail office and part of main street ramp (has neg), 1963
1234DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Oswald shooting #7 - photograph - city hall basement showing southeast door to jail and doors to basement lobby (has neg), 1963
1235DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Oswald shooting #8 - photograph - City hall basement showing parking area (neg), 1963
1236DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Oswald shooting #9 - photograph - taken from top of main street entrance ramp (neg), 1963
1237DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Oswald shooting #10 - photograph - Halfway down main street ramp (neg), 1963
1238DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Oswald shooting #11 - photograph - city hall basement showing Commerce street ramp (neg), 1963
1239DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Oswald shooting #12 - photograph - city hall basement taken from Commerce street exit looking north (neg), 1963
1240DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Oswald shooting #13 - photograph - taken halfway up Commerce street ramp looking north (neg), 1963
1241DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Oswald shooting #14 - Morgue photos - Oswald (has neg), 1963
1242DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Unlabeled, 1963
1243DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - M.N. McDonald - Arresting Officer of Lee Harvey Oswald, 1963
1244DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photographs - Tippit shooting, 1963
1245DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photographs - Manhole cover, 1963
1246DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photograph - Map city hall basement, 1963
1247DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photographs - School Book Depository, 1963
1248DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photographs - Shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald, 1963
1249DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photographs - Records division, 1963
1250DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photographs - Trade Mart
1251DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Seat print on box, 1963
1252DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Fingerprint cards
1253DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Property moved from box 6, 1963
131DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Letters and cards sent to Jack Ruby while in County Jail - Book 1, 1963
132DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Letters and cards sent to Jack Ruby while in County Jail - Book 2, 1963
133DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Letters and cards sent to Jack Ruby while in County Jail - Book 3, 1963
134DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photocopy - Intelligence file - Oswald - Book 1, 1963
135DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photocopy - Intelligence file - Oswald - Book 2, 1963
   Personnel, additional records division, and public information division
141DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photocopy - Intelligence file - Oswald - Book 3
142DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photocopies - Investigation of the operational security involving transfer of Lee Harvey Oswald - Book 1, 1963
143DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photocopies - Investigation of the operational security involving transfer of Lee Harvey Oswald - Book 2, 1963
144DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photocopies - U.S. Secret Service - Book 1, 1963
145DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photocopies - U.S. Secret Service - Book 2, 1963
146DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photocopies - U.S. Secret Service - Book 3, 1963
151DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photocopies - President Kennedy -Oswald/Ruby - Book 1, 1963
152DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photocopies - President Kennedy -Oswald/Ruby - Book 1, 1963
153DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photocopies - President Kennedy -Oswald/Ruby - Book 1, 1963
154DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photocopies - President Kennedy -Oswald/Ruby - Book 2, 1963
155DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Police identification division - Photocopies - President Kennedy -Oswald/Ruby - Book 2, 1963
   Intelligence division
161DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Personnel division - Officer J.D. Tippit - Original - Content list and Section 1, 1963
162DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Personnel division - Officer J.D. Tippit - Original - Section 2 - Accident reports, 1963
163DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Personnel division - Officer J.D. Tippit - Original - Section 3 - Complaints, commendations, etc.
164DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Personnel division - Officer J.D. Tippit - Original - Section 4 - Time cards, 1963
165DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Personnel division - Officer J.D. Tippit - Section 5 - Training, 1963
166DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Personnel division - Officer J.D. Tippit - Personnel history data sheet, 1963
167DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Personnel division - Officer J.D. Tippit - Original file folder, 1963
168DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Personnel division - Officer J.D. Tippit - Photocopy (1), 1963
169DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Personnel division - Officer J.D. Tippit - Photocopy (2), 1963
1610DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Personnel division - Officer J.D. Tippit – Affidavit in any fact - attesting to providing this file to House Select Committee 11/23/1976
1611DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Records division - Microfilm copies rec'd this collection 1/27/92 - Oswald file, 1963
1612DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Records division - Microfilm copies rec'd this collection 1/27/92 - Tippit, 1963
1613DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Records division - Microfilm copies rec'd this collection 1/27/93 - Jack Ruby, 1963
1614DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Records division - Microfilm copies rec'd this collection 1/27/92 - Kennedy file, 1963
1615DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Photocopy memo 9/19/1984 - Re:  Access to materials - referring people to the National Archives
1616DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Public information - Correspondence - Concerning requests for information - Lee Harvey Oswald, 1963
1617DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Public information - Correspondence - Concerning requests for information, 1963
1618DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Public information - Correspondence - Concerning requests for information, 1963
1619DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Public information - Correspondence - Concerning requests for information, 1963
1620DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Public information - Newspaper clipping file, 1963
171DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Public information - Original - File folders - Items in folder #, 1963
172DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Public information - Original - File folders, 1963
181DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Intelligence - Lee Harvey Oswald - File opened 12/5/1963
182DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Intelligence File - Lee Harvey Oswald - (1 of 4)
183DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Intelligence File - Lee Harvey Oswald - (2 of 4)
184DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Intelligence File - Lee Harvey Oswald - (3 of 4)
185DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Intelligence File - Lee Harvey Oswald - (4 of 4)
186DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Intelligence File - Jack Ruby - Vol. 1 (1 of 3)
187DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Intelligence File - Jack Ruby - Vol. 1 (2 of 3)
188DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Intelligence File - Jack Ruby - Vol. 1 (3 of 3)
189DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Intelligence File - Jack Ruby - Vol. 2 (1 of 3)
1810DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Intelligence File - Jack Ruby - Vol. 2 (2 of 3)
1811DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Intelligence File - Jack Ruby - Vol. 2 (3 of 3)
   Other records
191DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Intelligence division - Letters to Jack Ruby - Vol. 1
192DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Intelligence division - Letters to Jack Ruby - Vol. 1
193DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Intelligence division - Letters to Jack Ruby - Vol. 2
194DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Intelligence division - Letters to Jack Ruby - Vol. 2
195DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Intelligence division - Letters to Jack Ruby - Vol. 2
196DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Intelligence - Memos from narcotics investigation - mention Ruby
197DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Intelligence division - Request for assistance - Midland Co. District Attorney - Roscoe White
201DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Inventory items - Received by records division,​ March 10, 1992
202DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Property invoice and index card #11210, March 10, 1992
203DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Work files of Det. J.L. Beavers on Midland DA Investigation of Ricky Don White, 1963
204DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination- Copy of transcript of radio traffic, 1992
205DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Tippet badge and ID card [not actual badge pin] - Salary schedule - memo of transfer, 1/31/1992
206DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Letter from Gen. Edwin A. Walker - Nov. 11, 1963
207DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Envelope and receipt - Paul McCaghren - Contains two 35 mm rolls of microfilm - now behind this folder in the box, 1963
208DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Case #F-48106, 1963
209DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - General Edwin A. Walker - 2 photocopies - reports on case #F-48156, 1963
2010DPD - Materials related to the Kennedy Assassination - Untitled photos, 1963
21 11x14" printouts of microfilm information.  This box's contents are not itemized.  It contains photocopies of correspondence, police files, and other case materials which have been enlarged for easier viewing.  Multiple pages.  Various dates.
   Itemized inventory
  ​Click here​ for the itemized list of this collection.