| |
Planning Policies, General Reports, and Historical data; Economic Development Data |
1 | 1 | City of Dallas Growth Plan. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1987 (2 copies, 1 photocopy) |
| 2 | 1985 Dallas Bike Plan. Department of Transportation, 1985 |
| 3 | Dallas 2000 Land Use Concept Plan (Draft). Dallas 2000 Congress, 1982 |
| 4 | Comprehensive Land Use Policy Plan for Dallas. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1976 (2 copies) |
| 5 | Planning for the Future: Dallas 2000. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1982 |
| 6 | Forward Dallas! Ulrickson Committee of 1925-1927, 1927 (photocopy) |
| 7 | Urban Designs Role in Local Government. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1976 |
| 8 | Dallas Development Guide. Office of Development Coordination, Oak Cliff Municipal Center, 1990 |
| 9 | Dallas Development Guide, 1989. Office of Development Coordination, Oak Cliff Municipal Center, 1989 (2 copies) |
| 10 | Development Announcements Report: Announcements of Office, Major Retail and Hotel Developments Since January 1980. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1986 |
| 11 | Development Announcements Report: Announcements and Openings of Major Retail and Hotel Developments Since January 1980. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1985 (2 copies) |
| 12 | Development Announcements Report: Announcements and Openings of Office, Major Retail, and Hotel Developments Since January 1980. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1986 (2 copies) |
| 13 | Development Announcements Report: Announcements and Openings of Office, Major Retail and Hotel Developments Since January 1980. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1984 |
| 14 | Development Announcements Report: Announcements and Openings of Office, Major Retail and Hotel Developments Since January 1980. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1986 |
| 15 | Development Announcements Report: Announcements and Openings of Office, Major Retail and Hotel Developments Since January 1980. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1984 |
| 16 | Development Announcements Report: Announcements and Openings of Office, Major Retail and Hotel Developments Since January 1980. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1985 |
| 17 | Dallas Community Development Newsbook, Volume 2 Number 2, 1982 |
| 18 | City of Dallas Planning Policies: Planning Policies Resolution, 1984 |
| 19 | City of Dallas Planning Policies Issue Paper. City of Dallas, 1983 (2 copies) |
| 20 | Comprehensive Land Use Policy Plan for Dallas. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1975 [Draft submission to the City Plan Commission] |
| 21 | Design Guidelines for Developing Areas. Prepared in part through funding from the Department of Housing and Urban Development - Newton Crick Study, undated |
| 22 | Population and Housing Trends in Dallas 1970 to 1976: Characteristics of Areas. Department of Housing and Urban Rehabilitation, 1977, revised 1978 (2 copies) |
| 23 | Population Counts for the 1980 Census by Subareas of the City of Dallas. City of Dallas Office of Management Services, 1981 |
| 24 | Review of the Area - Wide Redevelopment Program (ARP). City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1982 |
| 25 | City of Dallas Real Estate Negotiation Manual, 1984 |
| 26 | Directory of Street Addresses by 1980 Census Tract. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1982 |
| 27 | Review of City of Dallas Construction Project Management Practices. City Manager's Task Force, 1988 |
| 28 | Preliminary Land use Concepts for Far North Dallas. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1980 |
| 29 | Population Projections for the City and County of Dallas, 1970-1985, 1972 |
| 30 | 1983 Council Districts General Population and Housing Characteristics; Compiled from 1980 Census. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1980 |
| 31 | Dallas County 1985 - Population and Housing Projections for 51 Statistical Communities. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1973 |
| 32 | Dallas Vital Statistics, 1960 |
| 33 | Landmark Preservation Incentives for the City of Dallas Central Business District. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1983 |
2 | 1 | Study #10, Technical Report T30P. Community Analysis Program, Design Guidelines for Inner City Neighborhoods. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, undated |
| 2 | Public/Private Funding: a Report of the Productivity Task Force on Public/Private Partnership. Dallas City Manager, 1983 |
| 3 | Dallas Archeological Potential; Procedures for Locating and Evaluating Prehistoric Resources. Southern Methodist University, 1973 (1 bound copy, 1 photocopy) |
| 4 | Guide to Dallas Area Planned Industrial Districts. Dallas Chamber of Commerce Research Department, 1978-1979 |
| 5 | Population and Housing Trends in Dallas, 1970-1976, Characteristics of Areas. Department of Housing and Urban Rehabilitation, 1977, (revised 1978) |
| 6 | Economics of the Sign Industry and Impact of a Sign Ordinance in Dallas, 1972 |
| 7 | City of Dallas 1980 Census – STF 3A Employment, unknown publisher, undated |
| 8 | Mineral Lands in the City of Dallas. Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, 1977 |
| 9 | Management Services Report. Post-1970 Population Trends in Dallas; A Comparison of Estimates Made by the City of Dallas and the Census Bureau. City of Dallas Office of Management Services, 1979 |
| 10 | 1979 Dallas Business Profile Survey Results and Findings. Management Services Research Report, City of Dallas Office of Management Services |
| 11 | Dallas Data Book; A Report of the Economic Development Advisory Board. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1984 (2 copies) |
| 12 | 1975 Fire Station Location Plan. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1972 |
| 13 | Comprehensive Land Use Policy Plan for Dallas. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1976 |
| 14 | Dallas/Fort Worth Office Building Survey. Henry S. Miller Company, Office Building Division, 1987 |
| 15 | Dallas/Fort Worth Shopping Center Survey. Henry S. Miller Company, 1987 |
| 16 | Future of Spatial Structure of the North Central Texas Metropolitan Region. Regional Science Research Institute: Douglas B. Stevens, T. Kanashina and R. Miller for the North Texas Council of Governments, 1970 |
| 17 | Mobility 2000; the Regional Transportation Plan for North Central Texas. North Central Texas Council of Governments, 1986 |
| 18 | Dallas Metroplex 1984-1985 Industrial Real Estate Survey. Henry Miller Company, 1984-1985 (2 copies) |
| 19 | Encouraging Economic Development in Southern Dallas Development Incentives: A Report of the Economic Development Advisory Board. Office of Economic Development, 1981 |
| 20 | Encouraging Economic Development in Southern Dallas Development Incentives: A Report of the Economic Development Advisory Board; Citizens Comments. Office of Economic Development, 1981 |
| 21 | Encouraging Economic Development in Southern Dallas Development Incentives: A Report of the Economic Development Advisory Board; Recommendations. Office of Economic Development, 1981 |
| 22 | Encouraging Economic Development in Southern Dallas Development Incentives: A Report of Economic Development Advisory Board; Development Incentives. Office of Economic Development, 1981 |
| 23 | Encouraging Economic Development in Southern Dallas Development Incentives: A Report of Economic Development Advisory Board; Related Base Data. Office of Economic Development, 1981 (2 copies) |
| 24 | Economic Impacts of the Proposed Dallas Town Lake. Economic Research Associates, 1978 (2 copies) |
| 25 | Economic Impact of Selected Arts Organizations on the Dallas Economy. Hammer, Siler, George Associates, 1977 |
| 26 | City of Dallas Economic Market Share Study: An analysis of the economic health of Dallas, Texas. Office of Economic Development, 1979 (3 copies) |
| 27 | City of Dallas Industrial Development Corporation: An evaluation of the Industrial Revenue Bond Program. F. David Montarrez and City of Dallas Economic Development Staff, 1986 |
| 28 | City of Dallas Industrial Development Corporation Application Package. City Manager's Office, 1982 |
| 29 | Fitzhugh/Capital Property Owners Study Summary Memorandum. Sasaki Associates Inc., 1987 |
| 30 | Revitalization Market Study and Revitalization Strategy; Forest Avenue Neighborhood Business District, 1979 |
| 31 | Retail Market Study and Revitalization Strategy; East Grand Center Neighborhood Business District, 1979 (2 copies) |
3 | 1 | Zoning Transition Economic Impact Assessment; Fifteen Case Studies, Dallas, Texas, 1987 |
| 2 | Southeast Dallas Annexation Areas [unpublished], 1986 |
| 3 | North Central Texas Council of Governments Population and Employment Data, 1980, 1990, and 2000. North Central Texas Council of Governments, 1980 |
| 4 | North Central Texas Council of Governments Population Data, 1980, 1990, and 2000. North Central Texas Council of Governments, 1980 |
| 5 | Interim Report on Planning Policies Issue Paper. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1983 |
| 6 | City of Dallas Planning Policies Issue Paper. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1983 (2 copies) |
| 7 | City of Dallas Planning Policies: Planning Policies Resolution. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1984 |
| 8 | Briefing Document; Oral Interview Session, Neighborhood Presentation, and Economic Development Plan for South Dallas/Fair Park. Prepared for District Six Land Use Committee. Hammer, Siler, George Associates, 1986 |
| 9 | Population and Housing Trends in Dallas, 1970-1976; Characteristics of Areas. Department of Housing and Urban Rehabilitation, 1977, (revised 1978) |
| 10 | Comprehensive Land Use Plan; Part 1, Land Use Policies. City of Dallas, 1975 |
| 11 | Comprehensive Land Use Policy Plan for Dallas. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1976 (2 copies) |
| 12 | A Program Plan for Commercial Revitalization of Maple Avenue; Final Report. Economics Research Associates, 1983 |
| |
Community Development Plans and Studies, Housing, and Historic Preservation |
| 13 | Condominium Conversions in Dallas. Department of Housing and Urban Rehabilitation and City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1979 |
| 14 | Dallas Housing Trends in the Seventies, 1979 |
| 15 | Forest Avenue Neighborhood Area Preservation Study, Funded through a block grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for Dallas City Council, 1976 (2 copies) |
| 16 | Central Business District Housing Prospects. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1982 (2 copies) |
| 17 | Inner City Committee Report, 1981 (2 copies) |
| 18 | Southeast Oak Cliff Land Use, Housing and Economics Study: A proposal to the City of Dallas. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1989 |
| 19 | City of Dallas Target Neighborhood Plan Census Tract 88.02. Department of Housing and Neighborhood Services, 1986 (3 copies) |
| 20 | Environmental Noise Assessment Dallas, Tx, Multi-Family Residential Noise Zones,1980 |
| 21 | A Neighborhood Planning Guide for the Jefferson/Ruthmede Reinvestment Area, 1981 |
| 22 | Rochester Park Master Plan Development Concept, 1979 |
| 23 | Pollard Street Area Land Use Study, 1980 |
| 24 | Report of the Task Force on Public Housing, 1983 |
| 25 | Proposal for Consultant Services South Dallas/Fair Park Neighborhood Preservation and Economic Development Study, 1985 (2 copies) |
| 26 | Lake West Master Plan; a Rebuilding of the West Dallas Housing Projects, 1984 |
| 27 | Preston Road – Dallas Parkway Corridor Study Land Use Proposals, 1978 |
| 28 | Summary of Revision Proposals, Oak Lawn Plan, Oak Lawn Forum Report, 1983 |
| 29 | Trinity Heights; a Neighborhood Planning Guide for the Trinity Heights Reinvestment Area, 1981 (2 copies) |
4 | 1 | Turtle Creek Extension Feasibility Study, 1984 |
| 2 | Residents' Views of Dallas Neighborhoods, 1977 |
| 3 | Retail Market Study and Revitalization Strategy, Jefferson Boulevard Neighborhood Business District, 1979 |
| 4 | Old Renner Land Use Study, 1983 |
| 5 | Rylie Land Use Plan (draft), 1981 |
| 6 | Kleberg Community Land Use Plan, 1980 |
| 7 | Kidd Springs; a Neighborhood Planning Guide for the Kidd Springs Reinvestment Area, 1981 |
| 8 | Kidd Springs; a Neighborhood Study, 1979 |
| 9 | Kings Highway; a Neighborhood Planning Guide for the Kings Highway Reinvestment Area, 1981 |
| 10 | Little Mexico Report, 1975 |
| 11 | Los Altos; a Neighborhood Study (draft), 1978 |
| 12 | Mill Creek Land Use Plan, 1988 |
| 13 | Mayor's Task Force on Housing and Economic Development in Southern Dallas, 1984 (2 copies) |
| 14 | West End; a Development Guide to the City of Dallas' West End Historic District, 1981 |
| 15 | Sunset; a Neighborhood Planning Guide for the Sunset Reinvestment Area, 1981 (2 copies) |
| 16 | North Oak Cliff Land Use and Development Plan, 1986 (2 copies) |
| 17 | Coit/Spring Valley Neighborhood Improvement Study, 1990 |
| 18 | Jefferson Area Community Plan for the Jefferson Area Association, 1990 |
| 19 | Study #19; An Economic Profile of Dallas, Technical Report T38X, 1972 |
| 20 | A Better Dallas Through Better Housing; Field Report of Recommendations, Dallas Housing Task Force, 1986 |
| 21 | Oak Lawn Study Phase One Report. A.J. Diamond Planners, LTD, 1983 |
| 22 | Forest Avenue. Harris and Partners—Sponsored by the City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development and the Dallas Urban League, 1978 |
| 23 | Forest Avenue Workbook. Harris and Partners, City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1978 (2 copies) |
| 24 | El Barrio Study Phase I. City of Dallas Department of Housing and Urban Development, 1975 (2 copies) |
| 25 | East Grand Center Neighborhood Area Preservation Study. City of Dallas, 1977 |
| 26 | Neighborhood and/or Satellite Cultural Centers: A Position Paper Prepared for Cultural Committee, Dallas Park & Recreation Board, 1978 |
| 27 | Residential Preferences of Dallasites, undated |
| 28 | Preliminary Land Use Concepts for Far North Dallas. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1980 |
| 29 | Executive Summary; Southwest Dallas Land Use Study Phase 1 (draft). City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1983 |
| 30 | Study #18, Community Analysis Program Technical Report T37X04, 1972 |
| 31 | Eagle Ford: A Neighborhood Planning Guide for the Eagle Ford Reinvestment Area. Department of Housing and Neighborhood Services, 1982 |
| 32 | Trinity Heights: a Neighborhood Planning Guide for the Trinity Heights Reinvestment Area, 1981 |
| 33 | Northwest Highway Land Use Study. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1986 |
| 34 | Report Summary of the Singleton Boulevard Corridor Study. City of Dallas, 1979 |
| 35 | 712 Commerce: a Proposal for Adaptive Re-use. Thomas E. Woodward & Associates, undated |
| 36 | Southwest Dallas Land Use Study Phase 1 (draft). City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1984 (2 copies) |
| 37 | Fair Park Link Study. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. for City of Dallas, undated |
| 38 | Fair Park Planning Study: Programming, development and management study results. LWFW Group for Park and Recreation Board and State Fair of Texas, 1981 (3 copies) |
| 39 | Fair Park Environs: Existing Conditions and Plans, City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1980 (2 copies) |
| 40 | A Neighborhood Planning Guide for the Mount Auburn/Santa Fe/Owenwood Reinvestment Area. City of Dallas Department of Housing and Neighborhood Services, 1982 (2 copies) |
5 | 1 | A Neighborhood Planning Guide for the West Trinity/Lisbon Reinvestment Area. City of Dallas Department of Housing and Neighborhood Services, 1982 |
| 2 | Master Plan Report, A Rebuilding of the West Dallas Housing Projects. Carter & Burgess, Inc., 1984 |
| 3 | North Oak Cliff Land Use and Development Plan. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1986 (3 copies) |
| 4 | North Oak Cliff Land Use and Development Plan, Technical Appendix, 1986 (2 copies) |
| 5 | Near East Side Area Planning Study: Phase 1 Working Paper, 1983 |
| 6 | Neighborhood Image: An Initial Analysis of Data from the Neighborhood Identity and Environment Study. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1976 |
| 7 | East Grand Center Workbook. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1978 |
| 8 | Neighborhood Preservation and Economic Development Plan, South Dallas/Fair Park Communities, Dallas, Texas. Proposal. Pryde, Roberts and Company, 1985 |
| 9 | North End: A Downtown Residential Community. Needham McCaffrey Planning and Design, 1978 |
| 10 | A Neighborhood Planning Guide for the North Henderson Reinvestment Area. City of Dallas Department of Housing and Neighborhood Services, 1982 |
| 11 | City of Dallas Target neighborhood Plan Census Tract 93.03. City of Dallas Department of Housing and Neighborhood Services, 1986 |
| 12 | Housing and the Future of Downtown Dallas. Dallas Central Business District, Association, Inc., 1975 |
| 13 | Construction Indicators, 1979 |
| 14 | Construction Indicators 1970 thru December 1977. City of Dallas Department of Housing and Urban Rehabilitation, 1978 |
| 15 | Belmont-Matilda Zoning Recommendations. City of Dallas Department of Housing and Neighborhood Services, 1983 |
| 16 | Southwest Dallas Land Use Study Phase One (Draft). City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1984 |
| 17 | Southwest Dallas Land Use Study Phase Two (Draft). City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1988 |
| 18 | Housing: A Method for Evaluating Potential Sites for High Density Residential Zoning in Dallas. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, undated |
| 19 | Trinity Heights; a Neighborhood Planning Guide for the Trinity Heights Reinvestment Area, 1981 (2 copies) |
| 20 | An Urban Strategy for Texas: Report and Recommendations to the 70th Legislature. The Texas House and Senate Joint Special Committee on Urban Issues, 1986 |
| 21 | Proposed Housing Plan for the City of Dallas, Executive Summary. Urban Land Institute, 1977 |
| 22 | A Better Dallas Through Better Housing: Preliminary Report of Recommendations, Dallas Housing Task Force, 1986 |
| 23 | Study #4 Community Facilities and Services/Hospitals and Clinics. Technical Report, T11X, 1971 |
| 24 | Study #4 Community Facilities and Services/Streets and Highways. Technical Report, T17X, 1972 |
| 25 | Study #4 Community Facilities and Services/Water and Sewer. Technical Report, T04X, 1972 |
| 26 | Study #4 Community Facilities and Services/Street Lighting. Technical Report, T18X, 1972 |
| 27 | Study #4 Community Facilities and Services/Private Utilities. Technical Report, T06X, 1971 |
| 28 | Study #4 Community Facilities and Services/Police Protection. Technical Report, T12X, 1971 |
| 29 | Study #4 Community Facilities and Services/Solid Waste Disposal. Technical Report, T05X, 1972 |
| 30 | Study #22 Land Marketability and Absorption. Technical Report, T41X, 1972 |
| 31 | Study #25 Analysis of Relocation Resources. Technical Report, T44X, 1972 |
| 32 | Study #28 Administrative Resources. Technical Report, T47X, undated |
| 33 | Study #32 Project Listen/A Survey of Citizens. Technical Report, T54X, 1972 |
| 34 | Study # 33 Citizen Participation. Technical Report, T55X, 1972 |
| 35 | Study # 23, Social Resources. Technical Report, T42X, 1972 |
| 36 | Community Series Reports—Highland. Technical Report, C25P-03, 1972 |
6 | 1 | Community Series—ELAM. Technical Report, C37P-04, 1972 |
| 2 | Study # 30, Financial Resources. Technical Report, T42X-06, undated |
| 3 | Study # 24, Housing Resources. Technical Report, T43X-05, 1972 |
| 4 | Study # 17, Goals for Community Action/Specific Goals. Technical Report, T36X-02, 1972 |
| 5 | Study # 16, Recommendations to the Comprehensive Plan. Technical Report, T34X-02, 1972 |
| 6 | Study # 8, Inspection of Housing Conditions/Interior and Exterior. Technical Report, T28X-03, 1972 |
| 7 | Study # 4, Community Facilities and Services/Hospitals and Clinics. Technical Report, T11X-05, 1971 |
| 8 | Study # 4, Community Facilities and Services/Adult, Vocational, and Higher Education. Technical Report, T15X-05, 1972 |
| 9 | Study # 4, Community Facilities and Services/Elementary and Secondary Education. Technical Report, T14X-06, undated |
| 10 | Study # 2, Criteria to Define Blight. Technical Report, TO2X-02, 1972 |
| 11 | Study # 4, Community Facilities and Services. Air Transportation Technical Report, TZ0X-05, 1971 |
| 12 | Study #12, Design of an Integrated Mapping System. Technical Report, T32X-02, 1972 |
| 13 | Community Series Reports—Northwood. Technical Report, C19P, undated |
| 14 | Study # 31, Program of Action, Volume II: Program Recommendations. Technical Report, T53X, undated |
| 15 | Community Series Reports—Jim Miller. Technical Report, C33P-02, 1972 |
| 16 | Study # 4 Community Facilities and Services. Ground Transportation Technical Report, TZ1X-01, 1971 |
| 17 | Study # 1 Influences Acting on Neighborhoods. Technical Report, TOIX-07, 1972 |
| 18 | Study #3, Neighborhood Inventory and Survey. Technical Report T03X-03, 1972 |
| |
Historic Preservation |
| 19 | Jefferson Boulevard Neighborhood Area Preservation Study, undated |
| 20 | Historic Landmark Preservation: Draft of Historic Preservation Ordinance |
| 21 | City of Dallas Historic Resource Survey. Ronald P. Emrich, Urban Prospects Historic Preservation Consultant, 1985 |
| 22 | Swiss Avenue Survey Report. Urban Design Division, City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, undated |
| 23 | Victorian Architecture and Neighborhood Conservation Study in Dallas. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1979 |
| 24 | Preservation and Dallas Codes; a Study for the Department of Housing and Urban Rehabilitation, Summary Report "A." Envirodynamic, Inc., 1976 (2 copies) |
| 25 | Preservation and Dallas Codes; a Study for the Department of Housing and Urban Rehabilitation, Analysis "B." Envirodynamic, Inc., 1976 |
| 26 | Preservation and Dallas Codes; a Study for the Department of Housing and Urban Rehabilitation, Meeting Minutes "C." Envirodynamic, Inc., 1976 |
| 27 | Munger Place National Register of Historic Places nomination documents, 1977 |
7 | 1 | Pamphlet, "Buying a Home in Historic Old East Dallas." Historic Preservation League, Inc., undated (2 copies) |
| 2 | Turtle Creek Pumping Station Preservation Plan. Dallas Historic Preservation League, 1981 |
| 3 | Preservation Incentives for Downtown Historic Landmark Buildings. City of Dallas Program Provisions, 1983 (2 copies) |
| 4 | Fair Park Historic District Landmark Designation Report, 1984 (photocopy) |
| |
Transportation Studies |
| 5 | Hawn Freeway Land Use Study. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1985 |
| 6 | Feasibility Study for Luna Road Improvements—Northwest Highway to Royal Lane. Department of Public Works, 1987 |
| 7 | Dallas Urban Area Public Transportation Plan, Dallas Subregional Public Transportation Study. Baston, Aschman and Associates, Inc., 1975 (2 copies) |
| 8 | Case Studies of Existing Thoroughfares and Couplets. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1981 (2 copies) |
| 9 | Report on Parking in the Business Center. Prepared for the City of Dallas and the Central Business District Association, Vincent Ponte, 1981, 19p (2 copies) |
| 10 | Dallas Central Business District Master Parking Plan. Office of Transportation Programs, 1981, 90p |
| 11 | East Dallas Thoroughfares: Community overview. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1981 |
| 12 | Dallas-Fort Worth Regional Transportation Study, Interim Report, 1971 |
| 13 | Report on the City of Dallas Transit Route Study for the City of Dallas and North Central Texas Council of Governments. Parsons, Brinkerhoff, Quade and Douglass, Inc., 1975 |
| 14 | Cordon Count Central Business District. City of Dallas Department of Traffic Control, 1946 |
| 15 | Far North Dallas Area Land Use and Transportation Study: Origin/Destination Analysis, Paper 4, 1980 |
| 16 | Far North Dallas Area Land Use and Transportation Study: Analysis of thoroughfare capacity for the years 1977-2000, Paper 5, 1980 |
| 17 | 1986 Transportation Improvement Program for North Central Texas. North Central Texas Council of Governments, 1986 |
| 18 | Thoroughfare Plan Reevaluation and Update, Part B. Wilbur Smith and Associates, 1986 |
| 19 | Preliminary Evaluation of DART Joint Development Revenue Potentials. Freilich and Leitner, Real Estate Research Corporation and City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1985 |
| 20 | City of Dallas Thoroughfare Plan: A guide for streets. City Council Ordinance, 1976 |
| 21 | Dallas Bikeway Plan. City of Dallas Department of Traffic Control, 1975 (2 copies) |
| 22 | Convention Center Alignment Study for DART Planning and Development Committee. DART/PBDC Planning, 1988 |
| 23 | Far North Dallas Area Land Use and Transportation Study: Travel dispersion analysis for selected traffic generators, Paper 3, 1980 |
| 24 | Far North Dallas Area Land Use and Transportation Study: Citizen's view of the area, Paper 2, 1980 |
| 25 | DART—Final Service Plan and Supporting Documentation, Resolution of the Dallas Area Rapid Transit Board, 1983 (2 copies) |
| 26 | Dallas/Fort Worth Regional Transportation Study, Origin Destination Survey Tables, Volume 1-A, 1964 |
| 27 | Thoroughfares; Dallas Metropolitan Area. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1961 |
8 | 1 | Land Use Analysis; Spur 408 – Walton Walker – Kiest. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1981 |
| 2 | Cityplace Station Area Plan (draft). City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1988 |
| 3 | Cityplace Station Area Plan Appendix (draft). City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1988 |
| 4 | Northwest Boulevard Landscape Planning Guidelines; Part of the City-Wide Street Design Guidelines, 1974 |
| 5 | North Dallas Forum Report, 1984 (3 copies) |
| 6 | Appendices, North Dallas Forum Report |
| 7 | 1982 Noise Contour Update and Analysis, Dallas Love Field, Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc., 1983 |
| 8 | Neighborhood Transportation Analysis for the Gaston/Highland Area, Department of Transportation, 1982 (2 copies) |
| 9 | Development Plan for Redbird Airport, 1981 |
| 10 | Greater Far North Dallas Area Land Use and Transportation Study, 1988 |
| 11 | Love Field - East Land Use Study, 1986 |
| 12 | Love Field - West Land Use Study, 1986 |
| 13 | Love Field - North Land Use Study, 1988 |
| 14 | Proposal for Noise Control Program for Dallas Love Field. Prepared for the Department of Aviation, Howard, Needles, Tammen & Bergendoff, 1981 |
| 15 | Regional Heliport System Plan 2000. North Central Texas Council of Governments, 1984 |
| 16 | Airport Zoning Regulations, Report Number 001. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1985 |
| 17 | Regional Airport System Plan 2000. North Central Texas Council of Governments, 1984 |
| 18 | City Manager's Report on Improvements to the Love Field Noise Control Program and the Love Field Policies. City Manager's Office, 1986 |
| 19 | Redbird Airport Development Plan. City of Dallas Department of Aviation and City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1987 (2 copies) |
| 20 | Love Field Study. City and Regional Planning, University of Texas at Arlington, 1980 |
| 21 | Dallas Redbird Airport Land Use and Development Plan. Department of Aviation and City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1970 |
| 22 | Dallas Love Field Noise Control Program. Prepared by Howard, Needles, Tammen & Bergendoff, 1981 |
| 23 | Environmental Assessment for Proposed Runway Extension at Dallas Redbird Airport, Draft. Howard, Needles, Tammen & Bergendoff, 1985 |
| 24 | Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard; a Corridor Study. The City of Dallas, 1982 |
| 25 | Dallas-Fort Worth Regional Transportation Study Transportation Improvement Program (Highway Element), 1978 |
| 26 | Mid-cities Public Transportation Plan Summary Report, 1974 |
| 27 | Parkway Center Project Part A: Technical Proposal. PAWA-Winkelmann and Associates, Inc., 1986 |
| 28 | Engineering Analysis of Pearl/Flora Intersection. DeShazo, Starek & Tang, Inc., 1982 |
| |
Central Business District and Arts District Studies |
| 29 | Dallas Downtown Plan 1986. Vincent Ponte and Warren Travers, for the City of Dallas and the Central Dallas Association, 1986 |
| 30 | Central Business District Past Planning and Current Issues. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1982, (2 copies) |
9 | 1 | Central Business District Pedestrian Facilities. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development—for Dallas City Plan Commission, 1974 |
| 2 | Central Business District/Fair Park Linkage Study, Phase I Report. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1974 |
| 3 | Advisory Committee Recommendations and Priorities; Dallas Downtown Plan, 1987 |
| 4 | Dallas Central Business District Report. Ponte-Travers Associates Planning and Traffic Consultants, 1969 (2 copies) |
| 5 | Development Strategy for the Southwest Quadrant of the Central Business District. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1980 |
| 6 | DART and Downtown Dallas: A report on rapid transit in the business center. For the 1984 Dallas/Fort Worth Development Conference, Vincent Ponte, 1984 (2 copies) |
| 7 | Central Business District Market Analysis. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1981 |
| 8 | Dallas Walkways 2: A report on a new addition to the pedestrian system, Vincent Ponte, undated |
| 9 | Central Business District Concept Plan (Draft). City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1982 (2 copies) |
| 10 | Dallas Central Business District Goods and Services Distribution Project Update. Office of Transportation Programs, 1980 |
| 11 | Downtown Dallas: 2010; Toward a Visual Master Plan to Guide Development, undated (2 copies) |
| 12 | A Report on the Public Uses of Block 250, 1980 |
| 13 | Akard/Pacific Intersection; a Report on a Missing Link in the Dallas Pedestrian System, 1981 (2 copies) |
| 14 | A Preliminary Study of Geometric Design and Parking Capacity for a Major Development in the Central Business District of Dallas, Texas, 1966 |
| 15 | Dallas Walkways; a Report on a Sheltered Pedestrian System in the Business Center, 1979 |
| 16 | Akard Street Pedestrian Improvements; Functional Analysis, Roadway Alignment, 1977 (3 copies) |
| | Arts District Studies |
| 17 | Arts Centers in Other Cities: an analysis to accompany "A Comprehensive Art Facilities Plan for Dallas". Carr, Lynch Associates, 1977 |
| 18 | Dallas Arts District Urban Design Plan. Sasaki Associates, Inc., 1982 |
| 19 | Dallas Arts District, Report by Theatre Projects Consultants, Inc., 1984 |
| 20 | Dallas Arts District Appendices. Theatre Projects Consultants, Inc., 1984 (2 copies) |
| 21 | Dallas Arts District Design Competition, Burnett-Baldwin, 1982 |
| 22 | Dallas Arts District Management Plan. Prepared by the Project for Public Spaces, Inc., 1983 (3 copies) |
| 23 | Dallas Arts District Parking Garage Feasibility Study, Task Report 1: Objects and Constraints. DeShazo, Starek and Tang, Inc., 1982 |
| 24 | Dallas Arts District Parking Garage Feasibility Study, Task Report 2: Parking Demand DeShazo, Starek and Tang, Inc., 1982 |
| 25 | Dallas Arts District Parking Garage Feasibility Study, Task Report 3: Access and Circulation. DeShazo, Starek and Tang, Inc., 1982 |
| 26 | Dallas Arts District Parking Garage Feasibility Study, Task Report 4: Physical Feasibility. DeShazo, Starek and Tang, Inc., 1982 (2 copies) |
| |
Parks, Open Spaces, and Environmental Studies |
| 27 | City of Dallas Park and Recreation Department Beautification Policy, 1979 (3 copies) |
| 28 | Natural Open Space Plan, 1979 |
| 29 | National Urban Recreation Study, Dallas/Fort Worth, 1977 |
| 30 | Parks & Open Spaces; Dallas Metropolitan Area. Prepared for the Dallas Area Master Plan Committee by City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development and Department of Parks and Recreation, 1959 (2 copies) |
| 31 | Long-Range Physical Development Plan for Parks and Recreational Facilities, Phase I: Philosophy and Standards. Planning and Research Division of the Park and Recreation Department, Dallas, Texas, 1981 |
| 32 | Dallas Swimming Pools; a Component of the Master Plan. City of Dallas Park and Recreation Department Planning Division, 1981 |
| 33 | A Master Plan for Implementation of the 1987 Management Plan of White Rock Lake Park. Dannenbaum Engineering Corporation, 1988 |
| |
Environmental Studies |
10 | 1 | Environmental Impacts and Development Opportunities of Town Lake. Sasaki Associates, Inc., 1983 |
| 2 | The Quality of the Air Resources in the Dallas-Dallas County Study Area, April 1967 – April 1968. Dallas City Health Department, 1968 |
| 3 | Guide for a field trip to sites that illustrate some effects of developing on the White Rock Escarpment. Peter Allen, 1978 |
| 4 | The Escarpment Report; Environmental Assessment and Development Guidelines for the White Rock Escarpment, 1982 |
| 5 | Report of the Environmental Quality Committee. City of Dallas, 1974 |
| 6 | Report of the Environmental Quality Committee. City of Dallas, 1974 |
| 7 | The Dallas Ecological Study. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1973 (2 copies) |
| |
Water-related Studies and Floodplain Management |
| 8 | Flood Plain Management of Newton Creek and Rickets Branch, 1982 |
| 9 | Final Regional Environmental Impact Statement: Trinity River and Tributaries. Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, 1987 |
| 10 | Duck Creek, Garland, Texas. Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, 1968 |
| 11 | Hickory Creek, Balch Springs, and Kleberg. Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, 1972 |
| 12 | Tenmile Creek. Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, 1968 |
| 13 | North Mesquite Creek. Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, 1973 |
| 14 | Hackberry Creek and Cottonwood Branch. Corps of Engineers, 1974 |
| 15 | Rowlett Creek, Part I. Corps of Engineers, 1973 |
| 16 | Furneaux Creek. Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, 1971 |
| 17 | Kirby Creek, Grand Prairie. Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, 1968 |
| 18 | South Mesquite Creek. Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, 1968 |
| 19 | Hutton Branch and Cook's Branch. Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, 1968 |
| 20 | Johnson Creek, Arlington and Grand Prairie. Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, 1968 |
| 21 | Floodplain Management: Hatfield Branch and Lower Rylie Creek. Turner Collie and Braden, Inc., 1980 (2 copies) |
| 22 | Floodplain Management Study: Honey Springs Branch, Lockwood. Andrews and Neuman, Inc., 1979 |
11 | 1 | Floodplain Management Report: Dixon Branch and Tributaries. Brockette, Daris, Drake, Inc., 1984 |
| 2 | Floodplain Hydraulics Study: Forney Branch PAWA. Winkelmann and Associates, 1987 |
| 3 | Floodplain Hydraulics Study: Channel improvements Audelia Branch. Anderson Engineers, Inc., 1984 |
| 4 | Flood Plain Management of Fivemile Creek, Volume 1. Albert H. Halff Associates, Inc., 1976 |
| 5 | Hydrology and Hydraulics of Flood Plain Studies for the City of Dallas. Albert H. Halff Associates, Inc., 1976 |
| 6 | Analysis of Water Service Area, Dallas Water Utilities. Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co., 1980 |
| 7 | Initiatives for Clean Water; the 1987 Annual Water Quality Management Plan for North Central Texas. North Central Texas Council of Governments, 1986 |
| 8 | Evaluation of Town Lake Alternatives, Executive Summary. Espey, Huston & Associates, Inc., and Sasaki Associates, Inc., 1984 |
| 9 | Economic Impacts of the Proposed Dallas Town Lake. Economic Research Associates, 1978 |
| 10 | Evaluation of Town Lake Alternatives. Espey, Huston & Associates, Inc., and Sasaki Associates, Inc., 1984 |
| 11 | Dallas Floodway Extension Area Economic Impact Study. Economics Research Associates, 1980 |
| 12 | Draft Regional Environmental Impact Statement, Trinity River and Tributaries, undated |
| 13 | Creek Assessment Study, Upper White Rock Creek. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1977 |
| 14 | Report on Drainage Improvement Studies, Lower White Rock Creek. Forrest and Cotton, Inc., Consulting Engineers for City of Dallas Department of Public Works, 1965 |
| 15 | Report on Long Range Water Supply Study to Meet Anticipated Requirements to the Year 2050. URS/Forrest and Cotton, Inc., 1975 |
| 16 | Preliminary Design Report on Flood Plain Management for Lower Peaks Branch. Albert H. Halff Associates, Inc., 1976 |
12 | 1 | Drainage Study, Stemmons North Industrial District. City of Dallas Department of Public Works, Raymond L. Goodson, Jr., Inc., 1975 |
| 2 | Environmental Impact Study of the Elm Fork Region of the Trinity River. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1972 |
| 3 | Procedures for Filling in a Flood Plain Under the Flood Plain Management Guidelines. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1977 |
| 4 | Procedures for Filling in the Trinity River or Elm Fork Flood Plain. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1977 |
| 5 | Flood Plain Management of Cedar Creek and its Tributaries. Albert H. Halff Associates, Inc., 1978 |
| 6 | Management Alternatives for the Rush Creek Watershed: A Pilot Stormwater Study, North Central Texas Council of Governments, 1983 |
| |
Oversized Items (all series) |
13 | 1 | Dallas Central Business District: Boulevards and Green Spaces. City Council Ordinance 13263, 1971 (3 copies) |
| 2 | Dallas Central Business District: Streets and Vehicular Circulation. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1971 (2 copies) |
| 3 | Central Business District Pedestrian Facilities. City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development for Dallas City Plan Commission, 1975 |
| 4 | Dallas Arts District plan by Myrick-Newman-Dahlberg & Partners, Inc., 1982 |
| 5 | Long - Range Physical Development Plan for Parks and Recreational Facilities, Phase II. Park and Recreation Department, 1983 |
| 6 | Coordinated Plan Open Space Development: Trinity River System in Dallas. Marvin Springer and Associates for Dallas Park Board, 1969 |
| 7 | Fair Park Plan. Marvin Springer and Associates for Dallas Park Board, 1971 |