Municipal Archives

Speeches of City Officials, 1982-1998

​Collection 1994-056


Repository ​Dallas Municipal Archives
Office of the City Secretary
1500 Marilla Street, 5D South
Dallas, Texas 75201
Creator City Officials (Collected by the Public Information Office)
Title Speeches of City Officials
Quantity 4 linear inches
Abstract Speeches by mayors, city managers, and other leaders of the city.
Identification 1994-056
Language ​​Records are in English

Scope and Contents​​

The collection contains copies of speeches, some annotated, by city managers Charles Anderson (1981-1986), Jan Hart (1990-1993), Richard Knight (1986-1990), and John Ware (1993-1998); by mayors Steve Bartlett (1991-1995), Jack Evans (1981-1983), Annette Strauss (1987-1991), and Starke Taylor (1983-1987); and by council members and city leaders.  It also contains briefings to city council, proposed outlines, and closing remarks for various events.

A highlight of the collection is the State of the City speeches by different leaders.


The collection is arranged by city managers, mayors, other speakers, and unknown speakers.


Permission to publish, reproduce, distribute, or use by any and all other current or future developed methods or procedures must be obtained in writing from the Dallas Municipal Archives.  All rights are reserved and retained regardless of current or future development or laws that may apply to fair use standards.  It is the responsibility of the user to obtain copyright authorization for any images.


Speeches of City Officials, 1982-1998 (Box <x>, Folder <y>), Dallas Municipal Archives

Related Material

1992-028 Inaugural Speech of Mayor Steve Bartlett and Farewell Address of Mayor Annette Strauss, 1991
1992-031 Mayor Steve Bartlett State of the City Address, 1992
1996-027 Mayor Ron Kirk State of the City Address, 1996, 1999
2003-020 City Manager Speeches, 1989-1994

​Index Terms

Dallas -- Texas -- History
Dallas (Tex.). City Council
Municipal government by city manager

Container List

Box Folder
Title, Date

​City Manager Charles Anderson

​The Challenges of Dallas, undated

​Joint Planning and City Council Meeting, undated

​Manager’s Conference, 4/30/1985

​Productivity Task Force, 1/1983

​Women’s Council of Dallas, 5/7/1985
  City Manager Jan Hart
American Business Women’s Association, 6/4/1987
Criteria using in selecting a new police chief, undated
Greater Dallas Planning Council, 10/24/1992
Hillcrest students and parents, 12/12/1988
Issues Facing the City, 5/7/1990
Management in the 1990s, undated
State of the City, 4/3/1990
City Manager Richard Knight
Billie Frauman Tribute, 11/10/1988
Choosing Dallas, 7/31/1989

​Council-Manager Relations:  The Turning Point, undated
Dallas Assembly, 12/15/1987
Economic Development materials (not a speech) 3/1988
Education 1
My Road to the Top, 10/9/1989
Act-So speech, 8/15/1989
Law Magnet School Commencement Address 6/10/1989
Eagle Scout speech 3/12/1989 Ben Franklin Middle School, 1/31/no year
Edna Row Elementary School, 10/20/no year
Polk Vanguard School, 2/2/1989
State of the City, 1986
The Power of Education, 8/14/1988
Education 2
Alpha Kappa Alpha video 10/15/1988
Atwell Middle School, 11/19/1987
Back to Basics, 4/16/1987
Excellence by Choice, 5/3/1988
Management Forum speech, 11/17/1987
The Mission, 6/4/1988
Phi Beta Sigma, 4/22/1988
Speech to Graduating Class of El Centro College, 10/17/1987
Speech to Upward Bound Students, undated
The Time is Now, 6/6/1987
Education is Opportunity, 1988-1989
Employees, 11/1991
Ethics in the Workplace, 8/14/1989
Father’s Day speech, 6/21/1987
Inauguration, 6/12/1989
Issues Facing Dallas in 1990, 3/8/1990
Living Within the Budget, 1988
Louise Ritter Award, 2/20/1989
Minorities, 2/15/no year
Multiple topics, 1987
Planning for Dallas’s Future, undated
Police, undated
Recycling, 6/11/1988
Speech to retirees, 12/18/1988
State of the City, 7/11/1988
State of the City, 9/21/1989
Video presentation to city employees, 12/6/1988
Workforce 2000 summary
City Manager John Ware  [Danielle McClelland, speechwriter]
(Two copies) Speech for the Urban Management Assistants of North Texas, 6/17/1994
Federal Executive Board speech on insights gained from re-engineering, 6/28/1994
State of the City draft, 2/1/1994
Speech to Dallas Planning Council, 5/24/1994
Speech to the Association of General Contractors, 6/7/1994
A Legacy of African-American Persistence: Yesterday and Today, 2/25/1995
Future of Downtown Dallas, 11/13/1995
Lake Highlands High School Baccalaureate, 5/21/1995
Paul Quinn College City Issues, 10/10/1995
Programs for the Community: Addressing Dallas' Needs of Tomorrow, Revised 10/20/1995
Remarks: Retiree's Holiday Party, 12/10/1995
Tribute to Robert Hoffman speech for John Ware American Jewish Committee, 5/18/1995
​1996 1
Closing Remarks:  Juneteenth, A Celebration of Freedom, 6/14/1996
Commercial Real Estate Women, 3/20/1996
First-time Homebuyer Programs Status Report, 8/5/1996
Forest Meadow Junior High School, 2/6/1996
Greater Macedonia Church, 2/25/1996
Hamilton Park Pacesetter School, 5/21/1996
How to Identify and Analyze Opportunities for Partnering, 9/19/1996
Oak Cliff Chamber of Commerce:  Swearing-in of Bob Stimson, 6/21/1996
Overview of Community Development Block Grant Program: City Council Briefing, 8/7/1996
State of Texas Primitive Baptist General Convention, 6/10/1996
Successful Leadership in Diversity, 10/7/1996
Texas Public Finance Conference, 3/21/1996
University of Texas at Arlington, 2/22/ 1996 
​1996 2
Citizen's Council speech, 2/12/1996
Dallas Convention Center Proposed Outline and Discussion Questions, 2/1/1996
Dallas Symphony Association Board of Governors, 3/21/1996
Trinity River Corridor, 1/24/1996
Trinity River Corridor Dallas Floodway Extension Project: City Council Briefing, 8/21/1996
1997 Retirees' Holiday Party speech
Dallas Housing Summit, 1/29/1997
Developing Regional Cooperation Panel, 6/9/1997
GTE Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, 7/17/1997
Maxwell speech, 9/19/1997
Career Day:  John B. Hood Middle School, 12/11/1997
Public Service: IRS Public Service Recognition Program, 5/15/1997
Opportunities to Stabilize the Dallas Economic Growth, 1/15/1997
The State of the City: The budget, our infrastructure and where we're going, 9/9/1997
A Tale of Two Futures, 3/19/1997
1998 bond program,  2/9/1998
1988 State of the City:  Building on What We've Got, 3/30/1998
Martin Luther King, Jr - Keynote, "Kingly Virtues to Live By," 1/19/1998
City of Dallas Census, A Global Vision of Dallas, 3/12/1998
Community Based Economic Development: Good Street Baptist Church Federal Credit Union, 2/28/1998
Developing an Economic Foundation for the New Millennium, 8/15/1998
Diversity in the Workplace, 2/13/1998
Financial Institutions Pledge for Southern Dallas, 4/22/1998
Let's Talk International Business in Dallas: African American Chamber of Commerce, 4/24/1998
3-1-1 Dedication Comments, undated
Call for City Involvement, undated
Closing Remarks: Workplace Violence Seminar, undated
Cotton Bowl Team Welcomes Oregon Ducks, undated
Dallas Economy and Economic Outlook, undated
Economic Development Through Cooperation and Treatment issue paper, undated
Poetry for Black History and Black Enterprise , undated
Programs for the Community, undated
Southwest Service District, undated
Stewart Chapel CME in Fort Worth, undated
(Two) Untitled speeches, undated
Violence in the Workplace, undated

Mayor Steve Bartlett
Inaugural speech, 12/2/1991

Mayor Jack Evans
Speech to consular and trade representative luncheon, 4/1983
Speech to US Senate, 2/1983
Mayor Annette Strauss
Association of Legal Administrators, 10/1989
Business investors, 6/29/1990
Community Roundup for a Clean South Dallas, 11/7/1987
Dallas Bar Association, 6/29/1987
Dallas Tenant’s Association, 5/16/1987
Decision to retire as mayor, undated
Dedication of recycling center, 6/11/1988
DFW Business Minority Development Council, 7/14/no year
Downtown Houston Association, 7/2/1990
Downtown Rotary Club, 1/13/1988
Girls Club of Dallas, 12/12/1989
Governor’s Task Force on Revenue, 5/16/1991
Homeless, 2/16/1988
How Churches Can Aid in Community Service, undated
How Women Affect Corporate Culture, 11/27/1990
Inaugural address, 5/4/1987
International advantage, 8/19/1991
International Trade Association of DFW Area, 9/30/no year
Issues Facing Dallas, 10/30/1988
Issues Facing Dallas, undated
Last city speech, undated
Leadership, 4/27/1989
LP Cowart Elementary School, 3/9/1989
Marketing Association, 3/29/1988
Minority Enterprise Development Week, undated
National Center for Manufacturing Sciences, 7/20/1987
Neiman’s on Main Street, 6/10/1991
North Central Right of Way, 10/7/1987
People’s Baptist Church, undated
Problems Facing Us Today and in the Future, undated
Progress of Women in Politics and Issues Facing Local Government, 10/12/1990
Regarding DART’s AA/DEIS and the Santa Fe Crossing, undated
Remarks to North Texas Commission 11/6/1987
Schools, 1989
Select Committee on tax equity, 11/5/1987
Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI, 11/20/no year
Southeast Dallas Rotary Club, 7/18/1987
Speech for Crew (Commercial Real Estate Women)
Speech to the assembly, 12/15/no year
State of the City, 9/8/1989 
State of the City, 6/27/1991
To the Assembly, 12/15/1987
Trials and Tribulations of Being a Woman Mayor, 11/3/1988
Vision, 10/11/1988
Volunteerism, 5/4/1989
Welcoming remarks to Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture, 6/4/1987

Mayor Starke Taylor

​Committee for the Employment of the Disabled, 6/10/1986
Remarks to open Team Dallas 1986
Republican National Convention, 1984
Other speakers
Deputy City Manager Camille Barnett – City Management, undated
City Manager Ted Benavides - Servant as Leader, 8/7/1990
Bob Blodgett - speech to UTD class, 4/16/1987
Dallas Water Utilities video script, undated
Robert W Decherd – Downtown Rotary Club, 6/1/1988
Harry Jones – Salem Institutional Baptist Church 4/2/1989
Harry Jones – speech to black attorneys, undated
Senator Paul Laxalt – nomination of Ronald Reagan, 1984
Veletta Forsythe Lill – Congratulatory Comments – Dallas Black Dance Theatre, 6/24/1998
Bob McElearney – litter speech outline, undated
Sam Moreno – Role of the Church in the Inner City, 1/28/1988
Office of Public Affair – CityPlace, Arts District, and DART, undated
Mayor Pro Tem Mary Poss – Growth in Dallas:  Dallas Realtors Association, 6/9/1998
Charles Terrell – crime, undated
Council Member Dean Vanderbilt – speech to Unitarian Church of Plano, 6/16/1985
Welcoming speeches Richard Knight, Jack Evans, Charles Anderson, and others
Unknown speaker
1989-1990 comparisons, 3/13/1991
City government, undated
Dallas Business Committee for the Arts, 8/31/no year
Dallas Chamber of Commerce, undated
Improved Productivity, Effectiveness, and Responsiveness, 1982
Kiwanis Club suggested speech outline, 1982
Mobil Oil plaque presentation, undated
State of the City, 1982
Town Lake, undated
Unidentified, undated
Unidentified draft, 1983
Welcome speech BBDO, undated

​Public Information Office background materials