Municipal Archives

City of Dallas Human Resources Photographs,1988-1999

​Collection 2002-008


Office of the City Secretary
Dallas Municipal Archives
1500 Marilla Street, 5D South
Dallas, Texas 75201​
Creator City of Dallas Human Resources Department
TitleCity of Dallas Human Resources Photographs
Dates1988 - 1999 and undated
Quantity5.21 linear feet
AbstractColor and black and white photographic prints and negatives documenting Human Resources activities and other Dallas City Hall events.
Language Records are in English

Scope and Content

Collection contains color and black and white photographic prints and negatives documenting the City of Dallas Human Resources Department's activities and other Dallas City Hall events.

The Human Resources Department, formerly called the Personnel Department, was created in May,1940 as the personnel agent of the city manager. Previously the functions normally handled by a personnel department were routed through the office of the Assistant Director of Finance, who served as personnel director along with other duties.

The present day Human Resources Department performs the functions of recruiting labor, processing of appointees secured through Civil Service, and handling of transfers and promotion. It administers a uniform plan for sick and vacation leave, payroll and distribution of checks, conducting employee orientation classes for new employees, and supervisory training.


The collection is organized as found and has only minimal arrangement.


Permission to publish, reproduce, distribute, or use by any and all other current or future developed methods or procedures must be obtained in writing from the Dallas Municipal Archives.  All rights are reserved and retained regardless of current or future development or laws that may apply to fair use standards.  The researcher assumes full responsibility for observing all copyright, property, and libel laws as they apply.


City of Dallas Human Resources Photographs, 1998-1999> (Box <x>, Folder <y>), Dallas Municipal Archives

Related Material

Collection 1999-003—City Photographer Collection

Index Terms

City Government -- Texas -- History
Dallas -​- Texas -- History  
Photography -- City Government -- Texas -- History

Container List 

Box Folder​​ Title, Date
11Unidentified negatives, undated
​2​Councilmember Larry Duncan negatives, 1998
​3​Councilmember Laura Miller, color prints and negatives, undated
​4​City Manager Jan Hart, black and white print, undated
​5​Councilmember Laura Miller, color prints and negatives, May 21
​6​Unidentified employee at awards ceremony, color print, undated
​7​Housing Department, color negatives, undated
​8​Unidentified negatives, undated
​9Dallas City ​Council chambers, color prints and negatives, undated
​10​Unidentified awards ceremony, color prints, undated
​11​Unidentified awards ceremony, color negatives, 2001
​12​Edwin Ruiz Diaz, color prints, undated
​13​Dallas City Council, color prints and negatives, 1996
​14​Unidentified color prints and negatives, undated
​15​Dallas boards and commissions, color prints and negatives, undated
​16​Veterans' Day Parade, color prints and negatives, 1998
​17​College recognition, color print and negatives, undated
​18Dallas City Council/Carolyn Newman, color prints and negatives, 1997
​19​Dallas Arboretum, color prints, undated
​20​Heavyweight champion, color negatives, undated
​21​Veteran's Day parade, color prints and negatives, undated
​22​Mayor's press conference, color prints and negatives, undated
​23​Boards and commissions, color prints and negatives, undated
​24​College recognition, color prints and negatives, undated
​25​Dallas City Council, color prints and negatives, undated
​26​Human Resources employees retreat, 1997
​27​Unidentified color prints and negatives, undated
​28Unidentified color prints and negatives, undated
​29​Christmas management forum, color prints and negatives, undated
​30​Dallas City Council meeting, color prints and negatives, 1997
​31Dallas City Council meeting, color prints and negatives, 1997
​32Dallas City Council meeting, color prints and negatives, 1997
​33Dallas City Council meeting, color prints and negatives, 1997
​34​Unidentified color and black and white prints and negatives, undated
​35 Christmas at Dallas City Hall, color prints and negatives, undated
​36Christmas at Dallas City Hall, color prints and negatives, undated
​37​Unidentified conference, color prints, undated
​38​Mid-manager questionnaire and Perspectives newsletter prints, 1993-1994
​39​Career Lines newsletter prints, 1990-1994
​40​Olympians, color prints and negatives, 1996
​41​Unidentified color prints and negatives, undated
​42​Dallas City Council chambers, color prints and negatives, 1996
​43​Unidentified color prints and negatives, undated
​44Unidentified color prints and negatives, undated
​45​Dallas City Council meeting, color prints, undated
​46​Christmas slides, undated
​47​Non-management forum, color prints and negatives, 1996
​48​Technology conference, color prints and negatives, 1996
​49​Unidentified conference, color prints and negatives, undated
​50​Unidentified color prints and negatives, undated
​51Carolyn Newman, color prints and negatives, 1997
​52​State Fair parade, color prints and negatives, 1997
​53Technology conference, color prints and negatives, 1997
​54​Support staff luncheon, color prints and negatives, 1997
​55Support staff conference, color prints and negatives, 1997
​56Technical staff and Dallas City Council meeting, color prints and negatives, 1997
​57​Annual charitable campaign rally, color prints and negatives, undated
​58​Councilmember Lois Finkleman, color negatives, undated
​59​Women's forum, color prints and negatives, 1997
​60​Diana's event, color prints and negatives, undated
​61​Supervisory/administrative conference, color prints and negatives, 1997
​62​Support staff luncheon, color prints and negatives, 1997
​63​Technology conference, color prints and negatives, 1997
​64​Rosa Parks' visit to Dallas City Hall during Kindness Week, 1995
​65​Dallas City Council inauguration, color prints, 1997
​2​1​Dallas City Council meeting, color prints and negatives, 1996
​2​Service Incentive Pay awards, color prints and negatives, undated
​3​Mentoring recognition, color negatives, 1996
​4​Dallas Cowboys championship parade, color prints and negatives, 1996
​5Dallas Cowboys championship parade [council and crowds], color prints and negatives, 1996
​6 Dallas City Council meeting, color prints and negatives, 1997
​7Dallas City Council meeting proclamations, color prints and negatives, undated
​8Dallas City Council meeting, color prints and negatives, 1996
​9​Mobil Green Team, color prints and negatives, 1996
​10​Unidentified conference, color prints and negatives, undated
​11​Unidentified color prints, undated
​12​"Kim," color prints and negatives, undated
​13​Walk America choir, color prints and negatives, undated
​14​Unidentified color prints and negatives, undated
​15Unidentified color prints and negatives, undated
​16​Dallas City Council meeting, color prints and negatives, undated
​17​Diana's retirement party, color prints and negatives, undated
​18Diana's retirement party, color prints and negatives, undated
​19Diana's retirement party, color prints and negatives, undated
​20​Fashion show support staff, color prints,1997
​21​Christmas entertainment at Dallas City Hall, color prints and negatives, undated
​22Diana's retirement party (1), color prints and negatives, undated
​23Diana's retirement party (2), color prints and negatives, undated
​24Diana's retirement party (3), color prints and negatives, undated
​25Diana's retirement party (4), color prints and negatives, undated
​26Diana's retirement party (5), color prints and negatives, undated
​27​College recognition, color prints and negatives, 1996
​28​Class of 1997, support staff conference, retirees, color prints, 1997
​29​Dallas City Council meeting, color negatives, undated
​30​Dallas City Council meeting [Chris Luna and Max Wells], color prints and negatives, no date
​31​Cityside newsletter, color prints, undated
​32​Healthfest, color prints, 1997
​33​Give us a Hand, color prints, undated
​34​Dallas City Council, color prints, 1997
​35​Mobil Green Team, color prints and negatives, undated
​36​State Fair, Dallas City Council Meetings, color prints and negatives, 1996
​37​AT&T Job Fair, Dallas City Hall Plaza, color prints and negatives, 1996
​38​Job fair, color prints and negatives, no date
​39​College recognition, color prints and negatives, 1996
​40College recognition, color prints and negatives, no date
​41College recognition, color prints and negatives, no date
​42​Dallas police officers at Dallas City Council Chambers, color prints and negatives, no date
​43​Matrice Kirk, color prints and negatives, 1997
​44​Dallas City Council Meeting, color prints and negatives, September 1996?
​45​​Dallas City Council Meeting, color prints and negatives, October 1996?
​46​Unidentified conference, color prints and negatives, undated
​47​Support staff conference, color prints and negatives, 1997
​48​Christmas, management forum department party, color prints and negatives, undated
​49​Holiday party, color prints and negatives, undated
​50​Spanish class, color prints and negatives, undated
​51​Unidentified conference, color negatives, 1997
​52​Technical conference, color prints and negatives, undated
​53​Diana’s retirement, color prints and negatives, undated
​54​Support staff conference, color prints and negatives, undated
​55​Christmas tree lighting, color prints and negatives, 1996
​56Dallas City ​Council, color prints and negatives, undated
​57​Ray Nasher, El Centro College, color prints and negatives, undated
​58Dallas City ​Council meeting, color prints and negatives, 1997
​59Dallas City ​Council meeting, color prints and negatives, 1997
​60​Dallas City Council meeting, color prints and negatives, 1996
​61​Unidentified color prints and negatives, undated
62​Unidentified color negatives, undated
63​​Dallas City Council Chambers, color prints, 1995
​64Dallas Council meeting, color prints and negatives, undated
65​​Dallas City Council meeting, color prints and negatives, undated
​3​1Dallas City Council color negatives, undated
​2​Charitable campaign color negatives, undated
​3​Unidentified color negatives, undated
​4Wellness Fair, color prints and negatives, undated
​5​Gene's retirement, color negatives, undated
​6​Christmas, color prints and negatives, undated
​7​Jan Hart reception, color negatives, undated
​8"​User Friendly," black and white prints, 1992
​9​Clean Your Desk, color prints, 1993
​10​"User Friendly," black and white prints and negatives, 1992
​11Dallas City Manager ​Richard Knight black and white portrait, 1988
​12​Name the Elephant contest, black and white and color negatives, undated
​13​Office of Intergovernmental Affairs, color negatives, undated
​14​World Cup XV, black and white prints and negatives, 1994
​15​"User Friendly," color prints and negatives, undated
​16​Economic Development Department, Fiesta, Roger Staubach, undated
​17​Personnel IPMA, color prints and negatives, undated
​18​Unidentified negatives, undated
​19​Dallas Police Department community liaison robot, black and white prints , undated
​20​GED ceremonies (1), black and white prints and negatives, undated
​21​GED ceremonies (2), color prints and negatives, undated
​22​Quality in Service, color prints and negatives, 1992
​23​Wellness Center's  Healthfest, black and white and color prints and negatives, 1991
​24​Ron Kirk, Juan Gonzalez, color prints and negatives, undated
​25​Ron Kirk, “Magic” Johnson, Steve Harvey, color prints and negatives, undated
​26​Mobil internship kickoff, unidentified color negatives, undated
​27​Unidentified negatives, undated
​28​Dallas City Council, color prints, undated
​29​Christmas party, color negatives, 1998
30​Healthfest, color prints, 1998
​31​Downtown Earth Day with Dallas City Council, color prints and negatives, undated
​32​Dallas City Council, color prints and negatives, undated
​33Unidentified color prints and negatives, undated
​34​White Rock Lake, color prints and negatives, undated
​35​Unidentified color prints and negatives, undated
​36Unidentified color prints and negatives, undated
​37​Staff conference, color prints and negatives, undated
​38​Christmas Party, City Hall, color prints and negatives, 1997
​39​School partnership, color prints and negatives, undated
​40​Job Fair, color prints and negatives, undated
​41​Mid-manager conference, color prints and negatives, 1997
​42Dallas City ​Council meeting holiday party, Walk America, Mary Kay, color prints and negatives, undated
​43​Diana’s retirement, color prints and negatives, undated
​44Dallas City Council, unidentified color prints, undated
​45​Mayor Steve Bartlett presentation, black and white prints, undated
​46​Veteran’s Day Parade, color prints, 1998
​4​1​GED, color prints, undated
​2​Inroads student, color prints and negatives, undated
3​Staff Photos for quarterly newsletter, color prints and negatives, undated
​4​Earth Day at Pegasus Plaza, color prints and negatives, undated
​5​Unidentified awards ceremony, color prints and negatives, undated
6​Mayor’s Summer Reading Program, color negatives, undated
7​African American celebration, color prints and negatives, 1998
​8​Kim Croxton’s going away party, color negatives, undated
​9​Walk America, “Grease”, color prints and negatives, undated
​10​Mayor and Dallas City Council at statue unveiling, color prints, undated
​11​Inspector training workshop, color prints and negatives, undated
​12​Bond investors, color prints and negatives, undated
​13​Support, mid-manager and supervisory/administrative staff conferences, color prints and negatives, 1995
​14​Dallas Goes Digital, color prints and negatives, 1998
​15​Channel 5, color prints and negatives, undated
​16​Mayor’s Summer Reading Program, color prints, undated
​17​Back to School program, color prints and negatives, 1998
​18​Dallas Cowboys parade, color prints, 1995/1996
​19​Paramedics, color prints and negatives, undated
​20​Mayor’s One on One, color prints and negatives, undated
​21Dallas City ​Council meeting, Mickey Mouse, color prints and negatives, undated
​22​Dallas City Council meeting, unidentified color prints and negatives, undated
​23​Dallas Black Dance Theater, color prints and negatives, undated
​24​Mayor’s Summer Reading Challenge, color photograph and negatives, undated
​25​Service recognition, color prints and negatives, 1998
​26​Service recognition, color prints and negatives, 1997
​27​Kirby Puckett - health screening, color prints and negatives, undated
​28​Thirty Year award, color prints and negatives, undated
​29​Dallas City Council meeting, 100th Birthday Celebration, color prints and negatives, undated
​30Dallas City ​Council meeting, Council Member Al Lipscomb presenting, color prints and negatives, undated
​31​Charitable campaign, color prints and negatives, 1998
​32​Photos for Cityside newsletter, color prints, undated
​33​Staff photos for quarterly newsletter, color prints, undated
​34​Mid-manager conference, color prints and negatives, 1998
​35​Code Enforcement graduation, color negatives, 1998
​36​Unidentified Convention Center event, color prints and negatives, undated
​37​Unidentified slides, undated
​38​Unidentified negatives and slides, undated
​39Unidentified  color prints and black and white portraits, undated
​40Henry ​Cisneros Cotton Bowl Promotion, color prints, undated
​41​Supervisory/administrative conference, color prints and negatives, 1995
​42​“Kim’s Prints”, Councilmember Finkelman, black and white portrait, color prints, 1996
​43​Supervisory/administrative staff conference, People Helping People, color prints, 1995
​44​Unidentified color prints, undated
​45​Unidentified slides, undated
​46​Mayor’s Summer Reading program, negatives, undated
​47​Walk America at White Rock Lake, color prints and negatives, 1998
​48​Southwest Airlines State Fair Classic, Coach Eddie Robinson, color prints and negatives, undated
​49​Unidentified negatives, undated
​50​Walk America at White Rock Lake, color prints and negatives, 1997
​51​Conference volunteer’s award banquet, color prints and negatives, 1996
​52​Management forum, color prints and negatives, undated
​53​Support staff conference, color prints and negatives, 1996
​54​Staff retreat, color prints, 1997
​55​Christmas/retirement party, color prints and negatives, 1997
​56​Christmas meeting, color prints and negatives, 1996
​57Dallas City ​Council meeting, Faye Collins, color prints and negatives, undated
​58​Dallas City Council meeting, color prints and negatives, 1996
​59​Unidentified Dallas Museum of Art event, color prints and negatives, undated
​5​1​Raymond Nasher, color prints and negatives, undated
​2​College At City Hall, color prints and negatives, 1996
​3​State of the City address, color prints and negatives, 1996
​4​Unidentified event at Cotton Bowl, color prints and negatives, undated
​5​City staff softball, color prints and negatives, undated
​6​Dallas City Council meeting, color prints and negatives, undated
​7State Fair, color prints and negatives, 1996​
​8​Healthfest/Olympic torch, color prints and negatives, 1996
​9​Olympians, color prints and negatives, 1996
​10​Olympic torch, color prints and negatives, 1996
​11​Unidentified color negatives, undated
​12​Management forum, 30 year service awards, color prints and negatives, undated
​13​City Store ribbon cutting, color negatives, undated
​14​Support staff luncheon with Tony Bugmon, color prints and negatives, undated
​15​Management forum/State Fair, color prints and negatives, 1996
​16​Casa Rio, color prints and negatives, 1996
​17​Tree lighting, color prints and negatives, 1996
​18​Staff Charitable Campaign, color prints, undated
​19​Unidentified negatives, undated
​20​African American heritage event, color prints and negatives, undated
​21​African American heritage event, color prints and negatives, 1995
​22​Casa Rio, color prints and negatives, undated
​23​Casa Rio, color prints and negatives, undated
​24​Service recognition reception, color prints and negatives, 1996
​25​Diana’s retirement, color prints and negatives, undated
​26​Diana’s retirement, color prints and negatives, undated
​27​Unidentified color prints and negatives, undated
​28​Henry Cisneros, color prints and negatives, 1995
​29​GED ceremony, color negatives, undated
​30​Compensation training, color prints and negatives, undated
​31​Henry Cisneros, color prints and negatives, undated
​32​Dallas City Council meeting, color prints and negatives, undated
​33​Unidentified color prints and negatives, undated
​34​Texas wildflowers, Dallas skyline, color prints and negatives, undated
​35​Walk America, color prints and negatives, 1999
​36​Mayor Ron Kirk’s One on One, color prints and negatives, undated
​37​Supervisory/administrative conference, color prints and negatives, 1998
​38​Unidentified color prints and negatives, undated
​39​Walk America, color prints and negatives, 1999
​40​Unidentified awards ceremony, color prints and negatives, undated
​41​Walk America, color prints and negatives, 1999
​42​Trinity River student design, color prints and negatives, 1999
​43​J. C. Penney presentation, color prints and negatives, undated
​44​Walk America, color prints and negatives, 1998
​45​Walk America, color prints and negatives, 1998
​46​Mayor’s One on One, color prints and negatives, undated
​47​Mayor’s One on One, color prints and negatives, undated
​48​Community development, color prints, undated
​49​Supervisory staff conference, color prints and negatives, 1997
​50​Southwest Airlines executive, color prints and negatives, undated
​51​African American history, color prints and negatives, undated
​52​All Stars, negatives, undated
​53​Frank Breedlove retirement, color prints and negatives, undated
​54​Matrice Kirk at the Women’s Museum, color prints and negatives, undated
​55​Always the Cotton Bowl, color prints and negatives, undated
​56​J. C. Penney presentation, color prints and negatives, undated
​57​Support staff recognition, negatives, undated
​58Fire Chief ​Dodd Miller and Dallas City Council, color prints and negatives, undated
​59​Commitment 2000, Wellness Center showers, technical staff conference, color prints and negatives, 2000
​60​Staff conference, color prints and negatives, undated
​6​1​Dallas Cowboys championship parade, color prints, undated
​2​Alan’s party, color prints, undated
​3​Casa de Marionette, color prints, undated
​4​Pioneer Plaza, color prints and negatives, undated
​5​Unidentified prints, undated
​6​Health fair, color prints and negatives, 1997
​7​Health fair, color prints and negatives, 1997
​8​Health fair, color prints and negatives, 1997
​9​Black and white portraits, Wellness Center color prints, undated
​10​Sanitation Department, color prints, undated
​11​Christmas party, color prints, undated
​12​Veterans Day parade, color prints and negatives, undated
​13​Charitable Campaign rally, color prints and negatives, 1997
​14​Christmas management forum, color prints and negatives, 1998
​15​Christmas party, color negatives, 1997
​16​Veterans Day parade, color prints and negatives, undated
​17​Dallas City Hall staff Christmas choir, color prints and negatives, undated
​18​Hope Tree lighting, color prints and negatives, 1998
​19​Supervisory/administrative conference, color prints and negatives, 1998
​7​1​Retired city employee’s Christmas party, color prints and negatives, 2002
​2​Management forum, Charitable Campaign, color prints and negatives, 1998
​3​Unidentified  color prints and negatives, undated
​4​Mayor’s Summer Reading Program, color prints and negatives, undated
​5​College recognition, color prints and negatives, undated

​6​Dallas Black Dance Theatre, color prints and negatives, undated