Municipal Archives

​Archives Collection Guides

The following list shows the high-level subjects into which the Dallas Municipal Archives collection finding aids are divided.  Click a subject to see the individual guides related to it.

If you are looking for information on a particular subject, find it in this list, then click the link to see the collections held by the Dallas Municipal Archives which are related to the topic.  If a collection name is not linked, then a collection guide has not yet been written. The collection, however, is still available for research; contact the Dallas Municipal Archives for information.

When referring to a collection of interest to you, reference either the collection number (e.g., 2008-001) or the collection name (e.g., City of Dallas Civil Defense Administrative Files, 1958) when contacting the Dallas Municipal Archives.

Click here to see a complete list of collection guides not divided into any subject grouping.
Annexations Deeds and Land Acquisitions Records Management
Annual Reports Economic Development Recycling
Artifacts Elections Speeches
Aviation Financial Affairs Strategic Planning
Boards, Commissions, and Task Forces Health and Human Services Streets, Sanitation, and Code Enforcement
Bonds Housing and Neighborhoods Tax Assessment and Collection
Charter Review CommissionHuman Resources Texas Viet Nam Veterans Memorial
City Charter and City Code Information Services Transportation (excludes Aviation)
City Council Indexes, Minutes, and Ordinances International Affairs
City Facilities John F Kennedy Assassination Records
Utilities and Franchises
City Logos and Stationery Maps
Electric Power
City Officers Park and Recreation Gas and Coal
City Attorney
Photographs Other Franchises and Utilities
City Auditor Planning and Public Works Radio and Television
City Manager Posters and Publications Telephone and Telegraph Services
City Secretary Public Safety Water and Sewer
Mayor and City Council
City-County Joint Projects Fire-Rescue Department
Cultural Affairs Other Safety Issues
Dallas in Newspapers and Magazines Police Department
Dallas Public Library


Records of an annexed area.  Also includes information regarding the annexation or dis-annexation of territory into the city.

1991-063 City of Fruitdale, 1937-1964
1991-064 City of Kleberg, 1956-1978
1991-087 City of Oak Cliff, 1891-1904, 1930
1991-108 City of Renner, 1953-1977
1991-110 Town of Preston Hollow, 1939-1945
1991-114 Town of Honey Springs, 1937-1947
1992-015 Oak Lawn Heights and Related Annexations, 1929-1934
1994-001 Annexation Plat Maps, 1890-1956
1994-023 Annexation in Dallas Policy and Planning Procedures, 1972
1994-050 Proposed Dis-annexation of Oak Cliff, 1990-1991
1996-039 Annexation Ordinance Project, 1903-1993

Annual Reports

Citywide annual reports, biennial, and performance reports.  Does not include individual department reports.
1991-053 Annual Reports of the City of Dallas, 1888-Current



Three-dimensional artifacts, not manuscripts or other paper-based materials.
2001-002 Dallas Municipal Archives Artifacts Collection, 1890, 1947-1987
2024-002—City of Dallas Departmental Patches


Records related to the various Dallas area airports including Dallas Fort Worth International Airport, Love Field, and Dallas Executive Airport (Redbird).
1991-057 Redbird Airport Development Plans, 1970, 1987
1991-099 Love Field, 1920-1941, 1966, 1987, 1996
1991-106 Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, 1965-2001
1995-001 Department of Aviation Policies, 1979, 1986
2001-003 Love Field Album and Photographs, 1918-1993
2006-006 Dallas Executive Airport Ribbon Cutting, 2006

Boards, Commissions, and Task Forces

Records created by or relating to boards, commissions, and/or task forces appointed by the Office of the Mayor/City Council.
1991-018 Mayor's Criminal Justice Task Force Report, 1986
1991-021 Civil Service Board Reports, 1931-1972
1991-058 Report from the Mayor's Task Force on High Technology, 1984
1991-059 Economic Development Advisory Board - Dallas Data Book, 1984
1991-073 Ordinance Book of City Electrical Regulations, 1918, 1924
1991-076 Appointed Officials Handbook, 1972
1991-077 Dallas Citizens Council Arts Task Force - Survey of Company Arts Support in Dallas, 1987
1991-088 Board of Equalization, 1931-1976
1991-096 Examining and Supervising Board of Plumbers and Plumbing Appeals Advisory, 1940-1969
1991-130 Dallas Boards and Commissions History, 1971-1991
1992-029 Productivity Task Force, 1982-1983
1992-030 Board of Equalization, 1980
1994-003 Parade Evaluation Task Force Report, 1993
1994-006 Board of Equalization and Appeals, 1908
1994-012 Boards and Commissions, Annual Reports, 1992+
1994-015 Goals for Dallas Publications and Memoranda, 1969-1985
1995-008 Report of the Dallas Citizens Council Privatization Task Force, 1988
1996-029 Citizens Information Task Force, 1985
1997-008 City of Dallas Sports Commission, 1965-1971
1997-010 Advisory Public Health Board, 1947-1969, undated
1998-015 The State of the Community: Implications For Intergroup Relations, 1998
1999-004 City Plan Commission Minute Books, 1919-1983
1999-005 City of Dallas Urban Rehabilitation Standards Board Minutes, 1958-1986
2001-005 Ethics Commission, 2001
2003-022 Code of Ethics and Conduct Task Force, 1975-1980
2010-006 Dallas Motion Picture Classification Board Records, 1966-1993
2012-005 Dallas Redistricting Commission Records, 2001
2015-003 Board of Adjustment Minutes
​2017-006 Mayor's Task Force on Confederate Monuments Collection, 2017-2018
​2018-003 Dallas Park Board Minutes, 1905-2003



Original individual municipal bonds certificates and records relating to other bonds sold by the City.
1991-012 Transcript Information Bonds of Chapman and Cutler, Chicago Illinois, 1937-1940
1991-032 Railroad Grade Separations in Dallas, 1915-1917
1991-111 Municipal Bond Certificates, 1874-1972
1992-014 Challenge to Municipal Bond Sales, 1927-1930
1996-006 Citizen Input Summary - General Obligation Bond, 1995
1996-031 Bond Programs, 1962-current
1997-018 Municipal Bond Sales, 1927-1946
2013-004 Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport Joint Revenue Bond Sale Proceedings Transcripts

Charter Review Commission

Charter Review Commission records are significant as a major revision of the City Charter.  These records are maintained separately from the City Charter and City Code, or Boards, Commissions, and Task Forces.
1991-109 Dallas Citizens Charter Review Commission, 1985-1989
1995-019 Dallas Citizens Charter Review Commission Files from Chair Ray Hutchison, 1989-1995
2002-005 Charter Review Commission, 2002-2003

City Council Indexes, Minutes, and Ordinances

Collection contains oversized, bound volumes of minutes, ordinances and indexes, spiral-bound minutes, and indexes on microfilm.  Arrangement of these records is based on the file number sequence used by the Office of the City Secretary.  Files with historical significance, such as annual reports, have been accessioned individually.  Active files are not accessioned individually.
1991-090 Early City Council Minutes, 1866-1905
1991-091 Contracts - Bound Volumes and Index, 1898-1917
1994-010 City Council Minutes - Bound Volumes, 1866-1977
1994-022 Armstrong Index, 1946-1966
1996-002 City Ordinances Index, 1871-1974
1996-040 City Ordinances - Bound Volumes, 1871-1978​
1996-041 City Council Minutes Indexes, 1917-1967

City Facilities

Includes contracts, resolutions, agreements, and other records pertaining to city-owned facilities.
1991-038 Municipal Auditorium Specifications, 1938
1991-039 Memorandum of Agreement - Union Terminal Company, 1924
1991-047 Carrollton Dam Contract, 1912
1991-048 Dallas Municipal Building and Fred A Jones Company Bankruptcy, 1913
1991-083 Long-term Facility Planning Paper, 1987
1991-113 City Hall - Main Street Land Abstracts, 1881-1914, 1954
1991-124 Dallas City Hall Collection, 1966-1978
1991-125 Municipal Administration Center Brochure of Alternates, 1970
1992-012 Incinerators, 1924-1925
1994-035 Fair Park Music Hall Renovations, 1970
1995-003 Dallas Convention Center Master Plan Proposal, 1986
1996-018 Space Requirements Report for the Municipal Administration Center, 1966
1996-025 Land Transactions Map and Dallas City Hall, 1912-1971
1997-006 Dallas Convention Center Expansion, 1969
1997-020 Municipal Building Contracts, 1913-1914
2010-004 Dallas Farmers Market - Henry Forschmidt Collection
2010-007 Performing Arts Center Dallas - Funding, Campaign, and Opening Materials
2013-003 Dallas Memorial Auditorium Time Capsule, 1957
2014-001 Reunion Arena, 1979-2010
2014-003 Dallas Convention Center and Reunion Arena Photographs, 1957-2003
2015-007 Dallas Convention Center Event Files, 2008-2010
2015-008 Historic American Building Survey - Dallas Municipal Building, 2014
2018-009 City of Dallas Protest Documentation Collection
2019-001 Dallas City Hall Plans and Drawings, 1968-1978
2021-004 Hensley Field Project

City Logos and Stationery

Samples of stationery used by the City of Dallas and information regarding city symbols including the logo and the flag.
1991-078 City Logos, 1972-1985
1991-089 Flag - Design for Municipal Flag, 1916
1991-097 City of Dallas Stationery, 1890, 1905, 1940s, 1968, 1972-73, undated

City Officers—City Auditor

Final audit reports and other historical records related to the Office of the City Auditor.  (See also Financial Affairs.)
1991-129 Audit Reports, 1990-Current
1996-004 Auditor's Reports, 1977-1989
1992-007 City Auditor Letter Book, 1906-1909


City Officers—City Manager

Records created by the Office of the City Manager, CMO studies, and other records concerning the organizational structure of the city.
1991-093 City of Dallas - Departmental Functions and Operations, 1941
1994-013 Organizational Re-engineering, 1994
1994-016 Total Quality Management, 1991
1994-017 Innovations, 1978, 1981
1994-025 Consumers Affairs Ordinance, 1973
1994-045 City of Dallas Executives, Biographical Sketches, 1982
1995-012 Company Management Study, 1984
1996-033 Office of the City Manager - Organizational Structure, 1996
2003-020 City Manager Speeches, 1989-1994
2012-004 US Census Data and Correspondence, 1990, 2000
2014-006 US Census (Dallas Office Records), 2010
2015-005 City of Dallas John F Kennedy Commemoration, 2013

2023-009 1994 World Cup Planning Records, 1991-1994


City Officers—City Secretary

Historical records reflecting the duties of the City Secretary that are not found in other collections.  It excludes minutes, action files, and records management.
1992-008 Oath of Office Certificate books, 1933-1951
1992-009 Public Notification Log, 1926-1943
1996-001 Office of the City Secretary, 1993-2009
1997-024 Robert S Sloan, City Secretary Retirement, 1997
2017-001 Office of the City Secretary Maps
​2019-012 Dallas Municipal Archives Exhibits and Programs

City Officers—Mayor and City Council

Records created by or concerning the office of the Mayor and City Council.  These records do not include minute books or boards and commissions.
1991-010 Letter from HA Dixon to City Secretary Earl Goforth, 1947
1992-001 Mayor Annette Strauss Plaques and Awards, 1985-1991
1994-008 City Council Inauguration Photographs, 1991
1994-009 City Council Inauguration Photographs, 1992
1994-019 City Council Inauguration Photographs, 1993
1994-041 City Council Candidate Orientation Materials, 1991
1994-042 City Council Inauguration Planning Materials, 1981, 1985
1994-043 City Council Inauguration, 1983
1994-044 City Council Inauguration Planning Materials, 1980-1983
1994-047 City Council Inauguration Materials, 1993
​1994-057 Public Information Office Records
1995-005 Property Inventory of City of Dallas Mayor and Commissioners, 1909
1995-010 City Council Agenda Sample in Braille, 1994
1995-029 City Council Inauguration, 1995
1996-019 Study of the Organization and Operations of the Dallas City Council, 1973
1997-019 City Council Inauguration Photographs, 1997
1997-029 Mayor Steve Bartlett Plaques and Awards
1998-011 City Council Compensation, 1941
1998-014 Legislative Program
2000-001 City Council Inauguration Photographs, 1999
2001-001 Dallas City Council and Oak Cliff Town Meeting Videotapes, 1989-1999
2002-009 City Council Inauguration Photographs, 1998
2003-003 Dallas City Council Portrait, 1963
2003-004 Master Plan Minority Report [Elizabeth Blessing], 1963
2003-005 City of Dallas Mayor Portraits, 1894-2001
2003-013 City Council Inauguration Photographs, 2001
2003-019 Dallas and Fort Worth City Councils Joint Meeting, 2002
2006-002 City Council Inauguration Photographs, 2005
2007-001 City Council Photographs and Videotape
​2007-002 Mayor Laura Miller Photographs
2011-002 City Council Inauguration Photographs, 2011
2014-005 US Conference of Mayors meeting
2015-001 Delia Jasso Papers
2015-004 Mayor Mike Rawlings Collection
​2018-005 City Council Inauguration Planning, History, and Video
​2018-006 Mayor's International Ball Records, 1980-1997
​2019-004 Oral Histories, 2018-Current
​2019-006 Adam Medrano Collection
​2019-007 City Council Inauguration Photographs, 2019
​2019-008 Jim Hart Dallas City Council Papers, 1983-1985
​2019-009 Lorlee Bartos Political Campaign Materials Collection, 1985-2019
​2019-011 Mayor Eric Johnson Collection
2019-013 Al Lipscomb Papers, 1959-2011
​2021-001 City Council Inauguration Photographs, 2021
​2022-002 Scott Chase Campaign Materials Collection, 1989-1995

2023-004 United States vs. Don Hill Court Exhibits, 2004-2005
​2023-006 Mayor Annette Strauss Papers
​2023-007 City Council Inauguration Photographs, 2023


City-County Joint Projects

Records where the City of Dallas and Dallas County have joint responsibility.  Excludes Dallas Fort Worth Airport.
1991-119 Dallas County Fresh Water Supply Districts, 1926-1929
1991-120 Dallas Flood and Levee Control Districts, 1919-1968
1991-121 Dallas County Water Control and Improvement Districts 3, 5, and 7, 1939-1951
1991-122 City-County Hospital System, 1933-1940
1992-033 Operational Survival Plan for Dallas and Dallas County, 1958
1994-018 County Appraisal District, 1993-1994
1994-028 Private Industry Council of Dallas, Inc., 1992-1993
1997-026 City-County Industrial School for Boys Board of Managers Minutes, 1938-1960
1997-027 City-County Public Welfare Board, 1956-1959
1997-038 Dallas County Beverly Hills Fresh Water District No. 2
2008-001 City of Dallas Civil Defense Administrative Files, 1958


Cultural Affairs

Records related to cultural affairs or activities.
1995-016 Arts District, 1984
1996-005 Majestic Theatre Renovations, 1937-1997
1996-008 Dallas Public Art Planning Reports, 1977-1987
1996-009 Sports Arena Investigation, 1978-1997
1997-031 Cultural Affairs Division of the Department of Park and Recreation, 1971
1997-034 Facility Needs of the Performing Arts in Dallas, 1972
2016-001 South Dallas Cultural Center
2017-008 Kalita Humphreys Theater Center Master Plan, 2010
2018-008 Pegasus Project Technical Manual
2018-010 Office of Cultural Affairs Public Artist Files
2019-003 Visit Dallas Collection
​2020-004 CETA City Arts Program 
​2021-005 Lovita Irby Majestic Theatre Collection
​2022-004 Office of Cultural Affairs Public Art Program

Dallas in Newspapers and Magazines

Articles in newspapers and magazines about the City of Dallas as a whole.  Not individual issues.
1991-131 Dallas in Magazines and Newspapers, 1967-1993


Dallas Public Library

Records related to either the history or the operations of the Dallas Public Library.
1991-029 Establishment of the Dallas Public Library System, 1900
1994-053 Dallas Public Library Management Review Final Report Volumes I and II, 1991
1996-026 Friends of the Dallas Public Library - The First Forty Years, 1991
1996-038 STAR - Dallas Public Library Computer System, 1996
1997-011 Branch Library Service for Dallas Report, 1958
1998-007 Dallas Public Library Association, 1900-1901, 1912, 1952
2003-007 Dallas Public Library Publications
2003-017 Dallas Public Library Master Plan, 2000-2010

Economic Development

Records reflecting economic development projects or other economic issues.
1991-055 Survey of Dallas Businesses, 1987-1988
1992-022 Building Inspection Division of Economic Development, 1991
1994-029 Strategic Business Plan for Southern Dallas and Enterprise Zones, 1994-1999
1994-052 Dallas Business Development, 1990, undated
1994-055 Dallas First:  A Comprehensive Economic Study on the City of Dallas & Its Suburbs, 1990
1996-007 Cityplace Area Project and Financing Plan, 1993
1996-012 Bond-Financed Capital Improvement Programs, 1958, 1962, 1964
1997-036 Building Inspection Newsletter - Building Express, 1990
1998-002 Trinity River Improvements, 1997
2003-023 Dallas Development Guide, 1987-1997



Studies and other resources related to city elections.
1991-014 Elections - Opinions of the Texas Attorney General, 1952-1953
1991-049 Oak Cliff Election Precinct Creation, 1913
1991-103 Voting Rights Act - Analeslie Muncy, 1975
1991-115 Redistricting Commission, 1991
1992-013 Challenge to Charter Election, 1927
1992-019 Election Issues Resource Materials, 1969-1975
1992-021 Dallas Observer - Recall Election, 1992
1992-026 Elections - Historical Resources, 1968-2003
1992-027 Atlas of Split Voting Precincts in the City of Dallas, 1991
1998-003 Election - Campaign Expense Reports, 1969

Financial Affairs

Annual budgets, cost allocations, financial reports, revenue reports, and other issues related to city financial affairs.
1991-062 City of Dallas Budgets and Financial Reports, 1916-Current
1991-080 Annual Independent Audit Reports, 1931-1950
1994-030 Detailed Insurance Study, 1931
1994-032 Analysis of the Procurement Process and Function, 1980
1994-037 Basic Financial and Improvement Plan for the City of Dallas, 1940
1996-011 Report on City of Dallas Fixed Properties, 1939
1996-017 Purchasing, 1960-1995
1996-030 Independent Audit Financial Reports, 1974
1997-039 Bonds and Contracts, 1905-1906
2003-011 External Audits

Housing and Neighborhoods

Includes studies and correspondence concerning housing issues, Department of Housing, and studies of individual neighborhoods.
1991-022 City of Dallas Housing Department, 1938-1999
1991-068 Vickery Place Addition, 1920
1991-069 Lagow Independent School District Annexation, 1919
1991-070 Fairland Annex Segregated Housing Materials, 1920
1991-071 Caruth Place Addition, 1920
1991-107 South Dallas/Fair Park Neighborhood Preservation Economic Development Plan, 1987
1991-118 Maple Avenue Property Deeds, 1917-1919
1991-123 Dallas at the Crossroads, 1967-1970
1991-127 State Thomas - Tax Increment Financing District - Project and Financing Plan, 1989
1992-023 Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy, 1991-1996
1995-011 Report on the Task Force on Public Housing, 1983
1995-014 Citizens Surveys [Housing], 1980, 1983
2016-005 City Design Studio Publications, 2011-2012, undated
2016-007 Walker et al. vs. United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, et al. Records, 1989-2003

2021-007 North Lake Highlands History Project, 1976

Human Resources

Records related to City employment, such as departments, employee resource groups, retirement funds, affirmative action plans, personnel rules, and directives.
1991-023 The Dallas Employees' Retirement Fund and City of Dallas Fire and Police Pension Funds, 1952-1993
1991-075 Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Plan, 1986
1991-082 City of Dallas Telephone Directories, 1949-1999
​1992-002 Office of Minority Business Opportunity, 1991
1992-006 City of Dallas Personnel Rules, 1933-1996
1992-032 Affirmative Action Plans, 1983-1992
1995-002 City of Dallas Drug and Alcohol Awareness Program Materials, 1989
1998-006 Employee Benefits Packages, 1981, 1990-1991
1998-013 Quality Customer Service Action Plan
1999-006 Personnel Pay Plans
1999-008 Personnel - Council Resolutions
2002-008 Human Resources Photographs, 1988-1999
2003-006 Employee Retirement Fund
2017-003 Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, and Transgender Employee Association of Dallas, 2015-2019

Information Services

Records related to computer systems supported by the Information Services.
1995-009 Equipment, Communications, and Information Services, 1985-1987
2003-021 Computer and Information Services Slides
2011-003 Communication and Information Services Albums and Artifacts

International Affairs

Records concerning the Office of International Affairs.  Also includes records concerning Dallas as an international city.
1994-046 Economic Development, 1989


John F Kennedy Assassination Records

Dallas Police Department records relating to the murders of John F Kennedy, JD Tippit, Lee Harvey Oswald, and the assault on John Connally.  Maintained as a separate collection due to the nature, high access, special preservation, and special security needs of the contents.
1991-001 Dallas Police Department Records Related to the Assassination of John F Kennedy, 1963-1992
2014-002 William Oren Trogdon John F Kennedy Assassination Research Collection, 1952-1964


Original, blue line, and Mylar maps of the City of Dallas and surrounding environs.
1999-001 Map Collection, 1835-1999

Park and Recreation

Records relating to individual parks, park projects, and the Department of Park and Recreation.
1991-011 White Rock Lake, 1909-1910
1991-079 Fair Park, 1888-1930, 1972-1992
1991-101 Park and Recreation - Brochures and Publications, 1977-1999
1991-112 City of Dallas Parks, 1889-1995
1991-128 Park and Recreation - Management Study, 1991
1992-018 Portraits of Park Board Members, 1905-1939
1995-021 White Rock Lake Dredging, 1930-1942
1995-022 White Rock Lake General Subject Files, 1921-1991
1995-023 Dallas Department of Park and Recreation General Subject Files, 1911-1960
1995-025 Park Board Annual Reports, 1911-1995, 2002-2003
1995-026 Park and Recreation - Construction and Concessions, 1923-1940
1995-027 Fair Park, 1905-1918, 1930-1952
1995-030 Everette Lee DeGolyer Estate, 1972-1990
1995-031 WW Samuell Estate, 1886-1977
1995-032 Park and Recreation Subject Files:  Dealey Plaza, 1940-1942
1995-033 Recreation Manuals, 1943-1983
1995-035 Dallas Zoo (Marsalis Park), 1952-1955, 1968-1980, 1991
1995-036 Dallas Police Department Park Patrol Manuals, 1957-1985
1995-037 Park and Playground System (Publication), 1921-1923
1995-038 Park and Recreation - Maps
1995-039 Memorials and Monuments, 1936, 1959-1982
1995-040 Park and Recreation - Management Studies, 1977-1981
1995-041 Audit Reports and Budgets - Park and Recreation Funds, 1931-1961
1995-042 Park and Recreation - Time Logbooks, c. 1912-1920
1995-043 Park and Recreation - Works Progress Administration Records, 1939-1940
1995-044 White Rock Lake Improvements, 1956-1982
1995-045 State Fair of Texas Reports and Studies, 1908-1986
1995-046 Dallas Museum of Art, 1926+
1995-047 Grauwyler Park and John and Emma Grauwyler, 1827-1963
1996-003 Park and Recreation - Centennial History Working Papers and Research Materials, 1972-1976
1996-015 Fair Park Aquarium Feasibility Study, 1994
1996-022 Wildflower Research Center, 1983
1996-023 Dallas Health and Science Museum, 1947-1985
1996-032 Dallas Museum of Natural History, 1967-1981, undated
1997-023 Fair Park Improvements, 1941-1980, undated
1997-030 City Park - Preliminary Research Brochure by James A Newett, 1965
1997-032 Park Board Secretary Correspondence, 1960-1978
1997-033 Juanita Jewel Craft Recreation Center Dedication, 1974
1997-035 Natural Open Space Plan, 1979
1997-037 Park Board and Lady Bird Johnson, 1975
2002-001 Park and Recreation - Plans and Drawings, 1903-2002
2002-007 Fair Park Mural Conservation, 2001-2003
2003-002 Park and Recreation - Photograph Collection, 1910-2004
2003-009 Park and Recreation Department Renaissance Plan
2003-010 History of the Dallas Zoo
2003-015 Report on the Dallas Park System, 1934
2004-002 Park and Recreation - Property History, 1959
2004-003 Oak Cliff Boulevard Median Plans, 1925-1946
2004-005 Dallas Park Board
2004-006 Park and Recreation - Reports, Studies, and Administrative Documents, 1964-2004
2005-002 Sid Stahl Dallas Park Board Papers, 1975-1979
2005-006 Fair Park Esplanade Sculpture Conservation Report, 2004
2006-003 Park and Recreation - Centers and Facilities
2008-002 Earl Hart Family - White Rock Lake Collection, 1926-1948
2011-001 Goforth Family Papers
2012-006 Park and Recreation - Plaques and Memorials Documentation, 1971-1979
2013-002 Kidd Springs Creative Playground Scrapbook and Photographs
2017-005 Emil Fretz - Mary Ellen Holt Collection, 1854-1928
​2018-012 Fair Park Operations Collection
​2018-015 Park and Recreation - Public Relations
2020-001 Willis Winters Park and Recreation - Administrative Records, 2013-2019
2020-002 Tim Dalbey Dallas Archaeological Reports and Studies
​2023-001 Fair Park Public Art and Plaque Survey

2023-003 Park and Recreation - District 2 Records, 1960-2014
​2024-001 Dallas County Heritage Association Collection


Photographic images, both individuals and groups.
1992-017 City Officials Portrait Collection, 1931-2023
1999-002 Photographs Not Related to Other Collections
1999-003 City Photographer Collection, 1900-1999
2000-002 Public Information Office Photographs, 1985-1999
2006-005 Miguel Casanova Photographs, 1986-2001
2008-003 Equipment and Building Services Photographs, 1997-1999
2012-002 Public Information Office Video and Photography, 2001-2011
​2017-007 Francis C Xavier Central Business District Photography Collection, 1980-1983
​2018-004 James P McChesney Photography Collection
​2019-002 City Photography
​2022-003 Dallas Municipal Archives City Photography Collection

Planning and Public Works

Contains zoning ordinances, planning studies, long-term plans, capital improvement projects, building, and construction.  Also includes information concerning the departments of Planning and Public Works.
1991-004 The Kessler Plan, 1911-1930
1991-030 Gill Well Bath House Agreement, 1905
1991-037 Callahan Construction Company and Garza Dam, 1924–1926
1991-044 Street Paving and Construction Plats, 1931-1932
1991-065 City of Dallas Construction and Fire Codes, 1905-1997
1991-094 City of Dallas Zoning - Early Ordinances, 1929-1965
1991-095 Department of City Planning - Includes Some Zoning, 1965-1987
1991-104 Bond-Financed Capital Improvement Program, 1972-1973
1991-126 Thoroughfare Studies, 1970, 1985
1992-034 Dallas Visions for Community, 1992
1994-024 Zoning Ordinance - University Park, 1941
1994-034 Designs for Dallas, 1970
1994-036 Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, 1965
1994-054 Linear Waterway Study for the Farmer's Market Area of Downtown Dallas, 1991
1995-004 Review of the Department of Public Works, 1977
1995-006 City of Dallas Planning Policies Guide, 1984
1995-034 The Ulrickson Committee Report, 1927-1930
1996-010 City Plan Commission Membership List, 1919-1989
1996-016 Five Mile Creek Flood Plain Management Plan, 1976
1996-024 Central District Development Plan, 1970
1998-004 The Bartholomew Plan, 1943-1957
1998-012 Capital Improvement Program - Dallas at the Crossroads, 1967-1972
2001-006 Public Works and Transportation Department Publications, 1990-2000
2002-002 Public Works Department, 1910-1973
2002-004 Public Works and Transportation Department Photographs, 1926, 1944, 1972, 1979-1995
2003-001 Aerial Map Photographs of Dallas, Texas 1930, 1949, 1974, 1979
2003-008 Planning Department Maps
2003-012 Plat Maps on Microfilm
​2004-001 Garza Dam Scrapbook
2005-001 Forward Dallas!
2005-005 Public Works Survey Division Cemetery Files, 1887-2005
2006-001 Dallas Planning Department Publications and Related Materials, 1966-1990
2006-004 Public Works and Transportation Department Maps, Plans, and Drawings
2010-003 Jim Anderson Planning Department Collection, 1965-1996
2012-001 City of Dallas Historic Preservation Program Files, 1978, 1982-1986
2012-003 City of Dallas Historic American Building Survey/Section 106 Documentation Files
2015-006 Del Crouser Dallas Transportation Planning and Engineering
2018-016 Trinity River Corridor Project Documentation and Public Relations
2022-001 US Army Corps of Engineers Collection
​2023-002 Historic Preservation Plans and Drawings

2023-008 Santiago Calatrava I-35 Sketches Portfolio, 2015

Posters and Publications

Printed pamphlets, newsletters, reports, or other items published by the City either for internal or external distribution.
1991-081 Municipal News and Views, 1946-1947
1991-098 Publications, 1956-Current
1995-020 Posters - Events and Publicity, 1981-2012
1996-013 City of Dallas Program of Services, 1975


Public Safety—Police Department

Public safety records related to the Dallas Police Department.  Includes historical criminal cases from the 1930s such as Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow, annual reports, monthly statistical reports, and publications.  (Collections do not include JFK Assassination records.)
1991-019 Dallas Police Department Historical Reports, Records, and Newsletters, 1930-Current
1991-084 Dallas Police Department Pay Raise Dispute, 2000
1995-015 Dallas United - DPD Task Force, 1988
2001-004 Dallas Police Academy Motion Picture Film and Videotape, 1957-1973, 1984-1991
2003-016 Dallas Police Headquarters Mural Installation, 2003
2016-004 Dallas Police Ambush, 2016

Records Management

Records created by or concerning the city's records management program.
1993-001 Authority for Records Disposals, 1986+
1997-001 Records Management Policy Committee, 1995


Records relating to the City's recycling programs.
1992-020 Boy Scouts Letter to Dallas City Council on Recycling, 1992
1992-024 Recycling Pamphlets, 1991-1992
1994-048 Department of Street and Sanitation Services Recycling Plan, 1990



Copies and/or drafts of speeches made by City Officials and/or City representatives.
1992-028 Inaugural Speech of Mayor Steve Bartlett and Farewell Address of Mayor Annette Strauss, 1991
1992-031 Mayor Steve Bartlett State of the City Address, 1992
1994-056 Speeches of City Officials, 1982-1998
1996-027 Mayor Ron Kirk State of the City Address, 1996, 1999

Strategic Planning

Plans, studies, and reports relating to long-range strategic planning.
1996-035 ​The Dallas Plan, 1994, 1997
1996-036 Corporate Strategic Plan, 1994
1996-037 Annual City Council and Management Planning Session, 1995

Streets, Sanitation, and Code Enforcement

Records related to street paving, naming, abandonments, the Department of Streets, Sanitation, and Code Enforcement.  (See also Utilities/Water and Sewer and Recycling.)
1991-013 Central Boulevard Table of Resolutions, undated
1991-015 East/West Expressway Resolutions, 1952-1955
1991-042 Trunk Sewer Line, 1924
1991-045 Petition to Abandon Claim to Street, Grace Burr to City of Dallas, 1919
1991-046 Petition to Abandon Claim to Alley, WJ McCray to City of Dallas, 1919
1991-051 Street Paving, Widening, and Improvements, 1889-1930
1991-085 Streets and Sanitation Services, 1989
1994-007 Continental Avenue Viaduct Over Trinity River, 1930
1994-039 Plans of Proposed State Highway Improvement Highway 175, 1939
1994-040 Central Boulevard Project - Part One, Houston Texas Central Railway, 1940
1994-049 Vision Report, Department of Street and Sanitation Services, 1989
1995-018 Northwest Highway Design, 1969
1997-002 Sanitary Sewer Construction Contracts, 1910-1915
1997-003 Street Paving Contracts - Texas Bitulithic Company, 1904-1909
​1997-004 Street Improvements, 1907-1908
1997-005 Sidewalk Paving, 1911-1918f
1997-014 Barber Asphalt Paving Company Contracts, 1900-1906
1997-015 Winslett-Eldridge Company Contracts, 1910-1916
1997-016 Dallas Lime and Gravel Company Contracts, 1911-1917
2005-004 Code Enforcement
2013-001 City of Dallas Street Lighting Project Photographs, 1949-1968
​​2018-002 Sanitation Department Images
2021-002 Botham Jean Boulevard Renaming, 2021
2021-003 Traffic Signs Division Collection

Tax Assessment and Collection

Records relating to the assessment and collection of city taxes.
1991-086 Tax Collection - Historical Items and Reports, 1955-1959
1997-017 Tax Assessments Filed with Dallas County, 1931-1932
2001-007 Revenue and Tax Division, 1989
2010-008 City of Dallas Tax Rolls, 1880-1981

Texas Viet Nam Veterans Memorial

Memorabilia left at the Texas Viet Nam Veterans Memorial located at Fair Park.  Collection includes plastic flowers, identification cards, flags, buttons, letters, etc.  All organic materials are discarded.
1991-132 Texas Viet Nam Veterans Memorial, 1989-1991

Transportation (excludes Aviation)

Records relating to railroads, electric railway services, transit systems, and other transportation services run by the City of Dallas (excludes aviation).
1991-033 Railroads and the Union Terminal Company, 1890-1917
1991-034 Dallas Railway Company, Interurbans, and Electric Railway, 1890-1933
1991-056 DART and the Dallas Transit System, 1971-1987
1994-002 Texas and Pacific Railroad Grade Separations, 1911-1923
1994-026 Office of Transportation Central Business District Goods and Distribution Project, 1980
1994-027 Bike Plan, Department of Transportation, 1985
1994-033 Dallas Transit System, 1973-1987
1997-007 Dallas Transit Master Plan Committee, 1961-1967
1997-025 Dallas Area Rapid Transit Light Rail Opening, 1996
2010-005 Surtran Records
2016-003 Amos Saunders Dallas Railway Company Collection
​2018-011 City of Dallas Department of Transportation Sign Shop Operations Collection


Unique or One-of-a-Kind Items

Unique, historical documents which cannot be grouped into other record categories.
1991-002 George M Dallas Lithograph, 1941
1991-003 Official City Songs, 1961, 1970
1991-009 Letter to CJ Beam from RS Druly, 1872
1991-017 Proprietary Schools - Board Minute Book, 1968-1971
1991-041 TE Shutt - Garza Dam Contract, 1924
1991-067 Petition Protesting Baptist Memorial Sanitarium, 1920
1991-100 Dallas Population Handbook, 1960
1992-004 Texas Municipal League Directories of Texas City Officials, 1990-1992
1992-005 Dallas: A Profile and Fact Book, 1984
1992-016 Street Directory City of Dallas, 1990
1994-005 Dallas Public Schools Estimated Budget, 1934, 1939
1995-017 History of the City in Brief, 1970
1996-020 Report on City Government by Marketing Research Counselors, 1971
1996-021 American Legion National Convention, 1964
1996-028 Beer Sales in University Park, 1928-1930
1996-034 Pauper's Cemetery and the Henninger-Brewer Company, 1914​
1998-008 WT White Letter and Lease Regarding Dallas Public Schools, 1944, 1947
2018-001 Friends of the Dallas Municipal Archives Collection, 2018-current
​2018-007 Henry Moore Dallas Piece Videos, 1978-1982
​​​2018-013 Postcard Collection
2018-014 Citizens for Reconciliation and Unity Collection, 2017-2018
​2019-010 Frances James Cemetery Files Collection, 1900-2018
​2022-005 500 South Ervay Architectural Rendering


Utilities and Franchises—Electric Power

Records related to franchises and other issues concerning electric power.
1991-043 Dallas Power and Light Company, 1888, 1912-1922, 1943

Utilities and Franchises—Water and Sewer

Records related to franchises and other issues concerning water and sewers.
1991-008 Oak Cliff Sewerage Company Takeover of Citizens Sewerage, 1903
1991-027 East Dallas Water Supply Company, 1886-1890
1991-054 Dallas Water Heater Hearing Proceedings and Report, 1939
1991-060 Dallas Water Utilities Records, 1882-Current
1991-066 Dallas Water Utilities Sewage Treatment and Disposal and Water Purification, 1912-1938
1992-010 WW Horner Stormwater Outlet Sewers and Drainage Report, 1931-1936
1992-011 Municipal Water Reservoirs in Denton County, 1922-1928
1997-022 Sewer Contracts with CW Olcott, 1909-1916
2002-003 Dallas Water Utilities Project Documentation, 1960-1991
2013-005 Bachman Water Purification Plant Plans and Drawings
​2017-002 Dallas Water Utilities Maps
​2017-004 Dallas Water Utilities Red River Pump Station Collection, 1952-1971
​2019-005 Dallas Water Utilities Water Conservation Program