| 1
| Proposed Audit Work Plan, 1977 (unnumbered), 1977
| 2
| Annual Audit Work Plan, 1977 (unnumbered), 1977
| 3
| Performance Audit of the Office of the Mayor and Council,
(unnumbered), 1977 |
| 4 | Environmental Health and Conservation/Employee Performance Evaluation System, (unnumbered), 1977 |
| 5
| Audit of Police Property Division,
(unnumbered), 1977 |
| 6 | CDBG - Community Development Block Grant Program Year 1975 and 1976 (unnumbered), 1977 |
| 7 | CDBG - Community Development Block Grant Program Year 1975; 1976; and 1977 (unnumbered), 1977 |
| 8 | Compliance Audit of the Office of Human Development,
(unnumbered), 1977 |
| 9 | Management Review of the Park and Recreation Department,
(unnumbered),1977 |
| 10 | Audit of the City Payroll System,
(unnumbered), 1977 |
| 11 | United States Department of Housing and Urban Development Comprehensive Assistance Program,
(unnumbered), 1977 |
| 12 | Weights and Measures Consumer Affairs Performance Audit,
(unnumbered), 1978 |
| 13
| Observation of Physical Inventory,
(unnumbered), 1978 |
| 14 | Report of the City's Future Debt Service Capacity, (unnumbered), 1978 |
| 15
| Efficiency Audit of Equipment Services Department, (unnumbered), 1978 |
| 1 | Martin Luther King Center Financial and Compliance Audit,
(unnumbered), 1978 |
| 2 |
Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) - Prime Sponsor Financial and Compliance Audit, 9/30/77, (unnumbered), 1978 |
| 3
| Review of Dallas Transit System Accounting Function, (unnumbered), 1979 |
| 4
| Initial Review of the CETA Subcontractor Evaluation System, Office of Human Development, (unnumbered), 1979 |
| 5 | Interim Audit Plan, January 1 - September 30, 1979, (unnumbered), 1979 |
| 6
| Review of Tax Assessment System, (unnumbered), 1979 |
| 7 | Payroll System Financial and Compliance Audit, October 1, 1977 through March 31, 1978, (unnumbered), 1979 |
| 8 | Economy and Efficiency Audit of the Personnel Function, (unnumbered), 1979 |
| 9 | Review of Public Utilities Audit Function, (unnumbered), 1979 |
| 10 | Review of Park and Recreation Department's Payment System for Cultural Agencies, (unnumbered), 1979 |
| 11 | Hotel Occupancy Tax, (unnumbered), 1979 |
| 12 | Financial Audit of the Purchasing Function, (unnumbered), 1979 |
| 13
| Action Center Performance Audit, (unnumbered), 1979 |
| 1
| Community Development Block Grant - City of Kleberg, September 30, 1978, (unnumbered), 1979
| 2
| Finance Committee Briefing on Comprehensive Program of Audit Services, (unnumbered), 1980 |
| 3
| Martin Luther King, Jr. Center Financial and Compliance Audit, (unnumbered), 1980 |
| 4 | Employee Benefit Fund Special Audit, (unnumbered), 1980 |
| 5 | Bond Paying Agents, (unnumbered), 1980 |
| 6 | CETA - Dallas County Community Action Committee, Inc., (unnumbered), 1980 |
| 7 | CETA - American Trades Institute, (unnumbered), 1980 |
| 8 | CETA - Assessment and Assignment Unit, Inc., (unnumbered), 1980 |
| 9
| CETA - Boys Club of Dallas, Inc., (unnumbered), 1980 |
| 10
| CETA - Dallas Housing Authority, (unnumbered), 1980 |
| 11 | CETA - Dallas Jobs for Progress, Inc., (unnumbered), 1980 |
| 12
| CETA - Dallas Opportunities Industrialization Center, Inc., (unnumbered), 1980 |
| 13
| CETA - Dallas Singer Career Development Center, (unnumbered), 1980 |
| 14 | CETA - Nurses Aide Academy, Inc., (unnumbered), 1980 |
| 15 | CETA - Wilmer-Hutchins Independent School District, (unnumbered), 1980 |
| 16 | Fire Ambulance Revenues, (unnumbered), 1980 |
| 17 | Department of Aviation, (unnumbered), 1980 |
| 18 | Dallas Convention Center, (unnumbered), 1980 |
| 19 | Management Review of the City of Dallas Purchasing Function, (unnumbered), 1980 |
| 20
| CETA - Comprehensive Employment and Training Act 09/30/79 - Folder 1, (unnumbered), 1980 |
| 21
| CETA - Comprehensive Employment and Training Act 09/30/79 - Folder 2, (unnumbered), 1980
| 1 | Auditor's Office Long Range Plans 1980-81 and 2984-85, (unnumbered), 1980 |
| 2
| Equipment Services Inventory Control, (unnumbered), 1980 |
| 3 | Annual Audit Plan, FY 1980-81 (unnumbered), 1980 |
| 4 | Review of Tax Department Plans and Controls for Preparing 1981 Tax Rolls, (unnumbered), 1981 |
| 5 | Tax Department Occupational Licenses and Fees, (unnumbered), 1981 |
| 6 | Community Services Administration Summer Youth Program 1976, 1977, 1979, (unnumbered), 1981 |
| 7
| Performance Statements - Dallas Transit System February 1981, (unnumbered), 1981 |
| 8 | Public Health Revenues, (unnumbered), 1981 |
| 9 | CETA - Office of Human Development Institute of Culinary Arts, Inc., FY 1979-80, (unnumbered), 1981 |
| 10 | Community Development Block Grant Programs, (unnumbered), 1981 |
| 11 | CETA - Titles II-B; II-D; VI & ACP, Financial and Compliance Audit, FY 1979-80, (unnumbered), 1981
| 12 | Energy Emergency Plan, (unnumbered), 1981 |
| 13 | Municipal Radio Revenues, (unnumbered), 1981 |
| 14 | City Manager's Revenue Projections, FY 1981-82, (unnumbered), 1981 |
| 15 | Annual Audit Plan, FY 1981-82, (unnumbered), 1981 |
| 1 | Analysis of Dallas Transit System Tire Lease Proposal, (unnumbered), 1981 |
| 2 | Performance Audit Streets and Sanitation Services, (unnumbered), 1981 |
| 3 | Equipment Services Department Evaluation of Media Allegations, October 25 - November 8, 1981, (unnumbered), 1982 |
| 4 | Workers' Compensation Program - Personnel Department Operations Audit, (unnumbered), 1982 |
| 5 | Audit of City Travel Expense Policy, (unnumbered), 1982 |
| 6 | Audit Police Evidence Unit Sale and Auction Section Purchasing as of October 1, 1981 (unnumbered), 1982 |
| 7 | Water, Wastewater, and Sanitation Revenue, (unnumbered), 1982 |
| 8 | Review of Revenues Estimates for FY 1982-83, (unnumbered), 1982 |
| 9
| Annual Audit Plan, FY 1982-83, (unnumbered), 1982 |
| 10 | CETA - American G. I. Forum, (unnumbered), 1982 |
| 11 | Enforcement of Food Sanitation Ordinances Department of Health and Human Services Period Ending 09/30/82, (unnumbered), 1983 |
| 12 | Municipal Court Control System Review, (unnumbered), 1983 |
| 13 | Surtran Investigative Audit, (unnumbered), 1983 |
| 14 | CETA - Assessment and Assignment Unit of Dallas, (unnumbered), 1983 |
| 15 | CETA - Goodwill Industries of Dallas, (unnumbered), 1983 |
| 16
| CETA - Nurses Aide Academy, Inc., (unnumbered), 1983 |
| 17 | Review of Revenue Estimates Included in the Proposed City Budget for FY 1984, (unnumbered), 1983 |
| 18 | CETA - Dallas County Community College District, (unnumbered), 1983 |
| 19 | CETA - YMCA, (unnumbered), 1983 |
| 20 | Annual Audit Plan, FY 1983-84, (unnumbered), 1983 |
| 21 | CETA - Home and Apartment Builders Association, (unnumbered), 1983 |
| 22 | CETA - Human System, Inc., (unnumbered), 1983 |
| 23 |
Community Development Block Grant - Baylor College of Dentistry, (unnumbered), 1983 |
| 24 |
Community Development Block Grant - Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc., (unnumbered), 1983 |
| 25 | Long Range Audit Plan, 1984-1987, (unnumbered), 1984 |
| 26
| Follow Up to Interim Equipment Services Audit, (unnumbered), 1984 |
| 27 |
Community Development Block Grant - Alpha Xi Omega Human Resources Academy, (unnumbered), 1984 |
| 28 | Audit of Surtran Operations, (unnumbered), 1984 |
| 29
| Dallas Animal Control, Health and Human Services, (unnumbered), 1984
| 30 | Examination of Construction Contract Phase II Expansion of Southside Wastewater Treatment Plant, (unnumbered), 1984 |
| 1 | CETA - Home and Apartment Builders Association of Metropolitan Dallas, Inc., (unnumbered), 1984 |
| 2 | CETA - Dallas Alliance of Business, (unnumbered), 1984 |
| 3
| CETA - Ser Jobs for Progress, Inc., (unnumbered), 1984 |
| 4
| CETA - Dallas Opportunities Industrialization Center, Inc., (unnumbered), 1984 |
| 5
Community Development Block Grant - Dallas County Community College District Richland Community College, (unnumbered), 1984 |
| 6
Community Development Block Grant - American G. I. Forum Human Resource Development Program, (unnumbered), 1984 |
| 7
| Department of Transportation Parking Meters Division, (unnumbered), 1984 |
| 8
| Review of Revenue Estimates Included in the Proposed City Budget for FY 1985, (unnumbered), 1984 |
| 9
| Dallas Transit System, (unnumbered), 1984 |
| 10
| Lew Sterrett Justice Center Municipal Court Bond-Out Operation, (unnumbered), 1984 |
| 11
| Air Pollution Control, Health and Human Services, (unnumbered), 1984 |
| 12
| Property Management Space Rental, Private Licenses, Surplus Property Sales, (unnumbered), 1984 |
| 13
| Dallas Transit System Handicapped Handiride Program, (unnumbered), 1984 |
| 14
| Annual Audit Plan, FY 1984-85, (unnumbered), 1984 |
| 15
| Audio Pound Unit of Dallas Police Department, Vehicle Services Division, (unnumbered), 1984 |
| 16 | Housing Neighborhood Services Urban Homesteading Program, (unnumbered), 1984 |
| 17
| Revenue Function of Report Division Dallas Police Department, (unnumbered), 1984 |
| 18
| Data Services, (unnumbered), 1985 |
| 19
| Public Works Department Building Inspection Division, (unnumbered), 1985 |
| 20
| Department of Aviation, (unnumbered), 1985 |
| 21
| Control System Review Procurement and Receiving Procedures, (unnumbered), 1985 |
| 22
| Special Audit - Employee Health Benefit Plan, (unnumbered), 1985 |
| 23
| Control System Review Print Shop, Reproduction Centers, and Photocopy Operations, (unnumbered), 1985 |
| 24
| Review of Revenue Estimates Included in the Proposed City Budget for FY 1985-86, (unnumbered), 1985 |
| 25
| Public Inebriate Program Administered by the Salvation Army, (unnumbered), 1985 |
| 26
| Countywide Health Program, (unnumbered), 1985 |
| 27
| Report on a Control System Review of The Damage Recovery Efforts, (unnumbered), 1985 |
| 28
| Reconciliation of Employee Retirement Fund Checking Account, (unnumbered), 1985 |
| 29
| Dallas Election Agreements, (unnumbered), 1985 |
| 30
| Municipal Produce Market (Folder Only, Audit Not Received), (unnumbered), 1985 |
| 31
| Annual Audit Plan, FY 1985-86, (unnumbered), 1985 |
| 32
| Dallas Zoo, (unnumbered), 1985 |
| 33
| Police Property Division Evidence Unit Follow Up, (unnumbered), 1985
| 34
| Reconciliation of Police, Fire Pension Fund Checking Accounts, (unnumbered), 1985 |
| 35 | Closeout Audit of Surtran System, Inc., (unnumbered), 1986 |
| 36 | Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) - Dallas SER - Jobs for Progress, Inc., (unnumbered), 1986 |
| 37
| JTPA - Dallas Alliance of Business, (unnumbered), 1986 |
| 38
| JTPA - Dallas Urban League, (unnumbered), 1986 |
| 39
| Long Range Audit Plan, 1986-1989, (unnumbered), 1986 |
| 1 | Aviation, Dallas Love Field Airport Development Aid Program, (unnumbered), 1986 |
| 2
| Landfill Revenues, Street and Sanitation, (unnumbered), 1986 |
| 3
| Building Services, (unnumbered), 1986 |
| 4
| Union Station, (unnumbered), 1986 |
| 5
| Code Enforcement Activities Urban Rehabilitation Standards Board, (unnumbered), 1986 |
| 6
| Court Services Petty Cash, (unnumbered), 1986 |
| 7
| Review of Revenue Estimates Included in the Proposed City Budget for FY 1986-87, (unnumbered), 1986
| 8
Community Development Block Grant - Dental Health Programs, Inc., and Health and Human Services, (unnumbered), 1986 |
| 9
| Franchise Fees Revenue, (unnumbered), 1986 |
| 10
| West Dallas Advisory Committee, Inc., Project H.O.P.E., (87-001), 1986 |
| 11
| Annual Audit Plan, FY 1986-87, (unnumbered), 1986 |
| 12
Community Development Block Grant - Child Care Vendor Project, (87-002), 1986
| 13
| Dallas Museum of Art, (87-004), 1986 |
| 14
| National Convention Gift and Donation Fund, (87-004), 1986 |
| 15
| Performance and Control System Review of the Dallas Convention Center, (87-005) |
| 16
| Signs and Markings Section/ Department of Transportation, (87-006), 1986 |
| 17
| Dallas Symphony Association, (87-007), 1986 |
| 18
| Third Party Claims $5000 or Less, (87-008), 1987 |
| 19
| Follow Up 1985 Purchasing Department, Print Shope, Reproduction Centers (87-009), 1987 |
| 20
| Follow Up 1984 Aviation Audit, (87-013), 1987
| 21
| Contract Between Part Department and Garden Center, (87-011), 1987 |
| 22
| Science Place, (87-012), 1987 |
| 23
| Reunion Arena Financial and Performance Audit, (87-013), 1987 |
| 24
| Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden, (87-014), 1987 |
| 25
| Public Inebriate Program, (87-015), 1987 |
| 26
| Expenditures for Postage, (87-019), 1987 |
| 27
| Follow Up Auto Pound Unit Dallas Police Department, (87-017), 1987 |
| 28
| Zoo Follow Up, (87-018), 1987 |
| 29
| Property Management Division Budget and Research, (87-019), 1987 |
| 30
| City Employees' Benefit Fund, (87-020), 1987 |
| 31
| Follow Up Farmers Market, (87-021), 1987 |
| 32
| Follow Up Report Division Dallas Police Department, (87-022) |
| 33
| General Services Ancillary Parking, (87-024), 1987 |
| 34
| Follow Up Review Damage Recovery Efforts, (87-024), 1987 |
| 35
Community Development Block Grant - Smoke Detectors, Security, Hardware, and Doors, (87-025), 1987 |
| 36
Community Development Block Grant - Security Hardware and Doors, Energy Conservation Repair, West Dallas Plan, (87-026), 1987 |
| 37
| Railtrain for Sixteen Months Ended January 1, 1987, (87-027). 1987 |
| 38
| Ancillary Parking / Convention Center, (87-028), 1987 |
| 39
| Review of Revenue Estimates Included in the Proposed City Budget for FY 1987-88, (unnumbered), 1987
| 40
| Follow Up Review of WRR-FM, (87-029), 1987 |
| 1
| Follow Up Building Inspection Division of Public Works Department, (87-030), 1987 |
| 2
| Facility Services and Equipment Maintenance Park and Recreation, (87-031), 1987 |
| 3
| Animal Control Follow Up, (88-001), 1987 |
| 4
| Annual Audit Plan, FY 1987-88, (unnumbered), 1987 |
| 5
| Follow Up Employee Retirement Fund Checking Account, (unnumbered), 1987 |
| 6
| JTPA - Grant - Centro de Amistad, (88-002), 1987 |
| 7
| Follow Up Review Information Services, (88-003), 1987 |
| 8
| Follow Up Review Police, Fire Pension Fund, (unnumbered), 1987 |
| 9
Community Development Block Grant - American G.I. Forum, (88-004), 1988 |
| 10
Community Development Block Grant - Cooperative Rental Rehab, (88-005), 1988 |
| 11
| Planning and Development Selected Revenue, (88-006), 1988 |
| 12
| Municipal Golf Courses, (88-007), 1988 |
| 13 | JTPA - Total Office Automation Solutions - Summer Youth Employment, (88-008), 1988 |
| 14
| Le Chamonix Apartments/ Housing Neighborhood Services, (88-009), 1988 |
| 15
| Workers Compensation, (88-011), 1988 |
| 16
| Cash Controls in Dallas Water Utilities, (88-011), 1988 |
| 17
| Chamber of Commerce Convention and Tourism Contract, (88-012), 1988 |
| 18
| Phase I - Housing Finance Corporation Audit, (88-013), 1988 |
| 19
| Information Services Applications Programming Division, (88-017), 1988 |
| 20
| Telephone Expense, Department of Information Services, (88-015), 1988 |
| 21
| Department of Transportation Parking Meter Division, (88-016), 1988 |
| 22
| Select Ambulance, Inc., (88-017), 1988 |
| 23
| Park Department Employee / Mclaughlin, (88-018), 1988 |
| 24
| Handiride, (88-019), 1988 |
| 25
| Review of Revenue Estimates Included in the Proposed City Budget for FY 1988-89, (unnumbered), 1988 |
| 26
| Street and Sanitation Affirmative Action Plan, (88-020), 1988 |
| 27
| Court Services - Three Follow Ups, (88-021), 1988 |
| 28
| Court Services / Interagency Cash Bond, (88-022), 1988 |
| 29
| Street and Sanitation Operations Division, (89-001), 1988 |
| 30
| Procurement and Receiving, (89-002), 1988 |
| 31
| Long Range Audit Plan, FY 1988-89, (unnumbered), 1988 |
| 32
| Annual Audit Plan, FY 1988-89, (unnumbered), 1988 |
| 33
Community Development Block Grant - Shared Housing Program, (89-003), 1988 |
| 1
Community Development Block Grant - Concentrated Area Loan Program / Housing Neighborhood Services, (89-004), 1988 |
| 2
| MWR / Wallace Constructors, Inc., (unnumbered), 1989 |
| 3
Community Development Block Grant - Home Improvement Loan Program / HNS, (89-005), 1988 |
| 4
Community Development Block Grant - Dallas Small Business Corp / Housing Neighborhood Services, (89-006), 1989 |
| 5
| Cash Management Program - Revenue and Tax, (89-007), 1989 |
| 6
| Temporary Emergency Shelter Program, (89-008), 1989 |
| 7
| Follow Up Expenditures for Postage, (89-009), 1989 |
| 8
| Dallas Museum of Art and DCGC, Park and Recreation, (89-010), 1989 |
| 9
| JTPA - Anchor Services, (89-011), 1989 |
| 10
| JTPA - Mainstream, Inc., (89-012), 1989 |
| 11
Community Development Block Grant - Austin Street Shelter, (89-013), 1989 |
| 12
Community Development Block Grant - Clean South Dallas Program, (89-014). 1989 |
| 13
| Follow Up Food Sanitation Ordinance, (89-015), 1989 |
| 14
| JTPA - Nurses Aid Academy, (89-017), 1989 |
| 15
| JTPA - Downtown Dallas Family Shelter, (89-017), 1989 |
| 16
| Special Investigation of HNS Rental Rehabilitation Program, (unnumbered), 1989 |
| 17
| Follow Up Union Station Operations, (89-018). 1989 |
| 18
| Selected Revenues / Health and Human Services, (89-019), 1989 |
| 19
| JTPA - Control Data Institute, (89-020), 1989 |
| 20
| JTPA - Computech Vocational Schools, (89-021). 1989 |
| 21
| Review of Revenue Estimates Included in the Proposed City Budget for FY 1989-90, (unnumbered), 1989 |
| 22
| JTPA - Lodging Industry Training Center, (89-022), 1989 |
| 23
Community Development Block Grant - Child Care Accreditation, (89-023), 1989 |
| 24
| Financial and Compliance Audit of The Department of Court Services Public Inebriate Program, (unnumbered), 1989 |
| 25
Community Development Block Grant - Dallas Housing Task Force, (unnumbered), 1989
| 26
Department of Health and Human Services, The Family Place, Domestic Violence Shelter, (unnumbered), 1989
| 27
| External Review of the City Auditor's Office by Arthur Anderson, Inc., (unnumbered), 1989 |
| 28
| Annual Audit Plan, FY 1989-90, (unnumbered), 1989 |