Municipal Archives

Planning Department Publications and Related Materials, 1966-1990

​Collection 2006-001


Office of the City Secretary
Dallas Municipal Archives
1500 Marilla Street, 5D South
Dallas, Texas 75201
Creator City of Dallas Department of Planning and Urban Development 
Title Planning Department Publications and Related Materials
Dates 1966-1990
Quantity 14.42 linear feet
Abstract Printed publications of the City of Dallas Department of Planning and related materials.
Identification 2006-001
Language Records are in English

Scope and Content

Printed studies and plans and related materials documenting the history of coordinated urban planning by the City of Dallas from the mid-1960s to 1990.  Urban planning is defined as the scientific, aesthetic, and orderly disposition of land, resources, and facilities and involves larger considerations such as the physical, economic and social efficiency, and health and well-being of urban and rural communities.

The City of Dallas attempted to impose a zoning and planning policy-making body as early as 1916, but an actual board, the City Plan Commission, was not created until 1919.  As established in the City Charter, the Commission is responsible for making recommendations to the City Council regarding planning and zoning matters, and for administering portions of the Texas [State] Local Government Code regarding the platting and recording of subdivisions and additions. 

Early planning was coordinated through the Commission and the City Engineer, and a Department of City Planning was created in 1945.  Departmental organization changed many times between the 1950s and the 1990s, and in October 2002, the Dallas City Council created a Development Services Department.  The department  provides permit and plan review, approval, and inspection services for private development.

The collection contains printed publications both developed and written by the City of Dallas Planning and Urban Design Department.  The bulk of the collection’s documents were internally produced, but because of their connection to Dallas planning, there are several items published by non-governmental entities. 


The collection is organized by the following subjects.  The collection contains oversized material.

•  Planning Policies, General Reports, and Historical data; Economic Development Data
•  Community Development Plans and Studies, Housing, and Historic Preservation
•  Transportation Studies
•  Central Business District and Arts District Studies
•  Parks, Open Spaces, and Environmental Studies
•  Water-related Studies and Floodplain Management
•  Oversized Items (all series)


Permission to publish, reproduce, distribute, or use by any and all other current or future developed methods or procedures must be obtained in writing from the Dallas Municipal Archives. All rights are reserved and retained regardless of current or future development or laws that may apply to fair use standards.  It is the responsibility of the user to obtain copyright authorization for any images.


Planning Department Publications and Related Materials, 1966-1990, (Box <x>, Folder <y>), Dallas Municipal Archives

Related Materials


Index Terms

Dallas -- Texas -- History
Planning -- Texas -- History
Texas -- History
Transportation -- Texas -- History
United States -- History -- 1966-1990

Container List

Box Folder Title, Date
   Planning Policies, General Reports, and Historical data; Economic Development Data
11City of Dallas Growth Plan.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1987 (2 copies, 1 photocopy)
 21985 Dallas Bike Plan.  Department of Transportation, 1985
 3Dallas 2000 Land Use Concept Plan (Draft).  Dallas 2000 Congress, 1982
 4Comprehensive Land Use Policy Plan for Dallas.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1976 (2 copies)
 5Planning for the Future:  Dallas 2000.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1982
 6Forward Dallas! Ulrickson Committee of 1925-1927, 1927 (photocopy)
 7Urban Designs Role in Local Government.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1976
 8Dallas Development Guide.  Office of Development Coordination, Oak Cliff Municipal Center, 1990
 9Dallas Development Guide, 1989.  Office of Development Coordination, Oak Cliff Municipal Center, 1989 (2 copies)
 10Development Announcements Report:  Announcements of Office, Major Retail and Hotel Developments Since January 1980.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1986
 11Development Announcements Report:  Announcements and Openings of Major Retail and Hotel Developments Since January 1980.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1985 (2 copies)
 12Development Announcements Report:  Announcements and Openings of Office, Major Retail, and Hotel Developments Since January 1980.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1986 (2 copies)
 13Development Announcements Report:  Announcements and Openings of Office, Major Retail and Hotel Developments Since January 1980.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1984
 14Development Announcements Report:  Announcements and Openings of Office, Major Retail and Hotel Developments Since January 1980.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1986
 15Development Announcements Report:  Announcements and Openings of Office, Major Retail and Hotel Developments Since January 1980.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1984
 16Development Announcements Report:  Announcements and Openings of Office, Major Retail and Hotel Developments Since January 1980.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1985
 17Dallas Community Development Newsbook, Volume 2 Number 2, 1982
 18City of Dallas Planning Policies:  Planning Policies Resolution, 1984
 19City of Dallas Planning Policies Issue Paper.  City of Dallas, 1983 (2 copies)
 20Comprehensive Land Use Policy Plan for Dallas.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1975 [Draft submission to the City Plan Commission]
 21Design Guidelines for Developing Areas.  Prepared in part through funding from the Department of Housing and Urban Development - Newton Crick Study, undated
 22Population and Housing Trends in Dallas 1970 to 1976:  Characteristics of Areas.  Department of Housing and Urban Rehabilitation, 1977, revised 1978 (2 copies)
 23Population Counts for the 1980 Census by Subareas of the City of Dallas.  City of Dallas Office of Management Services, 1981
 24Review of the Area - Wide Redevelopment Program (ARP).  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1982
 25City of Dallas Real Estate Negotiation Manual, 1984
 26Directory of Street Addresses by 1980 Census Tract.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1982
 27Review of City of Dallas Construction Project Management Practices.  City Manager's Task Force, 1988
 28Preliminary Land use Concepts for Far North Dallas.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1980
 29Population Projections for the City and County of Dallas, 1970-1985, 1972
 301983 Council Districts General Population and Housing Characteristics; Compiled from 1980 Census.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1980
 31Dallas County 1985 - Population and Housing Projections for 51 Statistical Communities.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1973
 32Dallas Vital Statistics, 1960
 33Landmark Preservation Incentives for the City of Dallas Central Business District.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1983
21Study #10, Technical Report T30P.  Community Analysis Program, Design Guidelines for Inner City Neighborhoods.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, undated
 2Public/Private Funding:  a Report of the Productivity Task Force on Public/Private Partnership.  Dallas City Manager, 1983
 3Dallas Archeological Potential; Procedures for Locating and Evaluating Prehistoric Resources.  Southern Methodist University, 1973 (1 bound copy, 1 photocopy)
 4Guide to Dallas Area Planned Industrial Districts.  Dallas Chamber of Commerce Research Department, 1978-1979
 5Population and Housing Trends in Dallas, 1970-1976, Characteristics of Areas.  Department of Housing and Urban Rehabilitation, 1977, (revised 1978)
 6Economics of the Sign Industry and Impact of a Sign Ordinance in Dallas, 1972
 7City of Dallas 1980 Census – STF 3A Employment, unknown publisher, undated
 8Mineral Lands in the City of Dallas.  Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, 1977
 9Management Services Report.  Post-1970 Population Trends in Dallas; A Comparison of Estimates Made by the City of Dallas and the Census Bureau.  City of Dallas Office of Management Services, 1979
 101979 Dallas Business Profile Survey Results and Findings.  Management Services Research Report, City of Dallas Office of Management Services
 11Dallas Data Book; A Report of the Economic Development Advisory Board.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1984 (2 copies)
 121975 Fire Station Location Plan.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1972
 13Comprehensive Land Use Policy Plan for Dallas.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1976
 14Dallas/Fort Worth Office Building Survey.  Henry S.  Miller Company, Office Building Division, 1987
 15Dallas/Fort Worth Shopping Center Survey.  Henry S.  Miller Company, 1987
 16Future of Spatial Structure of the North Central Texas Metropolitan Region.  Regional Science Research Institute:  Douglas B.  Stevens, T.  Kanashina and R.  Miller for the North Texas Council of Governments, 1970
 17Mobility 2000; the Regional Transportation Plan for North Central Texas.  North Central Texas Council of Governments, 1986
 18Dallas Metroplex 1984-1985 Industrial Real Estate Survey.  Henry Miller Company, 1984-1985 (2 copies)
 19Encouraging Economic Development in Southern Dallas Development Incentives:  A Report of the Economic Development Advisory Board.  Office of Economic Development, 1981
 20Encouraging Economic Development in Southern Dallas Development Incentives:  A Report of the Economic Development Advisory Board; Citizens Comments.  Office of Economic Development, 1981
 21Encouraging Economic Development in Southern Dallas Development Incentives:  A Report of the Economic Development Advisory Board; Recommendations.  Office of Economic Development, 1981
 22Encouraging Economic Development in Southern Dallas Development Incentives:  A Report of Economic Development Advisory Board; Development Incentives.  Office of Economic Development, 1981
 23Encouraging Economic Development in Southern Dallas Development Incentives:  A Report of Economic Development Advisory Board; Related Base Data.  Office of Economic Development, 1981 (2 copies)
 24Economic Impacts of the Proposed Dallas Town Lake.  Economic Research Associates, 1978 (2 copies)
 25Economic Impact of Selected Arts Organizations on the Dallas Economy.  Hammer, Siler, George Associates, 1977
 26City of Dallas Economic Market Share Study:  An analysis of the economic health of Dallas, Texas.  Office of Economic Development, 1979 (3 copies)
 27City of Dallas Industrial Development Corporation:  An evaluation of the Industrial Revenue Bond Program.  F. David Montarrez and City of Dallas Economic Development Staff, 1986
 28City of Dallas Industrial Development Corporation Application Package.  City Manager's Office, 1982
 29Fitzhugh/Capital Property Owners Study Summary Memorandum.  Sasaki Associates Inc., 1987
 30Revitalization Market Study and Revitalization Strategy; Forest Avenue Neighborhood Business District, 1979
 31Retail Market Study and Revitalization Strategy; East Grand Center Neighborhood Business District, 1979 (2 copies)
31Zoning Transition Economic Impact Assessment; Fifteen Case Studies, Dallas, Texas, 1987
 2Southeast Dallas Annexation Areas [unpublished], 1986
 3North Central Texas Council of Governments Population and Employment Data, 1980, 1990, and 2000.  North Central Texas Council of Governments, 1980
 4North Central Texas Council of Governments Population Data, 1980, 1990, and 2000.  North Central Texas Council of Governments, 1980
 5Interim Report on Planning Policies Issue Paper.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1983
 6City of Dallas Planning Policies Issue Paper.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1983 (2 copies)
 7City of Dallas Planning Policies:  Planning Policies Resolution.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1984
 8Briefing Document; Oral Interview Session, Neighborhood Presentation, and Economic Development Plan for South Dallas/Fair Park.  Prepared for District Six Land Use Committee.  Hammer, Siler, George Associates, 1986
 9Population and Housing Trends in Dallas, 1970-1976; Characteristics of Areas.  Department of Housing and Urban Rehabilitation, 1977, (revised 1978)
 10Comprehensive Land Use Plan; Part 1, Land Use Policies.  City of Dallas, 1975
 11Comprehensive Land Use Policy Plan for Dallas.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1976 (2 copies)
 12A Program Plan for Commercial Revitalization of Maple Avenue; Final Report.  Economics Research Associates, 1983
   Community Development Plans and Studies, Housing, and Historic Preservation​
 13Condominium Conversions in Dallas.  Department of Housing and Urban Rehabilitation and City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1979
 14Dallas Housing Trends in the Seventies, 1979
 15Forest Avenue Neighborhood Area Preservation Study, Funded through a block grant from the U.S.  Department of Housing and Urban Development for Dallas City Council, 1976 (2 copies)
 16Central Business District Housing Prospects.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1982 (2 copies)
 17Inner City Committee Report, 1981 (2 copies)
 18Southeast Oak Cliff Land Use, Housing and Economics Study:  A proposal to the City of Dallas.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1989
 19City of Dallas Target Neighborhood Plan Census Tract 88.02.  Department of Housing and Neighborhood Services, 1986 (3 copies)
 20Environmental Noise Assessment Dallas, Tx, Multi-Family Residential Noise Zones,1980
 21A Neighborhood Planning Guide for the Jefferson/Ruthmede Reinvestment Area, 1981
 22Rochester Park Master Plan Development Concept, 1979
 23Pollard Street Area Land Use Study, 1980
 24Report of the Task Force on Public Housing, 1983
 25Proposal for Consultant Services South Dallas/Fair Park Neighborhood Preservation and Economic Development Study, 1985 (2 copies)
 26Lake West Master Plan; a Rebuilding of the West Dallas Housing Projects, 1984
 27Preston Road – Dallas Parkway Corridor Study Land Use Proposals, 1978
 28Summary of Revision Proposals, Oak Lawn Plan, Oak Lawn Forum Report, 1983
 29Trinity Heights; a Neighborhood Planning Guide for the Trinity Heights Reinvestment Area, 1981 (2 copies)
41Turtle Creek Extension Feasibility Study, 1984
 2Residents' Views of Dallas Neighborhoods, 1977
 3Retail Market Study and Revitalization Strategy, Jefferson Boulevard Neighborhood Business District, 1979
 4Old Renner Land Use Study, 1983
 5Rylie Land Use Plan (draft), 1981
 6Kleberg Community Land Use Plan, 1980
 7Kidd Springs; a Neighborhood Planning Guide for the Kidd Springs Reinvestment Area, 1981
 8Kidd Springs; a Neighborhood Study, 1979
 9Kings Highway; a Neighborhood Planning Guide for the Kings Highway Reinvestment Area, 1981
 10Little Mexico Report, 1975
 11Los Altos; a Neighborhood Study (draft), 1978
 12Mill Creek Land Use Plan, 1988
 13Mayor's Task Force on Housing and Economic Development in Southern Dallas, 1984 (2 copies)
 14West End; a Development Guide to the City of Dallas' West End Historic District, 1981
 15Sunset; a Neighborhood Planning Guide for the Sunset Reinvestment Area, 1981 (2 copies)
 16North Oak Cliff Land Use and Development Plan, 1986 (2 copies)
 17Coit/Spring Valley Neighborhood Improvement Study, 1990
 18Jefferson Area Community Plan for the Jefferson Area Association, 1990
 19Study #19; An Economic Profile of Dallas, Technical Report T38X, 1972
 20A Better Dallas Through Better Housing; Field Report of Recommendations, Dallas Housing Task Force, 1986
 21Oak Lawn Study Phase One Report.  A.J.  Diamond Planners, LTD, 1983
 22Forest Avenue.  Harris and Partners—Sponsored by the City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development and the Dallas Urban League, 1978
 23Forest Avenue Workbook.  Harris and Partners, City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1978 (2 copies)
 24El Barrio Study Phase I.  City of Dallas Department of Housing and Urban Development, 1975 (2 copies)
 25East Grand Center Neighborhood Area Preservation Study.  City of Dallas, 1977
 26Neighborhood and/or Satellite Cultural Centers:  A Position Paper Prepared for Cultural Committee, Dallas Park & Recreation Board, 1978
 27Residential Preferences of Dallasites, undated
 28Preliminary Land Use Concepts for Far North Dallas.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1980
 29Executive Summary; Southwest Dallas Land Use Study Phase 1 (draft).  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1983
 30Study #18, Community Analysis Program Technical Report T37X04, 1972
 31Eagle Ford:  A Neighborhood Planning Guide for the Eagle Ford Reinvestment Area.  Department of Housing and Neighborhood Services, 1982
 32Trinity Heights:  a Neighborhood Planning Guide for the Trinity Heights Reinvestment Area, 1981
 33Northwest Highway Land Use Study.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1986
 34Report Summary of the Singleton Boulevard Corridor Study.  City of Dallas, 1979
 35712 Commerce:  a Proposal for Adaptive Re-use.  Thomas E.  Woodward & Associates, undated
 36Southwest Dallas Land Use Study Phase 1 (draft).  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1984 (2 copies)
 37Fair Park Link Study.  Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. for City of Dallas, undated
 38Fair Park Planning Study:  Programming, development and management study results.  LWFW Group for Park and Recreation Board and State Fair of Texas, 1981 (3 copies)
 39Fair Park Environs:  Existing Conditions and Plans, City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1980 (2 copies)
 40A Neighborhood Planning Guide for the Mount Auburn/Santa Fe/Owenwood Reinvestment Area.  City of Dallas Department of Housing and Neighborhood Services, 1982 (2 copies)
51A Neighborhood Planning Guide for the West Trinity/Lisbon Reinvestment Area.  City of Dallas Department of Housing and Neighborhood Services, 1982
 2Master Plan Report, A Rebuilding of the West Dallas Housing Projects.  Carter & Burgess, Inc., 1984
 3North Oak Cliff Land Use and Development Plan.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1986 (3 copies)
 4North Oak Cliff Land Use and Development Plan, Technical Appendix, 1986 (2 copies)
 5Near East Side Area Planning Study:  Phase 1 Working Paper, 1983
 6Neighborhood Image:  An Initial Analysis of Data from the Neighborhood Identity and Environment Study.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1976
 7East Grand Center Workbook.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1978
 8Neighborhood Preservation and Economic Development Plan, South Dallas/Fair Park Communities, Dallas, Texas.  Proposal.  Pryde, Roberts and Company, 1985
 9North End:  A Downtown Residential Community.  Needham McCaffrey Planning and Design, 1978
 10A Neighborhood Planning Guide for the North Henderson Reinvestment Area.  City of Dallas Department of Housing and Neighborhood Services, 1982
 11City of Dallas Target neighborhood Plan Census Tract 93.03.  City of Dallas Department of Housing and Neighborhood Services, 1986
 12Housing and the Future of Downtown Dallas.  Dallas Central Business District, Association, Inc., 1975
 13Construction Indicators, 1979
 14Construction Indicators 1970 thru December 1977.  City of Dallas Department of Housing and Urban Rehabilitation, 1978
 15Belmont-Matilda Zoning Recommendations.  City of Dallas Department of Housing and Neighborhood Services, 1983
 16Southwest Dallas Land Use Study Phase One (Draft).  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1984
 17Southwest Dallas Land Use Study Phase Two (Draft).  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1988
 18Housing:  A Method for Evaluating Potential Sites for High Density Residential Zoning in Dallas.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, undated
 19Trinity Heights; a Neighborhood Planning Guide for the Trinity Heights Reinvestment Area, 1981 (2 copies)
 20An Urban Strategy for Texas:  Report and Recommendations to the 70th Legislature.  The Texas House and Senate Joint Special Committee on Urban Issues, 1986
 21Proposed Housing Plan for the City of Dallas, Executive Summary.  Urban Land Institute, 1977
 22A Better Dallas Through Better Housing:  Preliminary Report of Recommendations, Dallas Housing Task Force, 1986
 23Study #4 Community Facilities and Services/Hospitals and Clinics.  Technical Report, T11X, 1971
 24Study #4 Community Facilities and Services/Streets and Highways.  Technical Report, T17X, 1972
 25Study #4 Community Facilities and Services/Water and Sewer.  Technical Report, T04X, 1972
 26Study #4 Community Facilities and Services/Street Lighting.  Technical Report, T18X, 1972
 27Study #4 Community Facilities and Services/Private Utilities.  Technical Report, T06X, 1971
 28Study #4 Community Facilities and Services/Police Protection.  Technical Report, T12X, 1971
 29Study #4 Community Facilities and Services/Solid Waste Disposal.  Technical Report, T05X, 1972
 30Study #22 Land Marketability and Absorption.  Technical Report, T41X, 1972
 31Study #25 Analysis of Relocation Resources.  Technical Report, T44X, 1972
 32Study #28 Administrative Resources.  Technical Report, T47X, undated
 33Study #32 Project Listen/A Survey of Citizens.  Technical Report, T54X, 1972
 34Study # 33 Citizen Participation.  Technical Report, T55X, 1972
 35Study # 23, Social Resources.  Technical Report, T42X, 1972
 36Community Series Reports—Highland.  Technical Report, C25P-03, 1972
61Community Series—ELAM.  Technical Report, C37P-04, 1972
 2Study # 30, Financial Resources.  Technical Report, T42X-06, undated
 3Study # 24, Housing Resources.  Technical Report, T43X-05, 1972
 4Study # 17, Goals for Community Action/Specific Goals.  Technical Report, T36X-02, 1972
 5Study # 16, Recommendations to the Comprehensive Plan.  Technical Report, T34X-02, 1972
 6Study # 8, Inspection of Housing Conditions/Interior and Exterior.  Technical Report, T28X-03, 1972
 7Study # 4, Community Facilities and Services/Hospitals and Clinics.  Technical Report, T11X-05, 1971
 8Study # 4, Community Facilities and Services/Adult, Vocational, and Higher Education.  Technical Report, T15X-05, 1972
 9Study # 4, Community Facilities and Services/Elementary and Secondary Education.  Technical Report, T14X-06, undated
 10Study # 2, Criteria to Define Blight.  Technical Report, TO2X-02, 1972
 11Study # 4, Community Facilities and Services.  Air Transportation Technical Report, TZ0X-05, 1971
 12Study #12, Design of an Integrated Mapping System.  Technical Report, T32X-02, 1972
 13Community Series Reports—Northwood.  Technical Report, C19P, undated
 14Study # 31, Program of Action, Volume II:  Program Recommendations.  Technical Report, T53X, undated
 15Community Series Reports—Jim Miller.  Technical Report, C33P-02, 1972
 16Study # 4 Community Facilities and Services.  Ground Transportation Technical Report, TZ1X-01, 1971
 17Study # 1 Influences Acting on Neighborhoods.  Technical Report, TOIX-07, 1972
 18Study #3, Neighborhood Inventory and Survey.  Technical Report T03X-03, 1972
   Historic Preservation
 19Jefferson Boulevard Neighborhood Area Preservation Study, undated
 20Historic Landmark Preservation:  Draft of Historic Preservation Ordinance
 21City of Dallas Historic Resource Survey.  Ronald P. Emrich, Urban Prospects Historic Preservation Consultant, 1985
 22Swiss Avenue Survey Report.  Urban Design Division, City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, undated
 23Victorian Architecture and Neighborhood Conservation Study in Dallas.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1979
 24Preservation and Dallas Codes; a Study for the Department of Housing and Urban Rehabilitation, Summary Report "A." Envirodynamic, Inc., 1976 (2 copies)
 25Preservation and Dallas Codes; a Study for the Department of Housing and Urban Rehabilitation, Analysis "B." Envirodynamic, Inc., 1976
 26Preservation and Dallas Codes; a Study for the Department of Housing and Urban Rehabilitation, Meeting Minutes "C." Envirodynamic, Inc., 1976
 27Munger Place National Register of Historic Places nomination documents, 1977
71Pamphlet, "Buying a Home in Historic Old East Dallas." Historic Preservation League, Inc., undated (2 copies)
 2Turtle Creek Pumping Station Preservation Plan.  Dallas Historic Preservation League, 1981
 3Preservation Incentives for Downtown Historic Landmark Buildings.  City of Dallas Program Provisions, 1983 (2 copies)
 4Fair Park Historic District Landmark Designation Report, 1984 (photocopy)
   Transportation Studies
 5Hawn Freeway Land Use Study.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1985
 6Feasibility Study for Luna Road Improvements—Northwest Highway to Royal Lane.  Department of Public Works, 1987
 7Dallas Urban Area Public Transportation Plan, Dallas Subregional Public Transportation Study.  Baston, Aschman and Associates, Inc., 1975 (2 copies)
 8Case Studies of Existing Thoroughfares and Couplets.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1981 (2 copies)
 9Report on Parking in the Business Center.  Prepared for the City of Dallas and the Central Business District Association, Vincent Ponte, 1981, 19p (2 copies)
 10Dallas Central Business District Master Parking Plan.  Office of Transportation Programs, 1981, 90p
 11East Dallas Thoroughfares:  Community overview.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1981
 12Dallas-Fort Worth Regional Transportation Study, Interim Report, 1971
 13Report on the City of Dallas Transit Route Study for the City of Dallas and North Central Texas Council of Governments.  Parsons, Brinkerhoff, Quade and Douglass, Inc., 1975
 14Cordon Count Central Business District.  City of Dallas Department of Traffic Control, 1946
 15Far North Dallas Area Land Use and Transportation Study:  Origin/Destination Analysis, Paper 4, 1980
 16Far North Dallas Area Land Use and Transportation Study:  Analysis of thoroughfare capacity for the years 1977-2000, Paper 5, 1980
 171986 Transportation Improvement Program for North Central Texas.  North Central Texas Council of Governments, 1986
 18Thoroughfare Plan Reevaluation and Update, Part B. Wilbur Smith and Associates, 1986
 19Preliminary Evaluation of DART Joint Development Revenue Potentials.  Freilich and Leitner, Real Estate Research Corporation and City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1985
 20City of Dallas Thoroughfare Plan:  A guide for streets.  City Council Ordinance, 1976
 21Dallas Bikeway Plan.  City of Dallas Department of Traffic Control, 1975 (2 copies)
 22Convention Center Alignment Study for DART Planning and Development Committee.  DART/PBDC Planning, 1988
 23Far North Dallas Area Land Use and Transportation Study:  Travel dispersion analysis for selected traffic generators, Paper 3, 1980
 24Far North Dallas Area Land Use and Transportation Study:  Citizen's view of the area, Paper 2, 1980
 25DART—Final Service Plan and Supporting Documentation, Resolution of the Dallas Area Rapid Transit Board, 1983 (2 copies)
 26Dallas/Fort Worth Regional Transportation Study, Origin Destination Survey Tables, Volume 1-A, 1964
 27Thoroughfares; Dallas Metropolitan Area.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1961
81Land Use Analysis; Spur 408 – Walton Walker – Kiest.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1981
 2Cityplace Station Area Plan (draft).  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1988
 3Cityplace Station Area Plan Appendix (draft).  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1988
 4Northwest Boulevard Landscape Planning Guidelines; Part of the City-Wide Street Design Guidelines, 1974
 5North Dallas Forum Report, 1984 (3 copies)
 6Appendices, North Dallas Forum Report
 71982 Noise Contour Update and Analysis, Dallas Love Field, Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc., 1983
 8Neighborhood Transportation Analysis for the Gaston/Highland Area, Department of Transportation, 1982 (2 copies)
 9Development Plan for Redbird Airport, 1981
 10Greater Far North Dallas Area Land Use and Transportation Study, 1988
 11Love Field - East Land Use Study, 1986
 12Love Field - West Land Use Study, 1986
 13Love Field - North Land Use Study, 1988
 14Proposal for Noise Control Program for Dallas Love Field.  Prepared for the Department of Aviation, Howard, Needles, Tammen & Bergendoff, 1981
 15Regional Heliport System Plan 2000.  North Central Texas Council of Governments, 1984
 16Airport Zoning Regulations, Report Number 001.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1985
 17Regional Airport System Plan 2000.  North Central Texas Council of Governments, 1984
 18City Manager's Report on Improvements to the Love Field Noise Control Program and the Love Field Policies.  City Manager's Office, 1986
 19Redbird Airport Development Plan.  City of Dallas Department of Aviation and City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1987 (2 copies)
 20Love Field Study.  City and Regional Planning, University of Texas at Arlington, 1980
 21Dallas Redbird Airport Land Use and Development Plan.  Department of Aviation and City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1970
 22Dallas Love Field Noise Control Program.  Prepared by Howard, Needles, Tammen & Bergendoff, 1981
 23Environmental Assessment for Proposed Runway Extension at Dallas Redbird Airport, Draft.  Howard, Needles, Tammen & Bergendoff, 1985
 24Martin Luther King, Jr.  Boulevard; a Corridor Study.  The City of Dallas, 1982
 25Dallas-Fort Worth Regional Transportation Study Transportation Improvement Program (Highway Element), 1978
 26Mid-cities Public Transportation Plan Summary Report, 1974
 27Parkway Center Project Part A:  Technical Proposal.  PAWA-Winkelmann and Associates, Inc., 1986
 28Engineering Analysis of Pearl/Flora Intersection.  DeShazo, Starek & Tang, Inc., 1982
   Central Business District and Arts District Studies​
 29Dallas Downtown Plan 1986.  Vincent Ponte and Warren Travers, for the City of Dallas and the Central Dallas Association, 1986
 30Central Business District Past Planning and Current Issues.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1982, (2 copies)
91Central Business District Pedestrian Facilities.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development—for Dallas City Plan Commission, 1974
 2Central Business District/Fair Park Linkage Study, Phase I Report.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1974
 3Advisory Committee Recommendations and Priorities; Dallas Downtown Plan, 1987
 4Dallas Central Business District Report.  Ponte-Travers Associates Planning and Traffic Consultants, 1969 (2 copies)
 5Development Strategy for the Southwest Quadrant of the Central Business District.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1980
 6DART and Downtown Dallas:  A report on rapid transit in the business center.  For the 1984 Dallas/Fort Worth Development Conference, Vincent Ponte, 1984 (2 copies)
 7Central Business District Market Analysis.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1981
 8Dallas Walkways 2:  A report on a new addition to the pedestrian system, Vincent Ponte, undated
 9Central Business District Concept Plan (Draft).  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1982 (2 copies)
 10Dallas Central Business District Goods and Services Distribution Project Update.  Office of Transportation Programs, 1980
 11Downtown Dallas:  2010; Toward a Visual Master Plan to Guide Development, undated (2 copies)
 12A Report on the Public Uses of Block 250, 1980
 13Akard/Pacific Intersection; a Report on a Missing Link in the Dallas Pedestrian System, 1981 (2 copies)
 14A Preliminary Study of Geometric Design and Parking Capacity for a Major Development in the Central Business District of Dallas, Texas, 1966
 15Dallas Walkways; a Report on a Sheltered Pedestrian System in the Business Center, 1979
 16Akard Street Pedestrian Improvements; Functional Analysis, Roadway Alignment, 1977 (3 copies)
  Arts District Studies
 17Arts Centers in Other Cities:  an analysis to accompany "A Comprehensive Art Facilities Plan for Dallas".  Carr, Lynch Associates, 1977
 18Dallas Arts District Urban Design Plan.  Sasaki Associates, Inc., 1982
 19Dallas Arts District, Report by Theatre Projects Consultants, Inc., 1984
 20Dallas Arts District Appendices.  Theatre Projects Consultants, Inc., 1984 (2 copies)
 21Dallas Arts District Design Competition, Burnett-Baldwin, 1982
 22Dallas Arts District Management Plan.  Prepared by the Project for Public Spaces, Inc., 1983 (3 copies)
 23Dallas Arts District Parking Garage Feasibility Study, Task Report 1:  Objects and Constraints.  DeShazo, Starek and Tang, Inc., 1982
 24Dallas Arts District Parking Garage Feasibility Study, Task Report 2:  Parking Demand DeShazo, Starek and Tang, Inc., 1982
 25Dallas Arts District Parking Garage Feasibility Study, Task Report 3:  Access and Circulation.  DeShazo, Starek and Tang, Inc., 1982
 26Dallas Arts District Parking Garage Feasibility Study, Task Report 4:  Physical Feasibility.  DeShazo, Starek and Tang, Inc., 1982 (2 copies)
   Parks, Open Spaces, and Environmental Studies​
 27City of Dallas Park and Recreation Department Beautification Policy, 1979 (3 copies)
 28Natural Open Space Plan, 1979
 29National Urban Recreation Study, Dallas/Fort Worth, 1977
 30Parks & Open Spaces; Dallas Metropolitan Area.  Prepared for the Dallas Area Master Plan Committee by City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development and Department of Parks and Recreation, 1959 (2 copies)
 31Long-Range Physical Development Plan for Parks and Recreational Facilities, Phase I:  Philosophy and Standards.  Planning and Research Division of the Park and Recreation Department, Dallas, Texas, 1981
 32Dallas Swimming Pools; a Component of the Master Plan.  City of Dallas Park and Recreation Department Planning Division, 1981
 33A Master Plan for Implementation of the 1987 Management Plan of White Rock Lake Park.  Dannenbaum Engineering Corporation, 1988
   Environmental Studies
101Environmental Impacts and Development Opportunities of Town Lake.  Sasaki Associates, Inc., 1983
 2The Quality of the Air Resources in the Dallas-Dallas County Study Area, April 1967 – April 1968.  Dallas City Health Department, 1968
 3Guide for a field trip   to sites that illustrate some effects of developing on the White Rock Escarpment.  Peter Allen, 1978
 4The Escarpment Report; Environmental Assessment and Development Guidelines for the White Rock Escarpment, 1982
 5Report of the Environmental Quality Committee.  City of Dallas, 1974
 6Report of the Environmental Quality Committee.  City of Dallas, 1974
 7The Dallas Ecological Study.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1973 (2 copies)
   Water-related Studies and Floodplain Management​
 8Flood Plain Management of Newton Creek and Rickets Branch, 1982
 9Final Regional Environmental Impact Statement:  Trinity River and Tributaries.  Corps of Engineers, U.S.  Army, 1987
 10Duck Creek, Garland, Texas.  Corps of Engineers, U.S.  Army, 1968
 11Hickory Creek, Balch Springs, and Kleberg.  Corps of Engineers, U.S.  Army, 1972
 12Tenmile Creek.  Corps of Engineers, U.S.  Army, 1968
 13North Mesquite Creek.  Corps of Engineers, U.S.  Army, 1973
 14Hackberry Creek and Cottonwood Branch.  Corps of Engineers, 1974
 15Rowlett Creek, Part I.  Corps of Engineers, 1973
 16Furneaux Creek.  Corps of Engineers, U.S.  Army, 1971
 17Kirby Creek, Grand Prairie.  Corps of Engineers, U.S.  Army, 1968
 18South Mesquite Creek.  Corps of Engineers, U.S.  Army, 1968
 19Hutton Branch and Cook's Branch.  Corps of Engineers, U.S.  Army, 1968
 20Johnson Creek, Arlington and Grand Prairie.  Corps of Engineers, U.S.  Army, 1968
 21Floodplain Management:  Hatfield Branch and Lower Rylie Creek.  Turner Collie and Braden, Inc., 1980 (2 copies)
 22Floodplain Management Study:  Honey Springs Branch, Lockwood.  Andrews and Neuman, Inc., 1979
111Floodplain Management Report:  Dixon Branch and Tributaries.  Brockette, Daris, Drake, Inc., 1984
 2Floodplain Hydraulics Study:  Forney Branch PAWA.  Winkelmann and Associates, 1987
 3Floodplain Hydraulics Study:  Channel improvements Audelia Branch.  Anderson Engineers, Inc., 1984
 4Flood Plain Management of Fivemile Creek, Volume 1.  Albert H. Halff Associates, Inc., 1976
 5Hydrology and Hydraulics of Flood Plain Studies for the City of Dallas.  Albert H. Halff Associates, Inc., 1976
 6Analysis of Water Service Area, Dallas Water Utilities.  Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co., 1980
 7Initiatives for Clean Water; the 1987 Annual Water Quality Management Plan for North Central Texas.  North Central Texas Council of Governments, 1986
 8Evaluation of Town Lake Alternatives, Executive Summary.  Espey, Huston & Associates, Inc., and Sasaki Associates, Inc., 1984
 9Economic Impacts of the Proposed Dallas Town Lake.  Economic Research Associates, 1978
 10Evaluation of Town Lake Alternatives.  Espey, Huston & Associates, Inc., and Sasaki Associates, Inc., 1984
 11Dallas Floodway Extension Area Economic Impact Study.  Economics Research Associates, 1980
 12Draft Regional Environmental Impact Statement, Trinity River and Tributaries, undated
 13Creek Assessment Study, Upper White Rock Creek.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1977
 14Report on Drainage Improvement Studies, Lower White Rock Creek.  Forrest and Cotton, Inc., Consulting Engineers for City of Dallas Department of Public Works, 1965
 15Report on Long Range Water Supply Study to Meet Anticipated Requirements to the Year 2050.  URS/Forrest and Cotton, Inc., 1975
 16Preliminary Design Report on Flood Plain Management for Lower Peaks Branch.  Albert H. Halff Associates, Inc., 1976
121Drainage Study, Stemmons North Industrial District.  City of Dallas Department of Public Works, Raymond L. Goodson, Jr., Inc., 1975
 2Environmental Impact Study of the Elm Fork Region of the Trinity River.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1972
 3Procedures for Filling in a Flood Plain Under the Flood Plain Management Guidelines.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1977
 4Procedures for Filling in the Trinity River or Elm Fork Flood Plain.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1977
 5Flood Plain Management of Cedar Creek and its Tributaries.  Albert H. Halff Associates, Inc., 1978
 6Management Alternatives for the Rush Creek Watershed:  A Pilot Stormwater Study, North Central Texas Council of Governments, 1983
   Oversized Items (all series)
131Dallas Central Business District:  Boulevards and Green Spaces.  City Council Ordinance 13263, 1971 (3 copies)
 2Dallas Central Business District:  Streets and Vehicular Circulation.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development, 1971 (2 copies)
 3Central Business District Pedestrian Facilities.  City of Dallas Department of Planning and Development for Dallas City Plan Commission, 1975
 4Dallas Arts District plan by Myrick-Newman-Dahlberg & Partners, Inc., 1982
 5Long - Range Physical Development Plan for Parks and Recreational Facilities, Phase II.  Park and Recreation Department, 1983
 6Coordinated Plan Open Space Development:  Trinity River System in Dallas.  Marvin Springer and Associates for Dallas Park Board, 1969
 7Fair Park Plan.  Marvin Springer and Associates for Dallas Park Board, 1971